Dr. Anuja D. Damani
Associate Professor
Department of Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care
Associate Professor
Academic roles and responsibilities:
Taking active participation in the preparation of course contents, teaching schedule of U.G and P.G.
Teaching both bedside and diadatic lecture classes for U.G. & P.G.
Coordinating the unit activities.
Attending Seminars, Panel Discussions, Symposia, Debates, Journal Clubs and other learning activities of the department.
Carrying out teaching work with assistance from members of staff.
Conduct of Internal assessment tests and compilation and dispatch of marks list to university.
Guiding the P.G.s in their Dissertation.
Conducting U.G / P.G. Exams.
Any other work entrusted by HOD / Supdt. / University.
To ensure department discipline, decorum and conduct and patient service.
Hands on teaching of cases of Academic interest.
To conduct clinical and epidemiological work and to present paper at conferences and chairing sessions (of national and 沙巴体育) conferences.
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MD | Palliative Medicine | Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai | June 2015 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care, Kasturba Medical College, 沙巴体育 | Associate Professor | Teaching | September 2021 till date |
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai | Associate Professor | Teaching | February 2021 till September 2021 |
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai | Assistant Professor | Teaching | October 2017 till February 2021 |
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai | Senior Resident | Teaching | August 2015 till September 2017 |
Book Chapters
1. Palliative Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer (2021). Textbook: “A Practical Guide to Managing Breast Cancer for Low-Middle Income Countries.” The textbook is sponsored by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) (2021)
2. “Organizational Strategies for Providing Cancer Palliative Care to Many,” for Palliative Medicine section of Current Oncology Reports (2021)
3. “Principles of chronic pain management and palliative care” for textbook “Treatise on Clinical Anesthesia” (2021)
4. “Pharmacological Management of Cancer Pain”. Textbook “A Complete Guide to Oncoanaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain” (2021)
1. Prevalence, Quality, and effect of Dyspnea management in ambulatory patients with advanced cancer: A Multi-center Study (PI)
2. Needs assessment and education as a strategy to improve palliative care referral in children with cancer. (CI)
3. Need assessment and education to improve palliative care referral among adults with hematological malignancies in medical oncology wards of tertiary care hospital (CI)
4. Retrospective evaluation of the prevalence and factors influencing Discharge Against Medical Advice (DAMA) (PI)
5. To Profile the Mortality Patterns and Place of Death in End-Stage Kidney Disease Patients on Hemodialysis – A Single Center Retrospective Study. (CI)
6. Triggers for supportive care referral in patients with head and neck cancer receiving definitive radiotherapy and concurrent chemoradiotherapy) (CI)
7. Prevalence, patterns and impact of myofascial pain in patients with head and neck cancer in a tertiary cancer care center (CI)
Area of Interest
Cancer pain, Supportive care in oncology, Renal Supportive Care, Cancer pain and symptom management
Area of Expertise
Cancer pain and symptom management
Area of 沙巴体育
Cancer pain, Breathlessness in advanced cancer, Decision making at end of life, Paediatric palliative care
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM), Chicago, IL Member, 2017-present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Alexandria, VA
Member, 2019-present
European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC), Milano, Italy
Member, 2014-present
Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), Denmark
Member, 2017-present
Indian Association of Palliative Care Life member, India
Central Council member of Indian Association of Palliative Care (2019-2021)
National trainer for Elderly and Palliative Care with NHSRC (National Health Systems Resource Centre)
Organizing team member for Education in Palliative and End-of-life Care (EPEC-India) training programs
Reviewer, Indian Journal of Palliative, 2015-present
Reviewer, Cancer 沙巴体育, Statistics and Treatment, 2019-present
Reviewer, Journal of Global Oncology, 2021 - present