Srinivasa Kumar N Acharya
Assistant Professor and Coordinator
Srinivasa Kumar N Acharya (Srini) is an Assistant Professor and heads the Department of Philosophy (DoP) at MAHE, where he oversees an interdisciplinary research project MAHE Mahabharata – computational analyses using Sanskrit Computational Linguistics in Digital Humanities. He continues to serve the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence - 沙巴体育 Centre for European Studies (MCES), Department of Languages (DoL) and 沙巴体育 Universal Press (MUP) alongside DoP, since their inception. He pursues teaching and research in Indian discourses on ethics, epistemology, metaphysics and linguistics. He is a beneficiary of the prestigious Erasmus+ Teaching Fellowship from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain (2018) and was invited to deliver talks at European universities - Leibniz Universit?t Hannover, Germany (2018), Metropolitní Univerzita Praha (MUP), Czechia (2015) and Latvijas Universitāte (LU), Latvia (2015). He is also a co-recipient of the Indo-Canadian Shastri grant with the University of Toronto (UoT), Canada (2021-23) for the collaborative research on Indian dialectics and argumentation. He has been instrumental in bringing out scholarly translations and publications on Indian philosophy and literature with MUP. Apart from penning a few publications, he conducted international summer schools, conferences, workshops and MILAP lit-fest by hosting scholars around the world. He developed two master’s programs in Indian philosophy and Sanskrit studies at 沙巴体育; followed by his 15 years of training in Purnaprajna Vidyapitha Sanskrit College (affiliated to Karnataka Sanskrit University KSU), Bengaluru where he completed two masters’ in logic and aesthetics, and studied philosophy under the tutelage of Sri Vishvesha Tirtha. He also holds another master’s in Sanskrit and a bachelor’s in library and information sciences (BLISc) from Karnataka State Open University (KSOU), Mysuru. Further, he pursued his PhD (2010-21) in Nyaya philosophy at Central Sanskrit University (CSU), New Delhi, under the guidance of Prof Dr Prahalada Char, Prof Dr Pandurangi and Prof Dr Varakhedi. The doctoral research thesis, written in Sanskrit, involves a textual analysis of a 16th-century seminal work dealing with the philosophy of language in Indian epistemology.
Qualification: PhD in Navya-Nyaya; MA in Navya-Nyaya, Alankara and Sanskrit; BA in Navya-Nyaya; BLISc in Library and Information Sciences; PG Diploma in Tantra-shastra (Pravara & Pravina); Diploma in Computer Applications; Certificate course - French and German (A1)
- European Philosophy for MA European Studies, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence - 沙巴体育 Centre for European Studies
- 沙巴体育 Methods in Social Sciences (Qualitative) for MA European Studies,? Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence - 沙巴体育 Centre for European Studies
- Basics in Linguistics for?BA Foreign Languages and Intercultural Studies?
- Indian Textual Traditions for?BA Foreign Languages and Intercultural Studies
- Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages for BA Foreign Languages and Intercultural Studies?
- Introduction to Indian Ethics and Epics (interfaculty open elective) for BTech at MIT
- Introduction to Indian Philosophy for 沙巴体育 Centre for Health Professionals
- Indian Epistemology for DVK&Christ, Bengaluru
- Certificate Course in Bhagavadgita (open for interested)?
- Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence MCES - course on Ethics and epics: Indian and European discourses?co-organised by DoP with MCES
(funded by European Commission) - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence MCES - summer school on Conscience and Consciousness: Indian discourses on ethics and epistemology
(funded by European Commission) - UKIERI - summer school on ethics and epics: discourses on morality?co-organised by DoP with British Council
(funded by UKIERI, UK) - Grammatical Analysis of Mahabharata (Adiparva)
(funded by Central Sanskrit University, New Delhi) - Translating and editing of Bhagavadgita-bhashya and Bhagavadgita-tatparyanirnaya to be published by 沙巴体育 University Press?
- Computational Analysis of Mahabharata and Tatparyanirnaya (funded by 沙巴体育 University) as Project Head
- Digitising and Proofing of Mahabharata Sastri-Vavilla Edition
(funded by Vedavyasa Samshodhana Kendra, Subrahmanya)
He involved in the following 沙巴体育 and National projects -
Completed -
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MA Vidvaduttama Navyanyaya | Navya-nyaya (Indian neo-logic) philosophy | Purnaprajna Vidyapitha Sanskrit College, Bengaluru | 2009 |
MA Vidvaduttama Alankara | Alankara-shastra (Sanskrit poetics/rhetorics) | Purnaprajna Vidyapitha Sanskrit College, Bengaluru | 2012 |
MA Sanskrit | Sanskrit language, literature, linguistics and philosophy | Karnataka State Open University | 2010 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Purnaprajna Vidyapitha Sanskrit College, Bengaluru | Lecturer | Teaching - Nyaya philosophy, Sanskrit literature, English language and Sanskrit-Computers | 2010-11 |
Purnaprajna Vidyapitha Sanskrit College, Bengaluru | Project team member - Sanskrit Hindi Machine Translation SHMT | Sanskrit e-corpus proofing and editing | 2010-11 |
Ramavitthala (Vidyapitha) Shikshana Seva Samiti, New Delhi | Teacher | Teaching - Sanskrit language, grammar, literature and Vedas | 2009-10 |
Area of Interest
Indian philosophy - Nyaya and Dvaita, Sanskrit studies - language, linguistics and literature, Vedic studies - Upanishat (Vedanta)
Area of Expertise
Indian philosophy and epics, Sanskrit language, Linguistics, Poetics and Literature
Area of 沙巴体育
Indian philosophy - Nyaya and Dvaita (epistemology and philosophy of language), Sanskrit epic literature, PhD pursuing in Navya-Nyaya (philosophy of language and textual criticism - manuscriptology)