Dr Lakshminarayanan S


沙巴体育 Institute of Management - MAHE


    S Lakshminarayanan is the Professor at 沙巴体育 Institute of Management.?He is also involved in curriculum planning and design and the development of teaching-learning strategies. His role and responsibilities include:

    Area Coordinator for HR |? Faculty Coordinator for Placements



Subject Semester / Year
Human Resource Management Semester 1
HR Analytics Semester 3
Compensation Management and Benefits Semester 4
沙巴体育 HRM Semester 4


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Human Resource Management Bharathidasan University, Trichy 2013
MBA (Master of Business Administration) Alagappa University, Karikudi 2009
MA Personnel Management and Industrial Relations St Joseph’s College, Trichy 1996
BSc St Joseph’s College, Trichy 1994
Global Certification of Certified HR Analytics & Metrics Professional (CHAMP) Carlton Advanced Management Institute, Middle Earth HR and Confederation of Indian Industries 2017


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
沙巴体育 Institute of Management Professor September 2018 - till date
沙巴体育 Institute of Management Associate Professor February 2013 - September 2018
沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education Assistant Professor-Selection Grade November 2011 - February 2013
沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education Assistant Professor-Senior Scale January 2011 - October 2011
沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education Senior Grade Lecturer October 2006 - December 2010
沙巴体育 Institute of Management, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education Lecturer October 2000 - October 2006


Area of Interest

Work-Life Balance Employee Motivation Change Management Leadership

Area of Expertise

Labour Laws, Change Management, Leadership, HR analytics

Area of 沙巴体育

Work-life balance, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Emotional intelligence, Transformational leadership, Personality

Work Experience

Organisation Role Tenure
Fortune Park Hotels, Trichy Manager-Personnel- Handled Legal Issues, ESIC, and PF and Gratuity Matters. HRIS implementation.
Pan Card Clubs Ltd, Mumbai Manager-HRD, Payroll Administration, Training and Development and Recruitment
Parle Tablets and Tools (P) Ltd, Mumbai Personnel Officer. General Administration, Training and Development and PMS.
Billets India Ltd, Mumbai Personnel Officer. Handled Legal Issues, ESIC, and PF & Gratuity Matters, Trade Union Negotiations.
Roofit Industries Ltd, Mumbai Personnel Officer. Liaising with Chief Inspectorate of Factories, Work Scheduling, Manpower Planning, ESIC, PF matters.