Dr Pooja Rao is involved in teaching, diagnostic and research in Microbiology.
She is a member of HAICC at KMC hospitals , Attavar & Ambedkar Circle. Is also the infection Control officer at KMC hospital Ambedkar Circle. She is Deputy Quality Manager , State Reference Laboratory.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Microbiology |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MD | Microbiology | KMC Mangalore | 2013 |
MBBS | Bangalore Medical College and 沙巴体育 Institute | 2009 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
KMC Mangalore | Assistant Professor | 2014 onwards | |
KMC Hospital, Mangalore | Registrar | 2013 - 2014 |
Received 沙巴体育 Faculty seed grant Rs50,000/-.Association of serotypes of Dengue virus as predictor in severity of disease .2019
Received MacID best publication award and a cash prize of Rs 5000/- in the year 2019
Received TMA Pai Gold Medal for best publication in the year 2019
Area of Interest
Bacterial Drug Resistance, Diagnostic Bacteriology, Virology
Area of Expertise
Diagnostic Bacteriology, Gastrointestinal infections
Area of 沙巴体育
Gastrointestinal infections in Paediatric age group
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Life member of IAMM.
Additional Information
- Trained as internal auditor and QMS 2012
- Trained in NABH standard program
1. Rao Pooja, K N Sowmya, Baliga Shrikala, M Radhakrishna and Bele Keerthiraj. A Spectrum of Bacterial Pathogens and its Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern Isolated from Neonatal Sepsis in an NICU in a Government Pediatric Hospital. Int. Res. J. Biological Sci. Vol. 4(5), 50-54, May 2015
2.Pooja Rao, ShrikaraMallya P, Keerthiraj Bele. Prevalence of rotavirus in acute pediatric patients admitted to a tertiary care hospital in mangalore. J Adv Sci Res, 2015, 6(3): 37-40 3. 3.Joon, Annu and Rao, Pooja and Shenoy, Suchitra M and Baliga, Shrikala (2015) Prevalence of Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in the patients presenting with acute viral hepatitis. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 33 (S1). S102-S105.
4.Radhakrishna M,Aishwarya Taneja, Pooja Rao. Nasal carriage of staphylococcus aureus with special emphasis on methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus among students of a south indian medical college - prevalence and antibiogram pattern. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Suppl. 2, 2016, 129-132.
5. Sanyuktha T, Pooja Rao, Keerthiraj B, Radhakrishna M. Bright asteroids in the red sea - an emerging pathogen candida haemolunii: are azoles the treatment option?. Asian j pharm clin res, vol 10, issue 2, 2017, 1-2
6B. Laxmi Narayana, Pooja Rao , Sevitha Bhat, and K. Vidyalakshmi. Comparison of the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Various Contact Lens Solutions to Inhibit the Growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. 沙巴体育 Journal of Microbiology Volume 2018, Article ID 5916712, 5 pages
7. AnkitaPorwal, SevithaBhat, Ashwini Hegde, PoojaRao, Shalini Shenoy. Clinicomicrobiological Study of Bacteraemia Caused by Coliforms in Adults Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic 沙巴体育. 2018 Jul, Vol-12(7): DC15-DC19
8.Tulasidas S, Rao P, Bhat S, Manipura R. A study on biofilm production and antifungal drug resistance among Candida species from vulvovaginal and bloodstream infections. Infection and Drug Resistance 2018:11 2443–2448
9.Shettigar, Sanyuktha and Shenoy, Shalini and Bhat, Sevitha and Rao, Pooja (2018) Microbiological Profile of Deep Tissue and Bone Tissue in Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic 沙巴体育, 12 (6). pp. 20-22.
10.Shreyas K and , Radhakrishna M and Hegde, Ashwini and Rao, Pooja (2018) Is acquisition of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus - An occupational hazard for medical students in India? Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical 沙巴体育, 10 (12). pp. 141-144.
11.Dhanyashree Rai, Pooja Rao, Sevitha Bhat, Udayalaxmi Jeppu. Evaluation of Carbapenem-resistant genes and Colistin susceptibility in gram negative organisms from clinically significant samples Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, September 2019, Vol. 10, No. 09
12.Kristel Bhalla, Pooja Rao, Radhakrishna Manipura. A Clinico-Epidemiological Analysis of Seropositive Cases of Tropical Infections and their Co-Infection in Tertiary Care Hospital in 沙巴体育 India. Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, September 2019, Vol. 10, No. 09
13. Impact on approach of ICU staff towards ventilator care bundles and infection control practices in prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia in a tertiary care hospital Biomedicine: 2023; 43(4): 1266-1269
14. Evaluation of role of Tigecycline among clinically significant multidrug resistant pathogens from a tertiary care hospital F1000 research: June 2024,13:36