Mrs Shalini G Nayak

Assistant Professor

Department of Medical Surgical Nursing


    Mrs Shalini G Nayak?conducts theory classes on supervision and management, clinical teaching, and medical surgical nursing for PB diploma students.


    • Co-coordinator for MPhil Nursing programme
    • Sets question papers for sessional and university exams.
    • Evaluates answer sheets and assignments.
    • Provides clinical supervision to the students.
    • Sensitises students and staff nurses about evidence based practice.
    • Assists students in conducting projects.


Subject Semester / Year
Critical Care Nursing Second year MSc Nursing
Medical Surgical Nursing Second year BSc Nursing
Critical Nursing 1 PB Diploma Critical Care
Advanced Pharmacology Nurse Practitioner Course


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
MPhil Nursing Nursing 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 2015
Master of Science Medical Surgical Nursing 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, 沙巴体育 2013
PB BSc Nursing (Post Basic Diploma In Bachelor of Sciences Of Nursing) Nursing 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, 沙巴体育 2011
Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery Nursing School of Nursing/Karnataka State Diploma in Nursing Education Board Bangalore 1999


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 Assistant Professor June 2017 - till date
沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 Lecturer 2013 - 2017
Saad Specialist Hospital, Al -Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Registered Nurse 2006 - 2009
Kasturba Hospital, 沙巴体育 Staff Nurse 2000 - 2006


Area of Interest

Medical Surgical Nursing, critical care nursing, oncology research

Area of Expertise

Critical care nursing, mixed method research, qualitative research, systematic review, Head and neck cancer research

Area of 沙巴体育

Head and neck cancer, infection control, nursing education

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Member of Trained Nurses Association of India, 1999.
  • Member of Karnataka Nursing Council, 1999.
  • Life member of Nursing 沙巴体育 Society of India (NRSI).
Achievements and recognitions:
  • Secured first place for the Oral presentation on “Head & Neck Cancer specific symptoms of patient receiving radiotherapy” during the National conference on QUANT-QUAL on 20th & 21st February, 2019 at Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing Mangalore.
  • Secured first place for the Poster presentation on “Impact of Procrastination on academic stress among undergraduate nursing students” during the National conference on QUANT-QUAL on 20th & 21st February, 2019 at Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing Mangalore.
  • Secured Good Teacher Award in recognition and appreciation of excellence in teaching at 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 during the academic year 2016-2017.
  • Awarded as Most accomplished faculty for the academic year 2015-16 from 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育, 沙巴体育 University
  • Secured First rank for the Innovation held during the Innovation Day on 19/12/2016 for the students and Faculty of 沙巴体育 University, 沙巴体育
  • Secured First prize in the poster presentation on the theme of “Beat Diabetes: Scale up prevention, strengthen care and enhance surveillance” from 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育, 沙巴体育 University on 6th April, 2016.
  • Secured Consolation award for the Innovation held during the Innovation Day on 19/12/2015 for the students and Faculty of 沙巴体育 University, 沙巴体育.
  • Second place for Oral presentation on “Effectiveness of protocol on Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) technique of communication among nurses during patients’ handoff in a tertiary care hospital” during the National Seminar on Healthcare Management (NASHCAM-2013)

Work Experience

Organisation Role Tenure
Saad Specialist Hospital, KSA Registered nurse

Effectiveness of Clinical Practice Guidelines on Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections in Selected Hospitals

2018-01-01 Sherine Peter Elsa Sanatombi Devi

Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University; Vol. 7, No. 1, January-March 2018. 55-66.

“Personified as Paragon of Suffering...... Optimistic Being of Achieving Normalcy:” A Conceptual Model Derived from Qualitative 沙巴体育

2018-01-01 Mamatha Shivananda Pai Linu Sara George

Indian Journal of Palliative Care; January- March 2018 / Vol 24 / Issue 1; 78-81

Knowledge on infection control measures among health care workers in hemodialysis unit of a tertiary care hospital

2018-01-01 Prathibha Jackline Dr Daisy Josphine Lobo Vandana E K

Medico-Legal Update; 2018; Volume 18: Issue 1; 220-222.

Eating Experiences of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) Patients after Radiotherapy- Qualitative Meta-Synthesis

2017-01-07 Mamatha Shivananda Pai Linu Sara George

Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, July-September 2017, Vol. 8, No. 3; 51-56

Effectiveness of an Awareness Programme on Knowledge of Disaster Preparedness in Low Lying Flood Prone Areas of Udupi;

2017-01-04 Rynel Desma Quadras Dr Shashidhara Y N

Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, April-June 2017, Vol. 8, No. 2

Self-image of the patients with Head and Neck cancer- A Mixed method 沙巴体育;

2016-01-09 Mamatha Shivananda Pai Linu Sara George

Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Jul-Sep 2016 / Vol 22 / Issue 3

A study to assess the knowledge and quality of life of patients with BPH;

2016-01-08 Pretty Mary Abraham Leena Sequira

沙巴体育 Education and 沙巴体育 Journal; Vol 2, No 2 (2016).

Knowledge on Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs among Caregivers of Mentally Ill Patients;

2015-01-12 Benedicta Jane Josna Mary Joseph Glory J Waghela Asha Akshatha Nami Ria Kurian

Journal of Nursing Science &Practice; Volume 2, Issue 3: 2015.

