Koushik Sau
Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Department of Occupational Therapy
Koushik Sau is Assistant Professor- Senior Scale in Department of Occupational Therapy – 沙巴体育 College of Health Professions, 沙巴体育.
He is:
·???????? III BOT Class In charge
·???????? BOT Teaching Faculty
·???????? MOT Teaching Faculty
·???????? Thesis guide for undergraduate students
·???????? Subject in charges
? ? ? ? ? ?I MOT - Paper III- Assessments in Occupational Therapy
? ? ? ? ? ?III BOT - Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation
·???????? Clinical In-charge –Splinting?
·???????? Clinical Supervisor for III BOT , IV BOT and I-MOT students
·???????? Departmental Web Coordinator
·???????? Departmental? ISO ??Coordinator
·???????? Departmental NAAC Coordinator
·???????? Web Author SOAHS
·???????? Internal Auditor SOAHS
Subject | Semester / Year |
Assessment in OT I | II Semester |
Assessment in OT II | III Semester |
Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation | III BOT |
Paper III- Assessments in Occupational Therapy | I MOT |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy | Occupational Therapy | National Institute for Orthopedically Handicapped(NIOH), Kolkata | 2003 |
Master in Occupational Therapy | Paediatric ( Child Health) | 沙巴体育 College of Allied Health Science , 沙巴体育 | 2006 |
Certificate in Biostatistics, Epidemiology and 沙巴体育 Methodology | 沙巴体育 Methodology | 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 2011 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Occupational Therapy – 沙巴体育 College of Health Professions(MCHP) 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | Assistant Professor - Senior Scale | 沙巴体育. Teaching, Development of Subject Plan. Clinical Demonstration, Supervising Clinical Posting Students. | May 2013 - Till date |
Department of Occupational Therapy - SOAHS, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | Assistant Professor | 沙巴体育. Teaching, Development of Subject Plan. Clinical Demonstration,Supervising Clinical Posting Students. | December 2010 - April 2013 |
Department of Occupational Therapy – SOAHS , 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | Lecturer | 沙巴体育. Teaching, Development of Subject Plan. Clinical Demonstration, Supervising Clinical Posting Students. | April 2010 - November 2010 |
Nopany Institute of Health Science, Kolkata | Guest Lecturer | Teaching | March 2009 – April 2010 |
National Institute for Orthopedically Handicapped( NIOH) Kolkata | Junior Lecturer | 沙巴体育. Teaching, Clinical Demonstration, Supervising Clinical Posting Students. | July 2008 - April 2010 |
National Institute for Orthopaedically Handicapped | Occupational Therapist | Teaching, Clinical Demonstration, Supervising Clinical Posting Students. | September 2006 – July 2008 |
Area of Interest
Activity of Daily Living Performances after Head Injury and Spinal Cord Injury. Splint for Neuro-Rehabilitation. Marketing and Promotion of Occupational Therapy Profession.
Area of Expertise
Neuro-Rehabilitation. Pediatric Rehabilitation
Area of 沙巴体育
Marketing and Promotion of Occupational Therapy Profession Through Different Media. Activity of Daily Living Performances after Head Injury and Spinal Cord Injury. Neuro Rehabilitation.
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life Member of All India occupational Therapy Associations (AIOTA).
- Member of Academic Council Of Occupational therapy (ACOT).
