Dr Binu Margaret E
Assistant Professor - Selection Grade
Department of Child Health Nursing
- Is involved in teaching and clinical supervision of undergraduate students of BSc Nursing and PBBSc Nursing and Postgraduate students.
- Is the Subject Co-coordinator of I Year MSc Nursing - Clinical Specialty I- Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing and IV Year BSc Nursing Child Health Nursing?Internship
- Is the External Student Visit Coordinator of the College
- Is involved in planning, organizing, implementation, and evaluation of curricular activities.?
- Participates in research activities of the department
- Conducts periodic examinations and prepares the internal assessment score in time?
- Performs planned and incidental teachings in the clinical area?
- Guides the postgraduate students in their research activities.
Dr?Binu Margaret E is Assistant Professor - Selection Grade in the Department of Child Health, MCON 沙巴体育.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Clinical Specialty - I Child Health (Pediatric) Nursing | I Year MSc Nursing |
Advanced Skills in Leadership, Management and Teaching | I Year Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care |
Management of Nursing Services and Education | IV BSc Nursing |
Introduction to Nursing Administration | II Year PBBSc Nursing |
Sociology | II Year PBBSc Nursing |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD Nursing | 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 | March 2021 | |
"Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making” | Online certificate course through Coursera offered by University of California, Irvine | 28.11.2018 | |
“Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I)” | Online certificate course through Coursera offered by Johns Hopkins University | 14.10.2018 | |
Pearson Clinical Assessment Workshop & Trained in “Administration, scoring and interpretation of Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition” | Pearson Academy, Bangalore, India | 30th March 2017 | |
BLS (American) American Heart Association | December 2016 | ||
E-learning on HIV/AIDS & ART under ‘The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) Round -7” | 2015 | ||
BPNI/ IBFAN Asia- Certificate training courses on “Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling Specialist:–“The 4 in 1” training Course (An integrated course on Breastfeeding, Complementary Feeding, Infant Feeding & HIV and Growth Monitoring-Counseling) | Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India/ 沙巴体育 Baby Food Action Network [BPNI/IBFAN Asia] in association with Department of Pediatrics, Neyveli Lignite Corporation General Hospital, Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd, Neyveli, Tamilnadu | 30 September – 6 October 2013 | |
Pearson Clinical Assessment Workshop and Trained in “Administration, scoring and interpretation of Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition” | Pearson Academy, Bangalore, India | April 6 & 7, 2013. | |
Certificate Course in Biostatistics, Epidemiology and 沙巴体育 methodology | Department of Statistics, 沙巴体育 University, 沙巴体育 | March –August, 2007. | |
Master of Science in Nursing | Child Health Nursing | 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 2006 |
Master of Arts in Sociology | Sociology | Annamalai University, Annamalainagar | 2004 |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Bishops College of Nursing Dharapuram, Erode Dist. TamilNadu. Dr MGR Medical University | 2001 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Child Health Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 | Assistant Professor – Selection Grade | 2015 to till date | |
Department of Child Health Nursing 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 | Assistant Professor – Senior Scale | 2009 - 2015 | |
Dept. of Child Health Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | Lecturer | 2006 - 2009 | |
Christian College of Nursing, Neyyoor, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. | Assistant Lecturer | 2002 - 2004 |
Area of Interest
Child Health Nursing, Infant and Young Child Feeding, Nursing Administration, Sociology, Nursing Education
Area of Expertise
Infant and Young Child Feeding, Growth and Development of Children, Nursing Administration, Child Health Nursing, Sociology
Area of 沙巴体育
Neonatal Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Preterm Home Care, mHealth based Preterm Home Care Program, Breast feeding, Infant and Young Child Feeding
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life member Trained Nurses Association of India.
- Life member National Neonatology Forum (NNF).
- National Neonatology Forum – Karnataka State Chapter
Achievements and Awards/ Membership:
- Best faculty research publication in registered journal in 2009.
- Participated in Innovation Day 2014 held at 沙巴体育 Institute of Technology 沙巴体育 on December 20, 2014 with the idea titled: mHEalth based Preterm Home Care Program (mHealthPHCP)”
- Received an award for securing 24 points in publications during the year 2014.
- Participated in Innovation Day 2016 held at 沙巴体育 Institute of Technology 沙巴体育 on December 19, 2016 with the prototype titled NeoRaksha: mobile App for Preterm Home Care Program
- Secured First prize in poster presentation on the theme: “We can I can” organized by the MCON 沙巴体育 on 9th February 2016 in view of 沙巴体育 Childhood Cancer Day.
