Dr Tessy Treesa Jose
Associate Dean & Professor
Department of Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing
- Developing the institutional Philosophy, vision, mission statement, and overall and specific objectives
- Assisting the administration to implement institutional policies, rules and regulations and plan of action.
- Planning the departmental activities periodically, on discussion with the faculty members.
- Organising all the activities, curricular, core-curricular and extra-curricular, involving all the faculty members.
- Ensuring adequate staffing in all areas of work.
- Orienting the new faculty and students to the departmental functioning and the activity plans.
- Conducting departmental meetings periodically, for implementation of the plan and systematic evaluation of the activities completed.
- Co-coordinating all the curricular and co-curricular activities.
- Supervising and directing the activities.
- Collaborating with other departments, other constituent colleges and external agencies where students ‘learning is planned.
- Establishing and maintaining the lines of communication with all involved in the departmental functioning.
- Developing, categorising and maintaining departmental records and reports up to date.
- Planning departmental expenditures, exploring, and acquiring resources and monitoring the accounts.
- Planning and conducting faculty developmental programmes for departmental staff.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating students’ co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
- Evaluating the performances of the faculty and students periodically.
- Writing annual departmental activities report.
Dr. Tessy Treesa Jose is Associate Dean & Professor, Department of?Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing.
She is involved in
Subject | Semester / Year |
Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing | II MSc Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing Specialty) |
Nursing Education | I Year MSc Nursing |
Applied Psychology | I Semester BSc Nursing |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MS in Counselling and Psychotherapy | Manasa Educational Foundation for Mental Health, Shimoga (Kuvempu University) | 2015 | |
PhD | Psychiatric Nursing | 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 2012 |
Certificate Course in Biostatistics & 沙巴体育 Methodology | Biostatistics & 沙巴体育 Methodology | Department of Biostatistics | 2007 |
MSc | Mental health Nursing | 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 1997 |
BSc | Nursing | Christian Medical College, College of Nursing, Punjab University | 1991 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育 | Associate Dean & Professor | 2024 till date | |
沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育 | Associate Dean, Professor & Head of Department | 2022 to 2024 | |
沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育 | Professor & Head of Department | 2011 to 2022 | |
MCON | Officiating Professor & Head of the Department | 2007-2011 | |
MCON | Officiating Professor | 2005 - 2007 | |
MCON | Associate Professor and Head of the Department | 2002 - 2003 | |
MCON | Assistant Professor and Head of the Department | 1999 - 2002 | |
MCON | Lecturer & Head of the Department | 1997 - 1999 | |
MCON, MAHE, 沙巴体育 | Assistant Lecturer | 1994 - 1995 |
Area of Interest
Psychiatric nursing, Nursing education , Nursing research
Area of Expertise
Suicide, human sexuality, guidance and counselling
Area of 沙巴体育
BPAD, Quality of life, stress, coping
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Distinguished 沙巴体育 Award from 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, 沙巴体育 for the year 2011.
- Best Faculty 沙巴体育 Article Award 2003 from College of Nursing MAHE, 沙巴体育.
- Life Member of Trained Nurses Association of India.
- Life Member of Indian Society of Psychiatric Nurses.
- Fellow of the Academy of General Education 沙巴体育.
The role of legal medicines professionals in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections among female victims of sexual assault.
2023-07-03 Renjulal Yesodharan Pratibha Renjith
Forensic Sci Med Pathol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12024-023-00578-6
Effectiveness of Gatekeeper Training Program (GTP) on awareness, attitude, mental help-seeking intention and gatekeeper behaviour among Koraga tribe: A study protocol.
2022-01-12 Flavia Sharlet Noronha Dr Anice George Linu Sara George
F1000沙巴体育, 11(291), 291.
Medico-legal history taking from the victims of sexual assaults: the role of nurse examiners.
2022-16-05 Renjulal Yesodharan Shehata, S. A Hagras, A. M Nayak, V.
Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 12(1), 24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41935-022-00284-4
The effectiveness of a sexual assault nurse examiner-grounding program (SANE-GP) on knowledge, skill and practice regarding sexual assault examination (SAE) among nurses working in a tertiary care hospital in Udupi district, India: A study protocol.
2022-02-02 Renjulal Yesodharan Nayak, V Palimar, V. Dr Anice George
F1000沙巴体育, 11, 134. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.74978.1
A descriptive study on Psychiatric morbidity among nurses working in selected hospitals of Udupi and Mangalore districts, Karnataka, India.
2016-24-12 Bhat SM
沙巴体育 Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and pharmaceutical Engineering 2016:10 (9):424-428.
