Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars etc.

Date Event Organised by Venue
9th & 10th Oct 2024

1st 沙巴体育 Conference on cGMP
'ICONcGMP 2024'?
2nd 'National cGMP Day'

Click here for brochure

Centre for current Good Manufacturing Practices (Centre for cGMP), a Centre of Excellence, MAHE, 沙巴体育
沙巴体育 College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MCOPS), 沙巴体育
Dr TMA Pai Auditorium 沙巴体育
2nd & 3rd Aug 2024

21st?Control Instrumentation Systems Conference
(CISCON 2024)

Conference Link

Department of Instrumentation & Control Engineering
沙巴体育 Institute of Technology (MIT), MAHE 沙巴体育
Hybrid mode