Dr. Nayana Prabhu

Professor and Head

Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge


    Nayana Prabhu is a Professor.

    Coordinator of Post Graduate Certificate Course in Advanced Oral Implantology.

    She is :

    • In-house faculty in advanced course in Aesthetic Dentistry
    • Involved in UnderGraduate and Post Graduate teaching.?
    • Internal auditor for integrated management system.???


Subject Semester / Year
Prosthodontics First BDS to Fourth BDS
Prosthodontics PG Diploma in Dental Materials
Prosthodontics Dental mechanic course
Prosthodontics Postgraduates
Esthetic dentistry Certificate course in Esthetic dentistry
Oral Implantology Post Graduate Certificate Course in Advanced Oral Implantology


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
Certificate course in Advanced Oral Implantology Implant Dentistry 沙巴体育 College of Dental Sciences, 沙巴体育 2015
MDS Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge 沙巴体育 College of Dental Sciences, 沙巴体育 2006
BDS A B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore 1997
Fellow of 沙巴体育 Congress of Oral Implantologist Oral Implantology ICOI, USA 2022


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS 沙巴体育 Professor 2025-
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge,MCODS, 沙巴体育 Associate Professor 2011- 2025
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS 沙巴体育 Reader 2010-2011
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS 沙巴体育 Assistant Professor 2006-2010
Department of Prosthodontics, MCODS 沙巴体育 Tutor 1998-2003

Student Projects

-Effect of denture cleanser on flexural strength of acrylic denture base resin incorporated with silver nanoparticles: An in vitro study.

· Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and properties of irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials incorporated with titanium dioxide nanoparticles: An in vitro study

· A comparative evaluation of dimensional accuracy of chemical and non-chemical disinfections on two different types of elastomeric impression materials: An in vitro study

· Comparative evaluation of pull-out bond strength of two post materials using a modified luting agent incorporated with fluorinated graphene: An in vitro study

· Evaluation of contact angle in laser modified Hydroxyapatite/Polyetheretherketone bioactive material

· Evaluating the Effects of External Beam Radiation Therapy on various mechanical properties of PEEK.


Area of Interest

Oral implantology, Full mouth rehabilitation

Area of Expertise

Fixed and Removable prosthodontics

Area of 沙巴体育

Oral Implantology and Material Science

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Life Member of Indian Prosthodontic Society
  • Member of Indian Dental Association.
  • Life member of Karnataka Prosthodontic Society
  • Life Member of 沙巴体育 Congress of Oral Implantologist


Nayana Prabhu, Dasharathraj K Shetty, Nithesh Naik , Nagaraja Shetty , Yash Kalpesh Parmar , Vathsala Patil & Nilakshman Sooriyaperakasam. Application of finite element analysis to evaluate optimal parameters for bone/tooth drilling to avoid thermal necrosis. Cogent Engineering 2nd Feb (2021), 8: 1876582. ?

Khushboo Singh, Nayana Prabhu, Dhanasekar Balkrishanan, Aparna I. Narayana, S. Pradeep. Prosthetic?Lip?with?the?Retentive?Attachment?for?a?Unilateral?Cleft?Lip Patient: A Clinical Report. 2020 Contemporary Clinical Dentistry. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, Volume 10, Issue 3, July-September 2019,577-581.?

Nayana Prabhu. Functional and Aesthetic rehabilitation of missing tooth by using immediate implant placement: A Case Series. Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, February 2020, Vol.11, No.2, Pg No 698-702.??

Nayana Prabhu, Krishna Kumar, Gautham Jaladi, Amina Barkallah. The influence of geometric patterns on primary stability and osseintegration of dental implant: a review of the literature. 沙巴体育 Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol 29, No 6, (2020), pp. 8491-8505.?

Nayana Prabhu, Srikanth G, Saurabh roy, Vineetha R, Mehul Saha. Assessment of Dental Implant Displacement into Mandibular Medullary bone Space using cone beam computed Tomography (CBCT)–A case report and Literature review. Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, May 2019, Vol.10, No. 5, Pg No 192-196.??

Nayana Prabhu, Nithesh Naik, Vathsala Patil, Udit Rathee, Amina Barkallah. A Study on effect of geometric patterns and material on stress distribution in Dental Implant system: A 3 dimentional finite element analysis. 沙巴体育 Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering 沙巴体育 and Development(IJMPERD), Vol 9, Issue 5, October 2019, 743-752. ?

Gayathri Krishnamoorthy, Nayana Prabhu, Vidhi Goyal, Srikanth. ?Horizontal Ridge Augmentation Using Ridge Expansion Technique Followed by Implant Placement. Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, March 2019, Vol.10, No. 3, Pg No 276-280.

Sangeeta J Nair, I N Aparna, B Dhanasekar, Nayana Prabhu. Prosthetic rehabilitation of hemi mandibulectomy defect with removable partial denture prosthesis using an attachment-retained guiding flange. Contemporary clinical dentistry, Volume 9, Issue 1, January-March 2018, Pg. No 120-122.?

