Suhan is an Associate Professor at 沙巴体育 Institute of Management. He is presently sharing the responsibilties of Marketing Area Coordinator and?沙巴体育 Relations Coordinator.
He ia also certified as internal quality auditor (ISO) in 2006 and ISO 9001:2008, ISO 2008:14001.
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD | Marketing | Jain University | 2017 |
MCom | Kuvempu open University | 2011 | |
MPhil in Management | Alagappa State University Karaikudi | 2003 | |
MBA (Master of Business Administration) | Department of Business Administration Mangalore | 1999 | |
Bachelor of Arts | History, Economics and Political science | St. Aloysius Evening College Mangalore | 1997 |
PGDCA | St. Aloysius Computer Centre Mangalore | 1997 | |
DME (Diploma in Mechanical Craftsmanship) | Hebich Technical Training Institute Mangalore | 1991 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育 | Associate Professor | Teaching | 13-11-2000 to present |
Karnataka Regional Engineering College, (now known as National Institute of Technology,Karnataka) Surathkal, India | Assistant Lecturer | Teaching | 06-09-1999 to 03-06-2000 |
Badriya first Grade College, Mangalore, India | Lecturer | Teaching | 15-06-1999 to 04-09-1999. |
St.Aloysius evening college, Mangalore, India | Lecturer | Teaching | 07-06-1999 to 06-09-1999. |
Chirag Enterprises | Production Manager and quality controller | Administration | 15-09-1991 to 20-11-1995 |
Area of Interest
Marketing Management, Advertising, Consumer Behaviour, Sales And Distribution, Rural Marketing
Area of Expertise
Marketing and 沙巴体育 Business
Area of 沙巴体育
Cause related marketing, functional, emotional and self-expressive benefits and trust.
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- A paper on “An awareness and satisfaction study on Referrals and internal job posting” is presented at the 3rd international conference on management research held at Bharathidasan Institute of management, Tiruchirapalli, India on 14th and 15th February 2009.
- A paper on “Marketing strategies of Budweiser pertaining to the awareness, brand health, loyalty and brand call to attain a substantial market share” is presented at the 3rd 沙巴体育 conference on Management research held at Bharathidasan Institute of management, Tiruchirapalli, India on 14th and 15th February 2009.
- A paper on “A study on the distribution channel and its perception about D Link (India) LTD brand vis-à-vis its competitors” is presented at the 3rd international conference on management research held at Bharathidasan Institute of management, Tiruchirapalli, India on 14th and 15th February 2009.
- A paper on “Brand Awareness and perception of life insurance investment as a profession with special reference to Bajaj Alliance Industry in India” is presented at the 12th annual Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association conference held at Sydney, Australia on 6-9, July, 2008.
- A paper on “Customer buying pattern and role of Advisors with special reference to ICICI Prudential life insurance” is presented at the 12th annual Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association conference held at Sydney, Australia on 6-9, July, 2008.
- A paper on “ An Evaluative study of awareness, usage and perception of child insurance in an globalized Economy: An Indian Perspective”? is presented at the 11th annual Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association conference held at Taipei, Taiwan on 22-25, July,2007.
- A paper on “A study of motor insurance claim in an Indian perspective” is presented at the 11th annual Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association conference held at Taipei, Taiwan on 22-25, July, 2007.
- A paper entitled “A study on salt water fishing and changes in the marine fish landing in Malpe fishing harbour Karnataka, India” is presented in the first international conference on “Best of East and West: Nurturing performing Organizations” held at Prestige institute of Management and research, Indore, India on 30-31, January, 2007.
- A paper on “Globalization and sectorial impact – Agricultural, Manufacturing, Services and Small Industry” is presented in the international conference on “New Role of State and Civil Society” held at Loyola College, Chennai, India on 14-16, January, 2004.
- A paper on” World bank global partnership for development- a case study has presented in a national conference on public private partnership with special reference to infrastructure development, industrialization and tourism held by S.D.M college of business management post graduate center for management studies & research on 28th January 2013.
- Coordinator and participated in the Faculty development workshop titled’ Data Analysis for 沙巴体育’ organized by 沙巴体育 Institute of Management during 5-7th October 2012.
