About 沙巴体育 Centre for European Studies (MCES)
沙巴体育 Centre for European Studies (MCES) was the first in the country to be recognized as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence by the European Union in 2018 - coemces.manipal.edu. It has evolved as a hub of European Studies in the country in the last decade offering the only MA in European Studies program in the country. It is an active participant in the Association of European Studies in India and works with many universities in Europe and within India while focusing on research in European economic, business, culture, literature, education and society.?
Centre of excellence to foster India-EU educational connect by enhancing understanding based on knowledge sharing across disciplines and geographical borders
Be a preferred choice of students and academicians with specific interests in Europe with multidisciplinary approach
- To establish closer links with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and other organisations in Europe (沙巴体育isation)
- To provide study and research opportunities in India-Europe relations with multidisciplinary approach (programs and courses)
- To encourage interdisciplinary collaborative research and generate common knowledge on India and Europe (projects and publications)
- To engage with civil society, other HEIs and different stakeholders about India-Europe relations ??and disseminate knowledge generated within (outreach program,conference, workshops, and printed materials)