Dr Sushmitha Ramona Karkada
Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Department of Obstetrical and Gynaecological Nursing
- She takes classes for UG and PG students
- III Year B.Sc (N) Class Co Coordinator
- CNE Chairperson
- Subject coordinator I Msc Nursing- Nursing 沙巴体育 &? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Statistics,? II MSc Dissertation & Viva Voce
- Course Co-ordinator of Short term certificate course on Basic? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Obstetric skills
Subject | Semester / Year |
OBG Nursing | IV Year BSc Nursing |
OBG Nursing | I MSc Nursing |
Nursing 沙巴体育 & Statistics | III BSc Nursing |
Nursing 沙巴体育 & Statistics | I MSc Nursing |
OBG Nursing | II MSc Nursing |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD Nursing | MCON, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 | 2018 | |
Master of Science in Nursing | Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing | 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 2008 |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Nursing | Fr Muller College of Nursing Mangalore | 2003 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of OBG Nursing 沙巴体育 College of Nursing,沙巴体育 | Assistant Professor | 2011 - Present | |
沙巴体育 College of Nursing,沙巴体育 | Lecturer | 2008 - 2011 | |
沙巴体育 School of Nursing,沙巴体育 | Assistant Lecturer | 2005 - 2006 | |
Fr Muller Charitable Institution | Staff Nurse | 2004 |
Area of 沙巴体育
OBG Nursing, Reproductive health, Adoloscent health, Interprofessional Education & Practice
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Best 沙巴体育 award from Fr Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore 2021?
- Best research paper award during MCON Annual Day 2017
Courses Completed:
- 2019: Completed teaching and learning certificate course offered by MGH Institute of Health Professions, Boston.
- 2020-2022 FAIMER fellowship at M-FILIPE 沙巴体育.
Effectiveness of antepartum breathing exercises on the outcome of labour: A randomized controlled trial
2022-02-02 Dr Judith Angelitta Noronha SK Bhat P Bhat Baby S Nayak
F1000沙巴体育 11 (159), 159
Biopsychosocial Wellbeing of High-Risk Pregnant Women: A Descriptive Study
2020-28-03 T Bera Dr Sonia Rosaline Blanch D’Souza
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing & Midwifery 沙巴体育 (E-ISSN: 2455-9318) 6
Existing practices of intravenous (IV) medication management and barriers for safe practices among healthcare professionals in a selected hospital of Udupi district, Karnataka
2020-01-06 M Mukherjee KE Vandana
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 8 (2), 509-512
A Study to Assess Functional Assessment and lived experiences of Cervical Cancer Patients Admitted to a Tertiary level hospital of udupi district, Karnataka-A Mixed Method Protocol
2018-01-04 Shobha
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 and Development 9 (4), 321
Knowledge, attitude and risk perception for diabetes among pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus
2018-01-04 Sweety Jousline Fernandes Pratibha
Indian J Public Health Res Dev 9 (2), 19
Instructional program on legal aspect: registered nurse’s knowledge & attitude
2018-01-01 SV Mathew Mamatha Shivananda Pai
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing 沙巴体育 & Practice 5 (1), 10-15
Perception of health-care personnel regarding noise and attitudes regarding implementation of music in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
2017-01-12 Dr Sonia Rosaline Blanch D’Souza Pratibha Sweety Jousline Fernandes Dr Judith Angelitta Noronha Shobha Dr. Leslie Edward S Lewis
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 and Development. Volume. 8 Issue. 4. 225 - 230. (Scopus Indexed)
Breathe a breath: Dawn of a new beginning
2017-07-01 P Bhat SK Bhat Dr Judith Angelitta Noronha
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (MJNHS) 3 (2), 73-76
Antepartum Breathing Exercises and predictors for spontaneous vaginal delivery among primigravid and multigravid women: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
2017-01-01 Dr. Parvathi Bhat Dr. Shashikala K Bhat Dr Anice George Dr Judith Angelitta Noronha Baby S Nayak
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 and Development. (Scopus Indexed)
Biopsychosocial wellbeing among women with gynaecological cancer
2016-01-01 R Gurung Maria Pais
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education 8 (4), 71-75
Materno foetal physiological parameters in sitting and left lateral position during non-stress test (NST) monitoring in pregnancy: a cross over study
2015-01-07 R Samuel Sweety Jousline Fernandes P Bhat
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (MJNHS) 1 (2), 83-86
Effectiveness of ambulation during first stage of labour, on the outcome of labour among primigravid women in selected hospitals of Palakkad District, Kerala
2015-01-01 D Prabhakar Linu Sara George
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education 7 (1), 1-6
Knowledge and attitude of married women in the reproductive age group regarding emergency contraception in selected rural areas of Udupi district
2014-01-01 P Fernandes Dr Sonia Rosaline Blanch D’Souza
J Krishna Inst Med Sci Univ 3 (1), 64-9
Biopsychosocial wellbeing and family support of menopausal women
2011-01-01 Dr Judith Angelitta Noronha
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 2.