Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Course Coordinator - Management
Qualification: Ph.D in Tourism Management, NET (Management)
Engaing in classes assigned by the Academic team.?
Mentoring students with the projects and other activities.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Marketing Management | III Semester |
Travel agency and Tour operations | V Semester |
Micro Economics- MSC Financial Economics | I Semester |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Ph.D | Tourism Management | University of Mysore | 2018 |
MBA | Marketing Management | Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management (VTU) | 2011 |
BBM | Management | SDM College of Management | 2009 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
St. Aloysius Institute of Management and Information Technology | Lecture | 1 Year | |
Value point systems Pvt Ltd | Territory account Manager | 6 Months |
Customer gap analysis in organized retailing – a empirical study
Retailing Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes Dr. Amulya. M.
Customer gap analysis in organized retailing – a empirical study 沙巴体育 Journal of 沙巴体育 In Commerce & Management,(ISSN 0976 – 2183),Volume 3 , Issue 9, September 2012.Impact Factor (0.625)
Area of Interest
Marketing Management, Strategic management, Business communication , Branding and Advertising, Tourism Management, Digital Prints, Social media marketing
Area of Expertise
Relationship Marketing, Tourism Management, Travel and Hospitality Management
Area of 沙巴体育
Tourism Industry, Green Marketing, Social entrepreneurship, IT Trends in Travel and tourism Industry.
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Dr.EverilJacklin Fernanades has served as Territory account Manager at value point systems Pvt Ltd for a short tenure and later began her teaching career as a lecturer at St. Aloysius Institute of Management and Information Technology.?
Relationship between Hotel Companies and Travel Agencies: A Study from the perspective of Service Intermediaries of Tourism industry
August 04, 2015 Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Relationship between Hotel Companies and Travel Agencies: A Study from the perspective of Service Intermediaries of Tourism industry, for publication in 沙巴体育 Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational 沙巴体育, Vol 4, Issue 8(1), ISSN (2277-7881). (Impact Factor: 2.972, IC Value: 5.16)
Relationship Marketing in Indian Tourism Industry -A study from the perspective of tourism industry intermediaries
June 09, 2014 Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Relationship Marketing in Indian Tourism Industry -A study from the perspective of tourism industry intermediaries, for publication in ICSSR sponsored 沙巴体育 conference on strategies for social sustainable competitive advantage in globalized era, Vol. 3 ISBN-(978-9383192- 49-6).
Foreign Direct Investment in India’s Multi Brand Retail-with special reference to its impact on Indian Economy
April 04, 2013 Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Foreign Direct Investment in India’s Multi BrandRetail-with special reference to its impact on Indian Economy for publication in ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Retail Management, An 沙巴体育ly Indexed Journal. (ISSN-0976-7193). (Impact factor 3.35-3.36.)
An outlook towards online Marketing-a study on the future trends in Internet Marketing
August 14, 2012 Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
An outlook towards online Marketing-a study on the future trends in Internet Marketing, (ISBN-978-81-924393-65).
Green Education as a Building Block for Green Entrepreneurship
May 14, 2012 Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernande
Green Education as a Building Block for Green Entrepreneurship for publication in Asian Journal of Development matters, An 沙巴体育 Contemporary & Multi- Disciplinary Journal, Print ISSN-0973-9629.
Emerging issues in Marketing –A conceptual framework for publication
March 02, 2012 Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Emerging issues in Marketing –A conceptual framework for publication in EXCEL 沙巴体育 Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies (ZIRAF), 沙巴体育 Journal of Multidisciplinary research, (ISSN-2249-8834), Volume 2, Issue 11.
CSR a new phase in Business Management with reference to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility –A New Perspective
January 09, 2012 Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes Dr. Amulya. M
CSR a new phase in Business Management with reference to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility –A New Perspective - SCMS Journal on Third Sector Responseto Contemporary Challenges Volume – 1, (ISBN: 978-93-81195-10-9), pp no. 123-30.
Relationship commitment of OTA’s: A study measuring the gap in service delivery of the tourism industry for publication in 沙巴体育 Journal of Multidisciplinary 沙巴体育 and Development
Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Relationship commitment of OTA’s: A study measuring the gap in service delivery of the tourism industry for publication in 沙巴体育 Journal of Multidisciplinary 沙巴体育 and Development, for publication in 沙巴体育 Journal of Multidisciplinary 沙巴体育 and Development, Vol.2, Issue: 10, 474-478, e-ISSN: 2349-4182 p-ISSN: 2349-5979. (Impact Factor: 5.742)
Relationship Marketing in Indian Tourism Industry- Tourists Perception of Hoteliers and Travel Agents
Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Relationship Marketing in Indian Tourism Industry- Tourists Perception of Hoteliers and Travel Agents, for publication in 沙巴体育 Journal of Multidisciplinary 沙巴体育 and Development, Vol.2, Issue 8, 705- 713, p-ISSN (2349-5979), e-(2349-4182). (Impact Factor: 3.762).
Role of relationship marketing in life Insurance Industry in India during crisis periods
Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Role of relationship marketing in life Insurance Industry in India during crisis periods, for publication in Equality and sustainable Human Development-Issues and Policy implications, Volume II published by Lulu enterprises UK Ltd, ISBN (978-1-312-12663-3).
Role of Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth in India
Dr. Everil Jacklin Fernandes
Role of Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth in India for publication in ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Finance & Risk Management, An 沙巴体育ly Indexed Journal. (ISSN-09767185). (Impact factor -3.35-3.36.)
A study on Gap Analysis of Health care services for publication in Lambert Academic Publishing
October 08, 2013
Everil Jacklin Fernandes &Dr. Amulya. M.(October 2013), A study on Gap Analysis of Health care services for publication in Lambert Academic Publishing, Editor IRSU,ISBN (978-3-659-43458-7).
Tourism Management Journal –Elsevier
https://www.reviewerrecognition.elsevier.com/recognition/index?key=A002F298890F30D83CD069E761FCA97A7933AE3ABB33F0BC (Reviewer)