Abdul Ajees Abdul Salam
Associate Professor
- Member, Board of Studies.
- 沙巴体育 Coordinator, Doctoral 沙巴体育 Advisory Committee.
- Member, Doctoral 沙巴体育 Advisory Committee.
- Member, Project Implementation Group, FIST-2012.
- Coordinator, Seminar Series.
- Member, Master of Science program Syllabus Review Committee.
A Abdul Ajees is Associate Professor?in the Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics.
He is:
Subject | Semester / Year |
Mathematical Physics and Numerical Methods. | First Semester |
Micro and Nanophotonics. | Second Semester |
Optical Materials | Second Semester |
Nanomaterial Preparation and Characterisation. | Second Semester |
Nanobiotechnology | Third Semester |
Biophotonics | Third Semester |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
沙巴体育 Associate | Crystallography and Biophysics | Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida 沙巴体育 University | 2011 |
沙巴体育 Associate | Crystallography and Biophysics | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Wayne State University | 2008 |
Postdoctoral Fellow | Crystallography and Biophysics | Centre for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering, University of Alabama | 2007 |
PhD | Crystallography and Biophysics | University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu | 2003 |
MPhil | Crystallography and Biophysics | University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu | 1999 |
MSc | Physics | Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamil Nadu | 1996 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics | Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) |
Area of Interest
Structural and molecular studies on metal binding proteins
Area of Expertise
Small and macromolecule X-ray crystallography, biophysics, bioinformatics, drug identification & modelling and structural biology
Area of 沙巴体育
Structural studies of arsenic binding proteins
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life member of Indian Crystallographic Association.
- Life member of Indian Biophysical Society.
- Executive Committee member of Post-doctoral Association, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
- Student member of Indian Crystallographic Association.
- Member of Volunteer Service Organisation.
The structure of an As (III) S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase: insights into the mechanism of arsenic biotransformation
2012-01-01 Kavitha Marapakala Jie Qin Banumathi Sankaran Barry P Rosen
Life and Death with Arsenic
2011-01-01 BioEssays Timothy R McDermott
Genetic mapping of the interface between the ArsD metallochaperone and the ArsA ATPase
2011-01-01 Jianbo Yang Barry P Rosen
Molecular Microbiology.
The role of alanine 163 in solute permeability of Leishmania major aquaglyceroporin LmAQP1
2011-01-01 Rita Mukhopadhyay Goutam Mandal Venkata Subba Rao Atluri Katherine Figarella
Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology.
Crystallisation and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the ArsM arsenic(III) S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase
2010-01-01 Kavitha Marapakala Jie Qin Banumathi Sankaran Barry P Rosen
Acta Crystallographica Section F.
The 1.4 ? crystal structure of the ArsD arsenic metallochaperone provides insights into its interaction with the ArsA ATPase
2010-01-01 Jun Ye Jianbo Yang Barry P Rosen
Adventitious arsenate reductase activity of the catalytic domain of the human Cdc25B and Cdc25C Phosphatases
2010-01-01 Hiranmoy Bhattacharjee Ju Sheng Rita Mukhopadhyay Barry P Rosen
Biochemistry, Vol 49, Pg 802-809.
Role of signature lysines in the deviant walker A motif of ArsA ATPase
2010-01-10 Hsueh-Liang Fu Barry P Rosen Hiranmoy Bhattacharjee
Biochemistry, Vol 49, Pg 356-364.
Trivalent arsenicals and glucose use different translocation pathways in mammalian GLUT1
2010-01-01 Xuan Jiang, Joseph R McDermott Barry P Rosen Zijuan Liu
Metallomics, Vol 2, Pg 211-219.
Molecular simulation of ArsD, an arsenic metallochaperone with Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement
2013-01-01 Aylin Sahin
IAESTE IndiaMIT – 2013. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have arsenic detoxifying systems, frequently involving extrusion from cytosol. The 120 residue ArsD is encoded by the arsRDABC operon of plasmid R773 that confers resistance to arsenite and antimonite in Escherichia coli. A molecular dynamics study was carried out to construct the missing parts of the ArsD structure. The final model will be used to examine the structure of ArsD and its interaction with the partner protein, ArsA.
Molecular simulation of ArsD, an arsenic metallochaperone with AMBER
2012-01-01 Ariana Karakutuk
IAESTE IndiaMIT – 2012. Arsenic, a toxic metalloid, causes a variety of health problems. The ArsD metallochaperone delivers trivalent metalloids, As(III) or Sb(III), to the ArsA ATPase, the catalytic subunit of the ArsAB As(III) efflux pump. In this study, we have carried out the molecular dynamics simulation experiments using AMBER program to understand the open form of ArsA as well as arsenic binding site of ArsD.
The crystallisation trials using optical forces
2012-01-01 Mahendra K
X-ray crystallography is a powerful tool for determining the three-dimensional structure of small molecules and proteins with atomic scale resolution. However, the process of producing diffraction quality crystals remains a major bottleneck in structure determination. Optically induced localised heating and consequent crystallisation method is one of the emerging technique to crystallise small molecules and proteins due to the non-contact nature as well as ability to externally control the parameters such as laser wavelength and intensity. In this work, several small molecule compounds were crystallised using an experimental setup built around an inverted Nikon microscope together with a CW Nd:YAG laser (? = 1064 nm) as an optical source.