- Role: Assistant Professor,
- Responsibilities: 沙巴体育 and Teaching
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Ph. D | Theoretical High Energy Physics | Panjab University Chandigarh | 2010 |
MSc | Physics | Panjab University Chandigarh | 2004 |
B.Sc. | Non Medical | GNK College Yamuna Nagar, Haryana | 2001 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
MITS Madanapalle | Assistant Professor | March 2015-June 2017 | |
RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru | Assistant Professor | Aug 2014-Feb 2015 | |
Yonsei University Seoul, 沙巴体育 Korea | 沙巴体育 Professor | Oct 2012- April 2014 | |
IISc Bengaluru | 沙巴体育 Associate/Centenary postdoctoral fellow | Dec 2009-Aug 2012 |
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Natural Sciences GopalaKrishnan V Dr. Subbaiah KV Dr. Sumit Garg Mr. Sachin Shet
This group is actively engaged in the research areas pertaining to: Radiation and Computational Physics, Nuclear Reactions, Nuclear Astrophysics, Particle Phenomenology and Neutrino Physics.
Area of Interest
Theoretical High Energy Physics
Area of Expertise
Neutrino Physics, SO(10) Grand Unification, Beyond Standard Model(BSM) Physics at 沙巴体育 Linear Collider(ILC)
Area of 沙巴体育
BSM Physics at LHC and ILC, Neutrino Physics, String theory
Model independent Analysis of Dirac CP Violating Phase for some well known mixing scenarios
2019 Sumit K Garg
arXiv:1806.08239, Int.J.Mod. Phys.A36(2021) no.18,2150118
Bounds on Slow Roll and the de Sitter Swampland
2019 Sumit K Garg Chethan Krishnan
arXiv: 1807.05193, JHEP1911, 075(2019)
Bounds on Slow Roll at the Boundary of the Landscape
2019 Sumit K Garg Chethan Krishnan M Zaid Zaz
arXiv: 1810.09406, JHEP1903, 029
A Systematic Analysis of perturbations for Hexagonal mixing matrix
2019 Sumit K Garg
arXiv:1806.06658, Int.J.Mod. Phys.A34(2019) no.01,1950005
Consistency of perturbed Tribimaximal, Bimaximal and Democratic mixing with Neutrino Mixing data
2018 Sumit K Garg
arXiv:1712.02212, Nucl.Phys.B931, 469-505
Probing the type-III seesaw model through e+e- → Sig+ Sig- at ILC
2018 Sumit K Garg Deepanjali Goswami P Poulose
J.Phys.Conf. Ser. 481 (2014) 012018
Top Yukawa Coupling measurement with indefinite CP Higgs in e+e- → ttb\Phi
2014 B Ananthanarayan Sumit K Garg C.S. Kim Jayita Lahiri P Poulose
arXiv:1405.6465, Phys.Rev.D90 (2014) 1, 014016
Corrections for tribimaximal, bimaximal and democratic neutrino mixing matrices
2013 Sumit K Garg Shivani Gupta
arXiv:1308.3054, JHEP1310, 128(2013)
Probing the indefinite CP nature of the Higgs Boson through decay distributions in the process e+e- → ttb\Phi
2013 B Ananthanarayan Sumit K Garg Jayita Lahiri, P Poulose
arXiv:1304.4414, Phys.Rev.D87, 114002(2013)
Anomalous Triple Gauge Boson Couplings in e+e- → gam gam for Non Commutative Standard Model
2012 N G Deshpande Sumit K Garg
arXiv:1111.5173, Phys. Lett. B708, 150-156(2012)
Isolating CP-violating gamZZ coupling in e+e- → gam Z with transverse beam polarizations
2012 B Ananthanarayan Sumit K Garg Monalisa Patra Saurabh D Rindani
arXiv:1104.3645, Phys.Rev.D85, 034006(2012)
TheNew Minimal Supersymmetric GUT: Spectra, RG analysis and Fermion Fits
2012 Charanjit S Aulakh Sumit K Garg
arXiv:0807.0917, Nucl. Phys. B857, 101-142(2012)
TeV Scale Implications of Non Commutative Space time in Laboratory Frame with Polarized Beams
2011 Sumit K Garg T Shreecharan P K Das N G Deshpande G Rajasekaran
arXiv:1105.5203, JHEP 1107, 024(2011)
Bounds on fourth generation induced LeptonFlavourViolating double insertions in Supersymmetry
2011 Sumit K Garg Sudhir K Vempati
arXiv:1103.1011, Phys.Lett.B702,370-376(2011)
Correcting alpha(3)(M(Z)) in the NMSGUT
2009 Charanjit S Aulakh Sumit K Garg
arXiv:0710.4018, Mod. Phys. Lett.A24,1711-1719(2009)
MSGUT: From bloom to doom
2008 Charanjit S Aulakh Sumit K Garg
hep-ph/0512224, Nucl. Phys. B757, 47-78(2006)