- Received “Best Poster Award” for the poster titled “Parent Infant Interaction among mothers of preterms” in the 沙巴体育 Conference on Global Challenges in health care” held from February 16th to 17th, 2018 at MCON 沙巴体育
- Secured first place in poster competition held during 沙巴体育 Womens day celebration on the theme “Press for progress” held on 7th March 2018 organized by MCON 沙巴体育.
- Secured first place in a poster competition held on the theme : “Preterm Birth” organized by the MCON 沙巴体育 on 20th November 2018.
- Resource person for the workshop on Developmental Supportive Care for the session on “ Understanding Preterm Infant Behavior” organized at MCON 沙巴体育 on December 8, 2018.
- Received award for earning 10 points and above in Scopus indexed journal publication in the year 2018.
- Resource person of the workshop on ‘Updates in Pediatric Nursing’ for the session on “Nursing Process” organized at MCON 沙巴体育 on October 25, 2019.
- Resource person for the Regional Webinar on Evidence-based practice: Postnatal and?Newborn on “Evidence-based practice: Newborn Care” organized by Kanachur College of Nursing Sciences, Unit of KITE, Natekal, Mangalore on 20th May 2021.
Funded Projects:
- Co-Investigator for a funded DBT project entitled "Effectiveness of a mHealth (mobile/smartphone) based Preterm Home Care Program (mHealthPHCP) on the developmental outcomes of preterm"
Perception towards tobacco consumption and its usage among auto rickshaw drivers of Udupi District, Karnataka, India: A cross- sectional study.
2022-01-05 Shakeel Mohan Manjula
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health. Volume 15, 101005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cegh.2022.101005
Designing a mobile health intervention for Preterm Home Care: Application of conceptual framework.
2021-01-01 Tenzin Phagdol Baby S Nayak Leslie Edward Lewis Dr Anice George
Public Health Nursing, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13020
Breast feeding practices: An exploratory survey among mothers of infants.
2019-01-03 Mamatha Shivananda Pai Sheela Shetty
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development. 10(3), 253- 257. Scopus Indexed
Randomized controlled trial on effectiveness of mHealth (mobile/smartphone) based Preterm Home Care Program on developmental outcomes of preterms: Study protocol.
2019-01-02 Baby S Nayak Leslie Edward Lewis Ramesh Bhat Y Joselin D'Almeida Tenzin Phagdol
J Adv Nurs. 75(2): Pages 452-460. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13879
Prevalence of Malnutrition Among Under-Five Children in Migrant Population of Udupi District, Karnataka, India
2018-01-10 Ameeka Shereen Lobo Twinkle Dan Pothiyil
Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences (OJHAS). 17(4):1-4. Scopus Indexed
Mortality and morbidity among preterm neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
2018-01-07 Mamatha Shivananda Pai Leslie Edward Lewis Dr Sangeetha Priyadarshini
Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences (OJHAS). 17(3):1-4. Scopus Indexed.
Jellyfish sting: A case report.
2018-01-07 Suneel C Mundkur Shrikiran A Hebbar
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 4(2), 42-44. Indexed in Google scholar & J Gate
Factors influencing sleep quality among undergraduate nursing students of Udupi District.
2018-01-07 Sally Jane JK Priyanka Chandy
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development. Vol. 9, No. 7. Pg No: 24- 29. Scopus Indexed
Impact of Depressive Symptoms on Mother Infant Attachment among Mothers of Preterm Neonates
2018-01-01 Leslie Edward Lewis Ramesh Bhat Y Baby S Nayak Mamatha Shivananda Pai Suneel C Mundkur
Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences (OJHAS). 17(1):1. Scopus Indexed
Factors Associated with Malnutrition Among Under-Five Children in Migrant Population of Udupi District.
2017-01-10 Ameeka Shereen Lobo Twinkle Dan Pothiyil
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development. Vol. 8, No. 4. Pg No: 73- 78. Scopus Indexed
Television viewing pattern among adolescents of Udupi district.
2017-01-01 Riny Ann John Ansuya
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development. 8(1), 08- 12. Scopus Indexed
Practices during Common Cold and Ear Ache in Children among the Koraga Tribes: A Descriptive Survey.
2016-01-10 Shrisha Sheela Shetty
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, Vol. 7, No. 4, 30-35. (Scopus Indexed)
Knowledge of sexual harassment among the undergraduate students in Udupi district
2016-01-06 Aditi Gurung Dr Sangeetha Priyadarshini
Nitte University Journal of Health Science NUJHS Vol. 6, No.2, pp 4-9
Perception of sexual harassment among the undergraduate students
2016-01-01 Aditi Gurung Dr Sangeetha Priyadarshini
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing and Health Science. Mpl J of Nurs Health Sci, 2 (1), pp 46-51
Knowledge and Attitude on Care of Child during Common Childhood Illnesses among the Koraga Tribes.