An exploratory study to determine the quality of life (QoL) and factors leading to imprisonment among women prisoners in a selected women prison.
2016-10-11 Nair A P Dr Daisy Josphine Lobo
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education. 2016;8(3):19-23.
Nurses Perception of Factors Influencing Clinical Decision Making
2016-15-12 Nageshwar V Dr Judith Angelitta Noronha Anitha Nileswar Dr Anice George Manjunath Prabhu Baby S Nayak
Indian Journal of Public Health 沙巴体育 and Development 7(4):54-58 .
A descriptive study on Self- Esteem among nurses working in selected hospitals of Udupi and Mangalore districts, Karnataka, India.
2015-23-12 Bhat SM
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education. 2015;7(3):154-159.
Is clinical decision making skills are developed through academic nurturing? A review based on available literature.
2015-22-09 Nageshwar V Dr Judith Angelitta Noronha Anitha Nileswar Dr Anice George Manjunath Prabhu Baby S Nayak
Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing. 19; 50-58.
Co-relational Study on Stress and Coping among Widows Residing at Selected Areas of Pokhara, Nepal.
2015-01-06 Sandhya S Asha K Nayak
沙巴体育 Journal of Psychiatric Nursing.1(1): 128-132.
Effectiveness of academic stress management programme on academic stress and academic performance among higher secondary students in selected schools of Udupi district.
2015-18-05 Nikhitha S
NITTE University Journal of Health Sciences.2015; 5(4):9-12.
A study to determine the effectiveness of an awareness programme on knowledge on substance abuse and its consequences among the students of a selected pre university college of Udupi district, Karnataka.
2015-02-03 Theou C Asha K Nayak
NITTE University Journal of Health Sciences.5(1): 53-57.
A correlational study on academic stress and self-esteem among higher secondary students in selected schools of Udupi district.
2014-01-05 Nikhitha S
NITTE University Journal Of Health Sciences. 4(1):106-108.
A descriptive study on Quality of life of nurses working in selected hospitals of Udupi and Mangalore districts, Karnataka, India.
2014-01-04 Bhat SM
NITTE University Journal Of Health Sciences.4(2):4-11.
Effectiveness of Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation (JPMR) technique on social anxiety among high school adolescents in a selected school of Udupi District, Karnataka state.
2014-01-07 Joy FE Asha K Nayak
NITTE University Journal of Health Sciences. 4 (1): 86-90.
A descriptive study on stress and coping of nurses working in selected hospitals of Udupi and Mangalore districts.
2013-02-12 Bhat SM
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. 3(1):10-18.
A correlational study on blood pressure, stress and body mass index (BMI) among BSc Nursing Students in a selected college of nursing Udupi District
2013-01-01 Sheen Helen S Jose TT Nayak A
NITTE University Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 3(1), Pg 3-7
A correlational study on depressive symptoms and social support among widows in a selected women’s organisation of Pokhara, Nepal
2012-01-01 Sandhya S Jose TT Nayak A
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 4(1), Pg 77-78
Patients’ violence towards nurses: A questionnaire survey
2012-01-01 Balamurugan G Jose TT Nandakumar P
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing
Prevalence of vision loss and related risk factors among the individuals of 45 years and above in a selected village of Udupi district, Karnataka
2011-01-01 Bharathi B Jose TT Sulochana B
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 3(2), Pg 15-17
Perceived bio psychosocial problems and coping strategies adopted by post-menopausal women among the age group 45-55 years
2011-01-01 Siji VM Jose TT Linu SG
沙巴体育 Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 3(2), Pg 118-20
Psychiatric nurses’ role in psycho social rehabilitation
2010-01-01 Jose TT
Official Journal of Trained Nurses Association of India, Kerala Branch, Vol 5(1), Pg 16-23
A study to determine the quality of life of post myocardial infarction Clients, attending the outpatient department of a selected hospital in Karnataka
2009-01-01 Sulochana B Devi ES Jose TT
Asian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
Effectiveness of self-instructional module for teachers in management of behavioural problems in school children
2008-01-01 Sudhaker C Valsaraj BP Linu SG Nandakumar
Official Journal of Trained Nurses Association of India, Kerala Branch
Writing a research proposal in nursing
2008-01-01 Jose TT
Official Journal of Trained Nurses’ Association of India, Kerala Branch
A study of the factors associated with compliance or non-compliance to lithium therapy among the patients with bipolar affective disorder
2003-01-01 Jose TT Bhaduri A Mathew B
Nursing Journal of India
Undergraduate - BSc Nursing
I Semester
Postgraduate - MSc Nursing
I Year & II Year