Dr. Carlsen Bernard Pereira

Assistant Professor

Department of Plastic Surgery


    Guiding and Mentoring Mch postgraduate students.


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
M. C h. Plastic Surgery St Johns Medical College Bangalore Aug 2019
M.S. General Surgery Father Muller Medical College Mangalore Jun 2015
MBBS Mahatma Gandhi Mission,Navi Mumbai May 2011


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Kasturba Medical College, 沙巴体育 Assistant Professor Plastic Surgery 13 th September 2021 – till date
Government Medical College Assistant Professor 30/1/2020 to28/08/2021

Awareness and knowledge towards skin banking and skin donation among medical and paramedical staff and students in a teaching hospital

Principal Investigator - Dr Carlsen Pereira

Funding Agencies- Self

Study is being conducted to assess the awareness and knowledge about skin donation and banking among medical and paramedical staff and students in a teaching hospital , and to raise awareness about skin donation among medical and paramedical staff and students in KMC 沙巴体育 Hospital.


Area of Interest

Reconstructive Surgery, Burns, Congenital Plastic surgery, Cosmetic

Area of Expertise

Reconstructive Surgery, Burns, Congenital Plastic surgery

Area of 沙巴体育

Cosmetic Burns

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

Member of Association Of Plastic Surgeons of India(APSI), Member Of Karnataka Association of Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgeons(KAPRAS)

Puja burns—burns related to use of fire in religious practices

沙巴体育 Publication


European Journal of plastic Surgery

First skin bank of coastal Karnataka: Our journey so far- Annals Of Burns and Fire Disasters

Its Not about the Destination, Its about the Journey-Plotting 50 Years of Changing Clinical Trends in Plastic Surgery in a Public Sector Teaching Hospital

National Publication

Indian Journal Of Plastic Surgery