- Served as? Executive Member of All India occupational Therapy Associations for two years (2010-2012)
- Served as Chairman Election Committee? for?All India occupational Therapy Associations- Election 2010
Participation in activities of daily living can reduce loneliness in older adults
2015-15-12 Older Adult, Loneliness , ADL Koushik Sau Kritika Premnath Amin Archana Sharma Samuel Olusegun Fakorede
Indian Journal Of Psychiatry 2015;57 (4) :430-1 We agreed with Tiwari that loneliness among older adults become significant public health issue. In his guest editorial Tiwari mention three type of loneliness situational, developmental and internal loneliness.We believe ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL) can help to reduce the chances of loneliness. For healthy ageing and to maintain older adults mobile ADL activities plays an essential role . They focus more on ADL activities compare to any other work because it is a common activity people used to do throughout their lives to fulfil their time and give meaning of their life. (Letter to Editor) http://www.indianjpsychiatry.org/article.asp?issn=0019-5545;year=2015;volume=57;issue=4;spage=430;epage=431;aulast=Sau
Ethical challenges for occupational therapist in india to use social media
2014-01-01 Ethics, Occupational Therapy, Social Media, Privacy Issues in Social Networking Sites, and Privacy Issue Koushik Sau Sridhar D
Scientific 沙巴体育 Journal of India, 3 (1). pp. 52-57. ISSN 2277-170 Like other part of the world, usage of social media is growing rapidly among various age groups using Internet actively in India. Social media has good and bad qualities within it. Occupational therapist can use social media effectively to promote their professional qualities through media based activities in the virtual forum. Social media such as Internet based access is cost effective, consumer friendly, communicates faster and reaches everyone around the world by few clicks but Occupational Therapist should use these media with utmost cautious. This article is a try to summaries some perception about ethical and legal issues on social media users among occupational therapy practitioners in India. https://sites.google.com/site/scientificrji/archives/archive-2014-vol-2014
Facts about journal publishing in open access policies
2013-01-12 Open Access, Self-Archiving, Predatory Publishers, and Publishing In Good Journals Koushik Sau
Indian Journal of Medical 沙巴体育, 138(12). pp.1029-1030. ISSN 0971-5916 Open access of journals is one of the changing aspects of journal publishing in modern day. This system is a blessing for scientific communities because it is easily available in digital form and allows user to read, download, copy, distribute, and print without any barrier, thus increases impact of the published material. The progress of scientific knowledge in any field depends on retrieval and accessibility of relevant literature and in this regard archiving and access of open access literature plays a major role. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3978960/ http://icmr.nic.in/ijmr/2013/December/1236.pdf
Netiquette: a modern day essential for occupational therapists
2013-01-09 Occupational Therapy, Netiquette, and Netiquette Tips Koushik Sau
The Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 45(3). p. 26. ISSN 0445-706 Internet is a modern day essential for every individual. It plays an important role for collaborating, communicating and making community across globe. Email and social media are two common forms of internet use. Both email and social media are useful for promotion and marketing. Worldwide various members countries of World Federations of Occupational Therapy (WFOT) are using these two medium for promoting and marketing occupational therapy and they are also encouraging there members to use those medium for promoting and marketing. American Occupational Therapist Association (AOTA) launched social network site (http:// otconnections.aota.org/) for occupational therapist. British Association of Occupational Therapists developed social media guideline for their members. These are the sign of involvement of occupational therapist and occupational therapy profession in Internet worldwide. Situation is same here in India. (Letter to Editor) http://medind.nic.in/iba/t13/i3/ibat13i3p26.pdf
Reducing the knowledge gap between developed and developing countries.
2013-01-08 Occupational Therapy and Knowledge Gap Koushik Sau
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76 (8). p. 387. ISSN 0308-0226 The scientific, peer review article has an important role in developing and disseminating knowledge among researchers, academics and clinicians. Ilott et al have suggested that the exchange of knowledge between developed and developing world because is fundamental to the globalization of evidence in research. In practice, the scenario is quite different: like other journals in the field of bio medical and health research, occupational therapy journals are not generally available to occupational therapist in developing world. Practitioners are often unable to afford a subscription to the journal due to to high exchange rates and so don not access to the latest knowledge. This lack of access creates a knowledge gap in the field between developed and developing world. (Letter to Editor)
Occupational Therapy Marketing Indian Prospective
2009-01-01 Marketing, Occupational Therapy, Health Care Marketing, and Occupational Therapy Marketing Koushik Sau
Scientific 沙巴体育 Journal of India, 2 (3). pp. 59-66. ISSN 2277-170 Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out the present scenario of occupational therapy marketing in India. Methodology: An author designed survey questionnaire is used for this study. Other Allied health staff, other rehabilitation staff and local occupational therapist revised the questionnaire in three stages. After the three-staged revision final survey questioners was made and send to different occupational therapist working in various parts of India. Result: All participants (100%) are agreeing with that there is a need of marketing. But they are not satisfied with the present marketing scenario of occupational therapy in India. Conclusion: This study can use by practitioner for marketing guidance. https://sites.google.com/site/scientificrji/archives/archive-2013
Functional Rehabilitation of a Patient with Post Stroke Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome - A Single Case Study.