2015-01-03 Shrisha Sheela Shetty
NUJHS Vol. 5, No.4, ISSN 2249-7110, Pg No: 13-16.
Mothers knowledge on nutritional deficiency disorders in children: A descriptive survey.
2015-01-02 Anjela Rajan Mamatha Shivananda Pai
Asia Pacific Journal of 沙巴体育. ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793. Vol: I. Issue XXIV, PP 48-52. www.apjor.com. Indexed
A survey on practices of koraga tribes during diarrhoea in children
2015-01-01 Shrisha Sheela Shetty
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing and Health Science. (Volume 1, Issue 1). http://ejournal.manipal.edu/mjnhs/docs/Volume%201_Issue%201/09%20BM.PDF Non-Indexed
A Study to assess the Knowledge and Involvement in Child Rearing Practices among Fathers of Hospitalised Children of 1-6 Years of Age, in Kasturba Hospital, 沙巴体育.
2014-01-12 Sreeram A Dr Anjalin D’souza
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education, 6(1). pp. 94-100. ISSN 0974-9349. Indexed
Maternal anxiety and family support among mothers of neonates admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
2014-01-09 Sheela Shetty Leslie Edward Lewis Ramesh Bhat Y
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS), e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 3, Issue 5 Ver. I, PP 40-43. www.iosrjournals.org Indexed
Effectiveness of sensitization program on knowledge of staff regarding Noise in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Kasturba Hospital 沙巴体育.
2014-01-07 Praful Kumar AK Dr Jyothi Chakrabarty Leslie Edward S Lewis Hariprakash
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education. Volume 06 Number 02, Page No: 20- 23 Indexed
Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding management of minor ailments among school children.
2014-01-06 Ashly Lukose
Nitte University Journal of Health Science. Vol 4, No: 2, Page no: 12- 16 Indexed
A study to assess the knowledge and attitude on child rearing practices among fathers of hospitalised children of 1- 6 years of age, in Kasturba Hospital, 沙巴体育
2013-01-01 Sreeram A Dr Anjalin D’souza
Nitte University Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 3(4), Pg 40- 44 . A descriptive correlative survey showed fathers had satisfactory knowledge and favourable attitude towards child rearing.
Utilization of nutritional programmes by mothers in selected villages of Udupi district, Karnataka.
2013-01-06 Angela Rajan Mamatha Shivananda Pai
Journal of Nursing 沙巴体育 Society of India. Vol 6, No: 1, 92-96.
Socialisation skills of institutionalised children in selected areas of Udupi District, Karnataka
2013-01-01 Priya L Sheela Shetty
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education. Vol 5 (2) Pg 39- 44 To determine the socialisation skills of institutionalised children and to find the association between the socialisation skills and selected demographic variables.
Influence of environmental variables on toddler’s growth and social maturity
2012-01-01 Maxie Andrade Navaneetha M Binu Margaret
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 4(1) Binu Margaret E. Growth and social maturity of the toddlers in relation to housing structure an dwelling proximity to mass waste dumping site revealed that growth and social maturity were not associated but there was significant relationship of housing structure as well as dwelling proximity to mass waste dumping site with growth and social maturity.
Empowering mothers of under five children on prevention of helminthic infestation
2011-01-01 Erna Judith Roach Huban Thomas
To assess the knowledge and effectiveness of awareness program on worm infestation and find the association between pretest knowledge scores and selected variables. Methods: Evaluative study was conducted among 60 mothers of under five children in rural areas of Udupi district, Karnataka. Data was collected by structured and pre-tested questionnaire using purposive sampling.
A study to assess the effectiveness of an information booklet on new-born danger signs among the antenatal mothers in selected Rural Maternity and Child Welfare (RMCW ) Centres
2011-01-01 Sushila Ayekpam Sheela Shetty
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education.Vol 3(2) To determine the effectiveness of an information booklet on new-born danger signs in terms of gain in post- test knowledge scores, Methods: An evaluative approach with pre-test post-test design was used to find the answers for the research questions.
Effectiveness of acupressure on achievement stress among high school students
2011-01-01 Rachana Das Baby S Nayak
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 3(1). Acupressure has been found to be effective in a number of conditions. This study aims at determining the effectiveness of acupressure on achievement stress among high school students. A quasi experimental pre-test post -test control group design was used. Statistical analysis of data revealed that acupressure was effective in reducing achievement stress among students within the study group (t= 13.498, p<0.001) and among students between the two study groups (F=74.836, p<.001).