- Participated in a Workshop on “Safety Issues in Hospital towards Quality Patient care" organized by Department of Hospital Administration K.M.C in association with Academy of Hospital Administration, India on 25 June 2011
- A paper on “Indian Rubber Industry- A core sector role in the Indian National Economy” is presented in the national seminar on “Changing Ethos of Agri-Business Management and Education” held at Mysore University, India on 19-20th March 2010.
- A paper on “A study on co-operative milk producer’s federation Ltd(KMF) pertaining to the production, distribution and sale of milk and milk product” is presented in the national seminar on “Changing Ethos of Agri-Business Management and Education” held at Mysore University, India on 19-20th March 2010.
- A paper on “ERP product lines Private limited- E Waste management” is presented in the national conference on “Entrepreneurship- A ray of hope” held at SDM college of Business Management, Mangalore, India on 4th April 2009.
- A paper on “B-plan on smokeless Briquetter-Agni Company” is presented in the national conference on “Entrepreneurship- A ray of hope” held at SDM college of Business Management, Mangalore, India on 4th April 2009.
- A paper on “B- plan on Ecotourism- Aram Ghar” is presented in the national conference on “Entrepreneurship- A ray of hope” held at SDM college of Business Management, Mangalore, India on 4th April 2009.
- A paper on “The silver lining in retail cloud” is presented in the national conference on Economic crisis and recent trends in management held at P.A.College of Engineering, Mangalore, India on 24th march 2009.
- A paper on “Work place ambience: Resolving problems of employee satisfaction and HR practices antagonism in organization” is presented in the national conference on Economic crisis and recent trends in management held at P.A.College of Engineering, Mangalore, India on 24th march 2009.
- A paper on “fishing industry and development perspectives in Karnataka” is presented in the national seminar held at Cochin schools of management studies, University of science and technology, Kochi, India on 20-21, February, 2009.
- Attended in the conference on “Management Education: country perspectives in a globalizing world” organized by Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Bangalore, India on 24-25, January, 2008.
- Participated in the “workshop on research methodology” conducted by 沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育, India on 23-24, March, 2007.
- A paper entitled “A study on effectiveness of Advertisement in various media on toothpaste consumers located in Rural and Urban areas of undivided Dakshina Kannada” is presented in the Eight National conference on “Going global: Changing strategies of Winning Organizations” held at Prestige institute of Management and research, Indore, India on 30-31, January, 2006.
- A paper on “A study on employee satisfaction in Karnataka Bank Limited, Mangalore” is presented in the two-day national seminar on “Human resource Development: New Paradigms and directions” held at Mangalore university campus, Mangalagangotri, Mangalore, India on 17-18, March, 2006.
- Participated in National Workshop on “Targeting Business 沙巴体育 for Excellence in Management Education, A Business School Perspective" conducted by Institute of?Integrated Learning in Management (IILM) New Delhi, India on 24-25 September 2004.
- A paper on “Need for effective traffic Management system in Udupi- A study” is presented in the two-day national conference on “Urban infrastructure and quality of life” organized by 沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育, India on 15-16, May, 2004.
- Participated in the workshop on “Coastal Shipping and Road Transport systems: Integration and quality Improvement” Organized by 沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育, India on 2-3, November, 2003.
- Attended a faculty development programme on “Experiential learning tools in marketing teaching”? conducted by T.A.Pai Management Institute, 沙巴体育, India held on 22-27, September, 2003.
- A paper on “Infrastructure issues in tourism with reference to Udupi District” is presented in the three-day national conference on “Infrastructure Management: Emerging Issues” organized by 沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育, India on 16-18, May, 2003.
- A paper on “Urban Infrastructure and solid waste Management- A study” is presented in the three-day national conference on “Infrastructure Management: Emerging Issues” organized by 沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育, India on 16-18, May, 2003.
- Technology based entrepreneurship development programme organized on Feb. 2010- session on marketing on entrepreneurship held at MIM
- Convener for the international Conference on “Health care market and emerging consumers-Innovation, Efficiency and Effectiveness” organized by 沙巴体育 Institute of Management during 21-23 January 2010.
- Coordinator for Headstart leadership by Reliance money for first and second year MBA students of MIM.
- Moderator for the concurrent session 4: Life insurance at the 12th Annual Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association conference held by University of New 沙巴体育 Wales at Sydney, Australia on 9th July, 2008.
- Convener for the National Conference on “Urban Infrastructure and quality of life” organized by 沙巴体育 Institute of Management during 15-16 May 2004.