- Kazuyuki Furuuchi conducts research and guides PhD students.
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD | Physics | Graduate School of Science Osaka University | 2000 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
National Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan | Staff Scientist | August 2007 - July 2012 |
Area of Interest
Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology
Area of Expertise
Quantum Field Theory. Special and general relativity. Elementary Particle Physics. Cosmology. String theory. Mathematical methods in physics.
Area of 沙巴体育
Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, their interface. Cosmic inflation, Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy, dark matter, matter-anti-matter asymmetry of the Universe. Black Holes. Higgs mass hierarchy problem. String theory.
Affleck-dine baryogenesis in inflating curvaton scenario with O ($10-10^2$TeV) mass moduli curvaton
2012-01-01 C M Lin
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics .
Gauge-higgs unification in spontaneously created fuzzy extra dimensions
2011-01-01 K Okuyama T Inam
Journal of High Energy Physics.
D-branes wrapped on fuzzy del Pezzo surfaces
2011-01-01 K Okuyama
Journal of High Energy Physic .
More on the Nambu-Poisson M5-brane Theory: Scaling limit, background independence and an all order solution to the Seiberg-Witten map
2010-01-01 CH Chen T Takimi P MH
Journal of High Energy Physics .
Non-linearly extended self-dual relations from the nambu-bracket description of m5-brane in a constant c-field background
Journal of High Energy Physics .
String solutions in the M5-brane world volume with a Nambu-Poisson structure and Seiberg-Witten map
2009-01-01 T Takimi
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009 .
Super symmetric reduced models with a symmetry based on Filippov algebra
2009-01-01 D Tomino
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009 .
M-Theory super algebra from multiple membranes
2008-01-01 SY Shih T Takimi
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008.
On the no-ghost theorem in string theory
2006-01-01 N Ohta
Confined phase in the real time formalism and the fate of the world behind the horizon
2001-01-01 K Okuyama
Journal of High Energy Physics .
The IR obstruction to UV completion for Dante’s Inferno model with higher-dimensional gauge theory origin
2016-21-06 Yoji Koyama
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Page:1-22, Volume:37,
Excursions through KK modes
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Page:1-11, Volume:7