Acupressure and physical stress among high school students
2011-01-01 Rachana Das Baby S Nayak
Holistic Nursing Practice, Vol 25(2), Pg 97–104 Acupressure has been found to be effective in a number of conditions. This study aims at determining the effectiveness of acupressure on physical stress among high school students. A quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test control group design was used. Statistical analysis of data revealed that acupressure was effective in reducing physical stress among students within the study group (Z = ?5.803, P < .001) and among students between the 2 study groups (Z = ?7.409, P < .001).
Caring of new-born: Effectiveness of an awareness program on care of newborn for mothers of neonates in selected hospitals of Udupi district, Karnataka
2009-01-01 Dr Anjalin D’souza Sr Tesline
Nightingale Nursing Times, Vol 5(1) Objectives: (1) To determine the level of knowledge of mothers on selected areas of new-born care. (2) To determine the effectiveness of an awareness program in terms of gain in knowledge scores. (3) To determine the association between the pre-test knowledge score and the selected variables.
A case control study to assess the risk factors associated with fetal and neonatal deaths in Kasturba Hospital (KH), 沙巴体育, Karnataka.
2019-01-07 Ritu Kumar Sheela Shetty
A comparative study to assess the Health related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and perception of body image among normal and overweight/ obese adolescents in selected English medium schools of Udupi district, Karnataka
2018-01-07 Jane Mathias
A study to compare the quality of life, child adjustment and social support of only child and child with siblings in selected schools of Udupi district.
2018-01-07 Arline D,Souza Baby S Nayak
A study to assess the knowledge and utilization regarding child welfare schemes among mothers in selected villages of Udupi district, Karnataka. Student Project.
2017-01-07 Jane J Mathias Kalyani Biswas Mamatha Shivananda Pai
2016- 17
A study to assess the sleep quality and academic performance among the undergraduate students of selected Nursing Colleges of Udupi District, Karnataka.
2017-01-07 Sally Jane
A study to assess the prevalence of malnutrition and its associated factors among under five children in selected migrant population of Udupi District.
2016-01-07 Ameeka Shereen
A correlative study on usage of electronic media and its impact on attitude and behaviour among the adolescents in selected schools of Udupi district, Karnataka.
2015-01-07 Riny Ann John
July 2015
A study to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices on care of the child during common childhood illnesses among the Koraga tribes in selected tribal areas of Udupi district, Karnataka, with the view to provide an awareness programme.
Shrisha Sheela Shetty
July, 2014
Study to Assess the Knowledge on Nutritional Deficiency Disorders and the Utilization of Nutritional Programmes among Mothers in Selected Villages of Udupi Districts, Karnataka
Angela Rajan Mamatha Shivananda Pai
July 2013
Evaluate Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Child to Child Programme on Knowledge Regarding Management of Minor Ailments among School Children in Selected Schools of Udupi Taluk
Ashley L
July 2013
“A comparative study to assess the socialization skills among private school, government school and institutionalized children in selected areas of Udupi district”
Priya Sheela Shetty
July 2012
Effectiveness of Noise Reduction Protocol on noise level, knowledge and practice of staff in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of selected hospitals in Udupi district, Karnataka”
Praful Kumar Dr Jyothi Chakrabarty
July 2012
A study to assess the knowledge, attitude and involvement in child rearing practices among fathers of hospitalized children of 1-6 years of age, in Kasturba Hospital, 沙巴体育
Anju Sreeram
July 2012
A study to determine the effectiveness of therapeutic play on anxiety among hospitalized preschool children in Kasturba Hospital, 沙巴体育
Luan Soares Sheela Shetty
July 2011
A study to determine the knowledge on HIV / AIDS and alcohol abuse pattern among patients with alcoholism and its influence on sexual behaviour in selected hospitals of Udupi District, Karnataka
Ashish B
July 2011
A study to assess the effectiveness of an information booklet on newborn danger signs among the antenatal mothers in selected rural maternity and child welfare (RMCW) centres, Udupi district, Karnataka.
Susheela A Sheela Shetty
July 2010
A study to determine the effectiveness of acupressure on stress among high school students in selected schools of Udupi District
2010-01-01 Rachana Das
Karnataka State II Year MSc Nursing PG 沙巴体育. Acupressure has been found to be effective in a number of conditions. This study aims at determining the effectiveness of acupressure on physical stress among high school students.