Sheela Shetty
Assistant Professor – Senior Scale
Department of Child Health Nursing
- Is involved in teaching and clinical supervision of undergraduate students of BSc Nursing and PBBSc Nursing and Postgraduate students?
- Social Media Coordinator of the college
- Is the Subject Co-coordinator of III Year BSc Nursing - Child Health Nursing?
- Clinical Coordinator of the department
- Overall coordinator of short-term certificate courses
- Is involved in planning, organising, implementation and evaluation of curricular activities.?
- Participates in research activities of the department
- Conducts periodic examinations and prepares the internal assessment score in time?
- Performs planned and incidental teachings in the clinical area?
- Guides the postgraduate students in their research activities.
Sheela Shetty is Assistant Professor – Senior Scale in the Department of Child Health Nursing, MCON 沙巴体育.?
Subject | Semester / Year |
Child Health Nursing | Third year BSc Nursing |
Nursing Management | Second year MSc Nursing |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Master of Science in Nursing | Paediatric Nursing | 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育, Karnataka State, India | 2008 |
Basic BSc Nursing | Nursing | 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育, MAHE | 2000 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Child Health Nursing 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 | Assistant Professor – Senior Scale | 2011 - Present | |
沙巴体育 College of Nursing, 沙巴体育 | Lecturer | 2008 - 2011 | |
沙巴体育 School of Nursing, MCON, MAHE, 沙巴体育 | Assistant Lecturer | 2000 - 2006 |
Area of Interest
Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing, Nursing Administration
Area of Expertise
Growth and Development of Children, Nursing Administration, Child Health Nursing, systematic reviews
Area of 沙巴体育
Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing, Neonatal Nursing
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life member of Trained Nurses Association of India.
- Life member of Karnataka Nursing Council.
- Life member of 沙巴体育 Association MCON, MU.
- Life member of Critical Care Nursing
Honors/Awards? ? ? ? ? ?
- Resource person for the ‘Advanced Pediatric Care Course’ in Al Salam 沙巴体育 Hospital, Kuwait from September 21 – 26, 2019.
- Good Teacher award during the Annual day celebration of MCON 沙巴体育 in 2019
- Good Teacher award during the Annual day celebration of MCON 沙巴体育 in 2017
- Resource person for the ‘Advanced Pediatric Care Course’ in Al Salam 沙巴体育 Hospital, Kuwait from April 16 – 21, 2016.
- Best poster award for the poster titled, ‘Magnitude of childhood hypertension in India – s Systematic Review’ during the 沙巴体育 Conference on: ‘Evidence Informed Practice: An Approach to Healthcare Reform’ held on January 24 & 25, 2015 at MCON 沙巴体育
- Good Teacher award during the Silver Jubilee and Annual day celebration of MCON 沙巴体育 in 2015
- Awarded maximum number of publications and presentations during the Annual Day Celebration of MCON 沙巴体育 in 2012
- Best paper presentation on ‘Supplementary feeding in children – a descriptive study’ during the 沙巴体育 Conference on Transcultural Nursing organized by MCON 沙巴体育 on November 9 – 11, 2011.
- Resource person for the session on ‘Nursing process in pediatric nursing’ during the Faculty Development Program on ‘Effective Clinical Teaching Learning Strategies’ from July 26-29, 2011 at MCON, 沙巴体育.
Breast feeding practices: An exploratory survey among mothers of infants.
2019-01-03 Mamatha Shivananda Pai Dr Binu Margaret E
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development. 10(3), 253- 257. Scopus Indexed
Knowledge and Perception of Eco-Friendly Environment among High School Students in 沙巴体育ern India - A Quasi Experimental Study
2018-01-05 Akshatha A Nayak Mamatha Shivananda Pai
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 and Development, Vol.9, No.5, 109-113. DOI: 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.00421.7
Practices during Common Cold and Ear Ache in Children among the Koraga Tribes: A Descriptive Survey.
2016-01-10 Shrisha Dr Binu Margaret E
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 & Development, Vol. 7, No. 4, 30-35. (Scopus Indexed)
Bag Pack Weight and Musculoskeletal Discomfort among School Children.
2015-01-06 George Deepti Baby S Nayak
Nursing and Midwifery 沙巴体育 Journal, 11 (3). pp. 97-102.