Self Concept of Head and Neck Cancer Patients - A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies.

2015-01-02 Mamatha Shivananda Pai Linu Sara George

沙巴体育 Journal of Scientific research. Volume: 4. Issue: 2. February 2015. P. 123-125.

Effectiveness of Protocol on Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) Technique of Communication among Nurses during Patients' Handoff in a Tertiary Care Hospital.

2015-01-01 Flavia Castelino Latha T

沙巴体育 journal of nursing education. Volume 7, Number 1. Jan-March 2015. P. 123-127

Opinionnaire of Staff Nurses on Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) Handoff Protocol.

2014-01-09 Castelino Flavia Latha T

Journal of Nursing Science &Practice; Volume 4, Issue 1: 2014. P. 19-22.

Awareness and impact of education on breast self examination among house keeping staffs

2011-01-01 Asha K Nayak Tsewang Palmo Malathi G Nayak Roshani Stella

Journal of Nursing Science & Practice; Volume 1, Issue 1-3: 2011

Oral care practices among orally intubated patients-A systematic review

January 01, 2018 Mrs Shalini G Nayak DR. JYOTHI CHAKRABARTY Dr Judith Angelitta Noronha

沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences?|?January 2018?|?Volume 4?|?Issue 1; 40-44.

Self-image and quality of life among head and neck cancer patients –Results of a cross sectional study

August 01, 2018 Mrs Shalini G Nayak Dr Linu Sara George Dr Mamatha Shivananda Pai

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic 沙巴体育. 2018 Aug, Vol-12(8): XC01-XC05.

Learning styles and academic outcome among nursing students- systematic review

September 01, 2018 Mrs Shalini G Nayak Prima Jenevive Jyothi D’Souza

Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, September 2018, Vol.9, No. 9; 114-119.

Time Management in Nursing –Hour of need

September 01, 2018 Mrs Shalini G Nayak

ternational Journal of Caring Sciences; September-December 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 3| 1997-2000.

Knowledge, Symptom Management and Health Seeking Behaviour on Childhood Illness among Mothers of Under -Five Children

January 01, 2019 Mrs Shalini G Nayak Dr Mamatha Shivananda Pai Mathias, Edlin Glane

沙巴体育 Journal of Caring Sciences; January-April 2019 Volume 12 | Issue 1| Page 313.

Quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer: A mixed method study

April 01, 2019 Mrs Shalini G Nayak Dr Linu Sara George Dr Mamatha Shivananda Pai

Journal of Cancer 沙巴体育 and Therapeutics Volume 15 - Issue 3 - April-June 2019.

Risk Factors of Urolithiasis: A Case Control Study

May 01, 2019 Mrs Shalini G Nayak Janet Prameela D’Souza Merlin K Kunjumon

沙巴体育 Journal of Caring Sciences; May – August 2019 Volume 12 | Issue 2| Page 1193-1202.

Impact of Educational Environment and Learning Approaches on Academic Outcome of Undergraduate Nursing Students

September 01, 2019 Mrs Shalini G Nayak Prima Jenevive Jyothi D’Souza

沙巴体育 Journal of Caring Sciences; September-December 2019 Volume 12 | Issue 3| Page 1530-1536.

Impact of Procrastination and Time-Management on Academic Stress among Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Cross Sectional Study

September 01, 2019 Mrs Shalini G Nayak

沙巴体育 Journal of Caring Sciences; September-December 2019 Volume 12 | Issue 3| Page 1480-1486.

Study to assess the knowledge, symptom management and health seeking behaviour on childhood illness among mothers of under five children (MPhil Nursing)

2018-01-07 Edlin


Experiences of mothers of children with Autism – Spectrum Disorders (ASD) - A Qualitative grounded theory approach (MPhil Nursing)

2018-01-07 Nisha Laila


A case control study to assess the knowledge and risk factors of urolithiasis among patients attending urology outpatient department (OPD) (MSc Nursing)

2018-01-07 Merlin K Kunjumon


Study to assess the effectiveness of Clinical practice guidelines on prevention of catheter associated urinary tract infection (MPhil Nursing)

2017-01-07 Sherine Peter


A study to assess the practice and perceived barriers on infection control measures among Health Care Workers (HCWs) in dialysis unit (MSc Nursing))

2017-01-07 Jackline Prathibha


Effectiveness of an awareness programme on knowledge and practices of disaster preparedness among residents of selected low-lying flood prone areas (MSc Nursing)

2016-01-07 Rynel Desma Quadras


A study to assess the knowledge, quality of life and prostate symptom score among patients who have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (MSc Nursing)

2015-01-07 Pretty Mary Abraham


A descriptive survey to assess the factors responsible for the academic performance among the undergraduate nursing students of a selected college at Udupi district.(MUSRF)

Mrs Shalini G Nayak


An exploratory study to identify quality of work life and priority improvement areas among nurses working in selected hospitals at Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Mrs Shalini G Nayak


An exploratory study to assess the need and expectations of nurse educators and undergraduate nursing students on mentorship with a view to develop a nurse educator mentorship programme in selected nursing colleges of United Arab Emirates.

Mrs Shalini G Nayak


A quasi-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of a Nurse-led Intervention on procedural pain among pre-schoolers admitted in a selected tertiary care hospital at Pathanamthitta, Kerala

Mrs Shalini G Nayak