Akanksha Sachdeva,? Nayana Prabhu,? Dhanasekar B, Aparna IN. Effect of Conventional and Microwave Glazing on Surface Roughness of Metal Ceramics: An Atomic Force Microscopy Analysis. Indian Journal of Dental 沙巴体育, Volume 29, Issue 3, May-June 2018, Pg. No 352-357.??

Ashita Vijay, Nayana Prabhu, Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, Aparna I Narayan. Comparative Study of the Flexural Strength of High Impact Denture Base Resins Reinforced by Silver Nanoparticles and E-Glass Fibres: An In-Vitro Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic 沙巴体育, 2018, Nov, Vol-12(11): ZC22-ZC26.

Kapoor s, Prabhu N, Balakrishnan D. Comparison of the effect of different surface treatments on the bond strength of different cements with nickel chromium metal alloy: an in vitro study. J clin exp dent. 2017;9(7): 912-8.

Archana Vyas, Dhanasekar, I.N.Aparna, Prabhu Nayana. Prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with near total maxillectomy using a hollow bulb obturator: a case report. Journal of research in dentistry 2017, 5(1):6-10.

Sangeeta J Nair, Aparna IN, S Pradeep, Nayana Prabhu, Dhanasekar B. Technique Tips – A Simplified Technique of Fabricating Foldable Mandibular Complete Denture using a Custom-Made Hinge Assembly. Dental Update, November 2016.

Varun Yarramaneni, IN Aparna, Akanksha Sachdeva, Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, Nayana Prabhu. Emerging Antibacterial Coated Dental Implants:? A Preventive Measure for Peri-implantitis.? World Journal of Dentistry, October-December 2016;7(4):195-198.

Lokendra Gupta, I. N. Aparna, B. Dhanasekar, Nayana Prabhu, Nirjalla Malla, & Priyanka Agarwal. Three-Dimensional Orientation of Iris in an Ocular Prosthesis Using a Customized Scale. Journal of Prosthodontics 23 (2014) 252–255.

Nayana Prabhu, Sandeep Kumar, Seema Gupta. Fabrication of an Auricular Prosthesis – A?Case Report, Int journal of Dental Update, August 2011, Vol 38, No 6 Page no 414-418.

Nayana Prabhu, Sandeep Kumar, Marriete D’Souza, Veena Hegde. Partial edentulousness in a?rural population based on Kennedy’s classification: An epidemiological study.? Journal of Indian?? ? ? ? Prosthodontics Society, January 2009, Vol 9, Issue 1, Page no 18-23.

?Sandeep Kumar, Seema Gupta, Nayana Prabhu. ?Reconstruction of a cranial defect with an?? ? ? ? ? ? ?alloplastic implant. Journal of Indian Prosthodontics ?Society, Vol 7 Issue 3 Page no 150-152, September 2007.

Nayana Prabhu, Saumya Kapoor, Sushma Yadav. Evaluation of Public awareness, Knowledge and Approval of Oral Implant Treatment in 沙巴体育 Indian Population: A cross sectional study. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. Volume 08, Issue 03, 2021, Pg No 833-840.

?Prabhu Shilpa, Balakrishnan Dhanasekar, Ichalangod N. Aparna, Sherigar Pradeep, Prabhu Nayana. A Case Report on Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Patient with Hemimaxillectomy:A Modified Technique. Journal of 沙巴体育 Oral Health, Volume 13, Issue 3; May-June 2021: 306-309.

?Ankita Srivastava, Pradeep Sherigar, Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, Aparna I Narayan, Nayana Prabhu. Management of radiation induced microstomia using a collapsible hybrid denture: A clinical report. Journal of 沙巴体育 Oral Health, Volume 14, Issue 1; Jan-Feb 2022: 106-109.

?Nayana Prabhu, Krishna Kumar, Ritesh Bhat, Vathsala Patil, Suhas Kowshik, Utkarsh Swain, Gautam Jaladi and Abhilash Agarwal. Thermal Necrosis Assisted Dental Implant Removal: A 3- Dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Engineered Science, May 2022, Volume 19, Page No 1-10.

?Prabhu Nayana, Sunil S. Nayak, Abhirup Chatterjee, Karthik Sivaraman, Gadicherla Srikanth, Chhavi Singh. Retrieval of Fractured Implant Abutment Screws: A Narrative Review. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent, Volume 12, Issue 3, May-June 2022:287-94.

?Srivastava A, Sherigar P, Prabhu N. Fabrication of a detachable cheek plumper on a removable partial denture using a custom-made assembly. J Int Oral Health Volume 14, Issue 4; July-Aug 2022:416-21.


Prosthetic management of an acquired cleft palate patient with a hollow pharyngeal bulb prosthesis

2008-01-07 Sandeep Kumar

Indian Dentist 沙巴体育 and Review

Emerging anti bacterial coated dental implants: a preventive measure for peri- implantitis

2016-15-10 Varun Yarramaneni IN Aparna Akanksha Sachdeva Dhanasekar Balakrishnan Nayana Prabhu

World Journal of Dentistry 2016;7(4):195-98.

Comparison of the flexural strength of different denture base resins reinforced by silver nano particles and e-glass fibres - An In vitro study.

Public awareness and expectations from Dental Implant treatment: A cross sectional study.

    Carnatic music

