About Department of Geopolitics & 沙巴体育 Relations (GIR)

The Department of Geopolitics and 沙巴体育 Relations intends to prepare the yound minds of India, who are keen to know about geopolitical developments and the nation's role in it, to decipher the intricacies of world politics from India's standpoint.?The Department has been the first and only one in India offering Masters and Ph.D. programme in the discipline of Geopolitics and 沙巴体育 Relations. The Department draws students from diverse academic disciplines from various parts of India, and this reflects the trans and interdisciplinary nature of the academic programmes offered by the Department. The graduates of the Department are placed in various capacities within and outside India in academia, governmental and intergovernmental organizations, think tanks, multinational corporations, global risk analysis firms, as well as media houses.? ??

The Department has been offering a two year MA programme in Geopolitics and 沙巴体育 Relations since 2010. The programme has a comprehensive curriculum mainly dealing with the major geopolitical regions of the world and how India charts its course through its foreign policy choices.?The programme combines the elements of geopolitics, geoeconomics, international relations, security and strategic studies, comparative politics, science and technology studies and media studies. It delves deeper into issues related to foreign policy, national security, defence management, globalization, public diplomacy, maritime security, environmental and resource security, negotiation strategies, nuclear issues and sustainable development. The programme is also designed to decipher the worldviews and strategies of major powers like US and China, as well as aims to develop a deeper understanding of regions such as 沙巴体育ern Asia and Indo-Pacific, which are significant from India's perspective.

The Department also offers a PhD programme, which helps in capacity building in strategic studies and emphasizes quality research on pertinent important themes impacting Geopolitics and 沙巴体育 Relations. The? research at the Department focuses on areas such as Geopolitics,?沙巴体育 Security, Strategic Studies,?Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, Defence and National Security,?India and the world,?Major powers (US, China, Russia),?Regional Geopolitics,?沙巴体育 Organizations and Multilateralism,?Environmental Security,?Maritime Security,?Strategic Technologies and Capabilities,?Nuclear Futures and Disarmament, as well as Space and Cyber Security.

The Department has conducted several track 1.5 and 2 dialogues, and regularly organizes national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, panel discussions and special lectures on key contemporary issues in geopolitics. The Department also places high priority on research. All the faculty at the Department are Doctoral degree holders, with a proven track record of excellence in academics and research at the national and international levels. The Department also promotes the culture of quality research, publication and outreach among the students, while aligning them to ethical practices as well as Sustainable Development Goals.

The Department has collaborated with governmental organizations and eminent domestic and foreign think tanks and universities for research, academic events and exchange programmes. The Department has partnered with reputed institutions, including the Indian Space 沙巴体育 Organization (ISRO), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), National Technical 沙巴体育 Organization (NTRO),?Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES),?National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS),?Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), and Centre for Public Policy 沙巴体育 (CPPR). The Department has also partnered with universities within and outside India such as the University of Melbourne, University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University, University of Gdansk, Jawaharlal Nehru University, among others.

The Department is a constituent of the?UNESCO Chair for the Promotion of the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence at MAHE. The Department currently houses four MAHE centres of research –?China Study Centre, Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies, Northeast Studies Centre?and the?Centre for Polish and Central European Studies. The Department and its centres, conducts on a frequent basis conferences, seminars, workshops, panel discussions and special lectures independently and in collaboration with government, policy research, academic and corporate organizations, in addition to the UNESCO Peace Chair at MAHE and its other constituent units. These events involve distinguished academics (teachers and researchers) and eminent practitioners (political leaders, diplomats, bureaucrats, military leaders, scientists, journalists, activists and entrepreneurs) from India and across the world.?


Vision & Mission


To secure the nation and the world through the understanding of the nuances of peace and conflict issues. To create an interdependent world by understanding the geopolitical and geostrategic developments in this era of globalization.



To train and orient the young generation to become a national security and defense specialist.