Knowledge and Attitude on Care of Child during Common Childhood Illnesses among the Koraga Tribes.
2015-01-03 Shrisha Dr Binu Margaret E
NUJHS Vol. 5, No.4, ISSN 2249-7110, Pg No: 13-16.
A survey on practices of koraga tribes during diarrhoea in children
2015-01-01 Shrisha Dr Binu Margaret E
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing and Health Science. (Volume 1, Issue 1). http://ejournal.manipal.edu/mjnhs/docs/Volume%201_Issue%201/09%20BM.PDF Non-Indexed
Maternal anxiety and family support among mothers of neonates admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
2014-01-09 Dr Binu Margaret E Leslie Edward Lewis Ramesh Bhat Y
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS), e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 3, Issue 5 Ver. I, PP 40-43. www.iosrjournals.org Indexed
Dysmenorrhoea Among adolescent Girls – Characteristics and Symptoms Experienced during Menstruation
2014-01-09 Nayana S George Dr Sangeetha Priyadarshini
Nitte University Journal of Health Sciences. Vol. 4(3).
Mothers knowledge on domains of child development
2014-01-06 Miby Baby Dr Sangeetha Priyadarshini
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education
Socialisation skills of institutionalised children in selected areas of Udupi district, Karnataka
2013-01-01 Dr Binu Margaret E Priya L
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education.Vol 5(2), Pg 39- 44 Socialisation skills of institutionalised children and to find the association between the socialisation skills and selected demographic variables. Materials and method: This study was conducted among 100 institutionalised children between the age group of 12- 16 years. A Social skill rating scale was used to measure the socialisation skills.
A study to assess the effectiveness of an information booklet on newborn danger signs among the antenatal mothers in selected Rural Maternity and Child Welfare Centres of Udupi district, Karnataka
2011-01-01 Dr Binu Margaret E Sushila A
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 3(2) .
Effectiveness of Skin Tap Technique in Reducing Pain Response.
2012-01-01 Jose, Rose Mary Sulochana B
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education. Vol. 4 Issue 1, p56-57.
Effectiveness of a Self-Instructional Module on administration of Paediatric medications among staff nurses
2011-01-01 Erna Judith Roach Dr Anjalin D’souza
Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy.
A case control study to assess the risk factors associated with fetal and neonatal deaths in Kasturba Hospital (KH), 沙巴体育, Karnataka.
2019-01-07 Ritu Kumari Dr Binu Margaret E
A correlational study on physical activity, energy expenditure and body weight among secondary school children
2018-01-07 Kalyani Biswas Anusuya
A study to assess the effectiveness of nutritional enhancement programme on knowledge and micronutrient deficiency assessment skills among mothers of anganwadi children and dietary intake of micronutrients of anganwadi children in selected anganwadi centres of Udupi district.
2018-01-07 Shraddha S Kanchan Dr Anice George
A study to assess students adjustment to their professional course and academic performance among undergraduate nursing students
2017-01-07 Bijoylakshmi Sahoo Pratibha
A study to assess the effectiveness of sensitization programme on knowledge and perception of eco-friendly environment among high school students in selected rural schools of Udupi district.
2016-01-07 Akshatha A Nayak Mamatha Shivananda Pai
A cross-sectional study on relationship between bag pack weight and musculoskeletal discomfort and perception of bag pack weight among upper primary students
2014-01-07 Deepti George Baby S Nayak
A study to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices on care of the child during common childhood illnesses among the Koraga tribes in selected tribal areas of Udupi district, Karnataka, with the view to provide an awareness programme.
2014-01-07 Shrisha Dr Binu Margaret E
A study to identify the learning needs of school teachers on sexual health education and to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching programme among school teachers
2013-01-07 Jenifer Shiny Baretto
“A comparative study to assess the socialization skills among private school, government school and institutionalized children
2012-01-07 Priya Dr Binu Margaret E
A study to determine the effectiveness of therapeutic play on anxiety among hospitalised preschool children in Kasturba Hospital, 沙巴体育
2011-01-07 Luan Julie Soares Dr Binu Margaret E
The present study aimed to find out the effectiveness of therapeutic play in reducing anxiety during hospitalisation among preschool children, as therapeutic play can be used in clinical settings to reduce anxiety and to improve the coping ability of children during hospitalisation.