2013-01-05 Cognitive Rehabilitation, Stroke, Balance retraining, and Functional Rehabilitation. Koushik Sau Vidyasagar, Sudha Varma, Muralidhar
沙巴体育 Journal of Health Sciences and 沙巴体育, 3 (5). pp. 107-110. ISSN 2249-9571 Objective: In the last decade, it has become more evident that cerebellum plays a major role in cognitive, behavioral and affective abnormalities. In this case study, we report about a client who developed “Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome” following a cerebellar hemorrhage and the rehabilitation process following the same. Design: A single case study. Methods: The patient was a 31 years old male, who was working as an executive manager was referred to Occupational Therapy Dept. for evaluation and rehabilitation. The patient showed ataxia of the trunk and the extremities as a part of motor evaluation. In cognitive evaluation, MMSE a screening tool and LOTCA, standardized cognitive assessment in occupational therapy was carried out and the results revealed disturbance in orientation, attention, memory-both short term & long term and impairments in executive functioning, visuo-spatial functioning. Behavioral and affective abnormalities also noted during evaluation. Due to impairments in cognitive, motor, behavioral and affective components the client was totally dependent on his family members for his Basic Activities of Daily Living. Cognitive rehabilitation, Functional balance retraining, fall prevention education, caregiver education and home modifications were carried out in order to make the client independent in his daily living tasks and also to maximize his abilities to return to his work. http://www.ijhsr.org/vol_current_issue_May_2013/18.pdf
Facebook and occupational therapy profession.
2013-02-03 Occupational Therapy and Social Media Koushik Sau
沙巴体育 Journal of Medical 沙巴体育 & Health Sciences, 2 (3). pp. 660-661. ISSN 2319-5886 Social media is any web or mobile based platform that’s enables an individual or agency to communicate interactively and enables exchange of user generated content1. Facebook is the most powerful social media 2 and India is the third 3in world in terms of active user. So Indian occupational therapist can use Facebook effectively for professional growth. http://ijmrhs.com/vi23/54.%20Koushik%20etal.pdf
Effect of Balance Exercise on Balance Control In Unilateral Lower Limb Amputees.
2009-01-09 Amputee and Balance Sethy D, Kujur E S Koushik Sau
Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy Vol XLI No 3. Page 63-68, ISSN 0445-706 OBJECTIVES- 1. To study the effect of balance exercise on balance control of unilateral lower limb amputees.2. To study the difference in balance control in Trans Femoral and Trans Tibial amputees. METHODOLOGY-Thirty unilateral Trans-femoral and Trans-tibial amputees were selected and divided into two groups of 15 each. Control group received conventional training and Experimental group received conventional training along with Phyaction balance exercise. Duration of treatment was 30 minutes, five days a week for four weeks. Pre and Post training evaluation of functional reach, and Global balance performance was done for both the groups. Statistical analysis was done by t test. RESULT: Statistically significant improvement was seen in all the outcome measures in experimental group and no significant improvement was seen in case of control group which shows that balance exercise is effective in controlling balance in unilateral lower limb amputees. CONCLUSION: Early phase balance exercise is effective in controlling balance of unilateral lower limb amputees. Area covered by the non-affected limb was more in comparison to the prosthetic limb, so strengthening of the non-affected limb should be incorporated in the rehabilitation of unilateral lower limb amputees. http://medind.nic.in/iba/t09/i3/ibat09i3p63.pdf
A Study on the leisure interest of Indian undergraduate students
2012-16-03 Leisure, Leisure Interest of Indian Undergraduate Students Olosunde Otuwin Seun Eleyinde Suday Tayo Lashmann Deborah Yetunde
Several studies have established the importance of leisure in the overall well-being of people of different ages. Leisure interest, a vital determinant of the benefits one gets from leisure seems to have received little or no attention over the years.
The level of performance in BADL and IADL in elderly: Using a self-report measure
2014-10-02 Older Adults ,Activity of Daily Living , Basic Activity of Daily Living, Instrumental Activity of Daily Living Archana Sharma Amin Kritika Premnath Fakorede Olusegun Samuel Koushik Sau
This study was done to find out the level of performance in all 22 ADL components together among elderly population using a self-report measure.
Awareness of PWD act among Health science students: A servey study.
2016-01-03 person with disability, Allied health science , person with disability act Aarsha Ravisankar K Annam Susan Abraham Patricia Ojo M Koushik Sau
the study was done to find out the level of awareness of PWD act among allied health science students.
Use of assistive devices and splints in clients with rheumatoid arthritis: A scoping review
2018-15-02 Vigya Smriti Deeksha Kumari Absha MP
Aim of this scoping review was to examine and synthesize the literature on the use of assistive devices and splints in clients with rheumatoid arthritis.