Dr Vishak Acharya K
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Dr Vishak Acharya K teaches Pulmonary Medicine and also guides undergraduate students in ICMR research. ?
Subject | Semester / Year |
Pulmonary Medicine | Fourth Semester |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
DNB | Pulmonary Medicine | National Board of Examination | 2000 |
DTCD | Pulmonary Medicine | Bangalore Medical College | 1998 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, KMC, Mangalore | Professor | 01/04/2015 - till date | |
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, KMC, Mangalore | Professor and Head | 01/04/2015 - 14/05/2020 | |
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, KMC, Mangalore | Additional Professor | 20/01/14 - 31/03/2015 | |
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, KMC Mangalore | Associate Professor | 01/01/07 - 19/01/14 | |
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, KMC Mangalore | Assistant Professor | 01/01/02 - 31/12/06 | |
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, KMC Mangalore | Lecturer cum 沙巴体育 Associate (Medical) | 26/12/00 - 31/12/01 | |
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai | Registrar in Pulmonary Medicine | ||
TNM Medical College, Mumbai | Registrar, Pulmonary Medicine | Involved in routine clinical work including outpatient & inpatient management. Was also involved in research activities and undergraduate teaching. | 6 months |
Area of Interest
Infectious Diseases , Lung Malignancies , Asthma
Area of Expertise
Bronchoscopic Procedures and Pulmonary Interventional Procedures.
Area of 沙巴体育
Asthma , Lung Cancer
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- President of Mangalore Chest Association from 2010 to 2012.
- Life Member of the National College of Chest Physicians since 2007
- Life Member of the National Board of Medical Sciences since 2005
- Life member of the Indian Chest Society since 2004
- Life Member of the Indian Medical Association since 2004
- Certified internal auditor for QMS.
- In peer review panel of journals like BMJ, Annals of thoracic medicine and Lung India.
- Served as resource person & chairperson for various CME programmes.
- Been a co-guide for medical and dental post-graduates.
- Recognized by college twice for cumulative research points assimilated annually.
- Contributed articles periodically to health section of Kannada daily Udayavani.
- Contribute literary works regularly to college magazine.
- Completed NABH training certification.
- Been an internal examiner for Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy exams.?
Clinical assessment of the autonomic nervous system in diabetes mellitus and its correlation with glycaemic control
U B Nayak H Jain S Lenka
Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, Edition 67, 2013
Pleural effusion, an unusual cause and association
2013-01-01 Alam K Navaz Madhusudan P Raikar Sanmath K Shetty
Lung India, Edition 30, 2013
FEV 6 as screening tool in spiro metric diagnosis of obstructive airway disease
Adithya Malolan P Unnikrishnan
Lung India, Edition 26, 2010. An original article regarding utility of new indices in spirometric assessment of COPD
A study of high sensitivity C-reactive protein in bronchial asthma
R C Sahoo Acharya P R Noushad TH Anand R
The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences, Edition 51, 2009. Innovative study on a inflammatory protein and its role in Bronchial Asthma.
Rare causes of voice hoarseness
RC Sahoo S Sreedharan R Anand R Pathak
Nepal Med Coll. Journal, Edition 10, 2008. Citing of an unusual cause of a common disease.
Clinical Assessment of the autonomic nervous system in diabetes mellitus and its correlation with glycaemic control
U B Nayak V K Acharya H Jain S Lenka
Indian journal of medical sciences, 2013
Community acquired pneumonia – Aetiological, clinical & microbial profile
Ms Divya Juneja
There is a paucity of data regarding the community acquired pneumonia in this part of the world. The study assimilated vital data that potentially can help in clinical care. The study has also been published in an indexed journal.
Newer cost effective and accurate spirometry for chronic airway disease
Mr Aditya Malolan
It was a prospective study comparing two indices in spirometry with overall diagnostic accuracy of the test. The study has subsequently been published and has received editorial comments in indexed journal.
Comorbidities and their association with severity of COPD among hospitalized patients in tertiary care centre.
Mr Venkat Sai Sridhar
It was a prospective study of COPD patients and how co-morbidities affect COPD care. The study was well compiled study.
Risk profile & profile of patients with sleep apnoea in a tertiary care centre in coastal Karnataka
Ms Sristi
It is an ongoing study to review the clinical profile of sleep apnoea patients in coastal Karnataka as no such data exists to date.