Dr.Gopalakrishnan V
Adjunct Faculty
Qualification: Nuclear and Atomic Data
- 沙巴体育 related to thorium in indian Nuclear power Program
- Guiding Students Interested
- Student Projects , Projects-works funded by Government Agencies
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Ph.D | Physics | University Of Madras,Chennai | 2000 |
MSc | Physics | Annamalai University,Chidambaram,TN | 1987 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
MCNS,沙巴体育 University | Sr.Data Physicist | Sr.Scientist | June2014 onwards. |
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic 沙巴体育, Kalpakkam, TamilNadu | Head, Nuclear Data Section, Reactor Engg. Group | Scientific Officer | 37 Years(Dec 1975-Dec 2012) |
Area of Interest
Neutron-nuclear Data processing for reactor Applications
Area of Expertise
Neutron-nuclear Data processing for reactor Applications
Area of 沙巴体育
Nuclear Data research specifically related to thorium utilization
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life member: Indian Nuclear Society (INS)
- Life member: Indian Society for Radiation Physcics (ISRP)
- Life member: Indian Physcics Association (IPA)
Comparison of Calculated Self-shielding Factors with Measured Values for 239Pu, 235U, Fe and Na, Nuclear Data For Science and Technology
S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan
D.Riedel Publishing Co, Page:32-35
Cross-sections Sets for C-12, O-16, Pu-239, U-238 and Pu-240 Based on ENDF/B-IV for Fast Reactor Applications
M.M. Ramanadhan S.Ganesan
Indian Journal of Physics, Volume:58A, Year:1984
Problems and Experiences in Nuclear Data Processing in Developing Countries
S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan
Prog. Nucl. Energy, Volume:14(3), Page:301, Year:1984
Effect of Interpolation Error in Pre-processing Codes on Calculations of Self-Shielding factors and Their Temperature Derivatives
S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan D.E. Cullen
Radiation Effects , Volume:96 (1-4), Page:235, Year:1986
A Programme of Evaluation, Processing and Testing of Nuclear Data for Th-232 and U-233
S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan R.S. Keshavamurthy
Radiation Effects, Volume: 96(1-4) , Page: 313, Year:1986
Verification of the Accuracy of Doppler Broadened, Self-shielded Multigroup Cross-sections for Fast Power Reactor Application
S. Ganesan M.M. Ramanadhan D.E. Cullen
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume:15(3), Page:113, Year:1988
Estimation of Measured Control Rod Worths in Fast Breeder Test Reactor - Effect of Different Delayed Neutron Parameters
1996-04-03 P. Mohanakrishnan C.P. Reddy V. Gopalakrishnan
Nucl. Sc. Eng., Volume:122(3), Page:359
Comparison of Calculated Helium Production in Stainless Steel due to Neutron Irradiation with Experiment
1996-01-03 R.V. Nandedkar S. Ganesan
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume:228, Page:207
Generation and Validation of a New 121 Group Coupled (n, Y) Cross-section Library for Fast Reactor Applications
K.Devan P. Mohanakrishnan S.M. Lee
Annals of Nucl. Energy, Volume:23, Page:791-800, Year(1997)
Self-shielding and Energy Dependence of Dilution Cross-sections in the Resolved Resonance Region
1998-01-07 S. Ganesan
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume:25(11), Page:839, Year:1998
Preparation of Multigroup Lumped Fission Product Cross-sections from ENDF/B-VI for FBRs
1998-01-01 K. Devan P.Mohanakrishnan M.S. Sridharan
Annals of Nucl. Energy, Volume:25(1), Page:161
Temperature Dependence of Unshielded Cross-sections in Multigroup Cross-section Sets
Annals of Nucl. Energy, Volume:27(11), Page:1029
Effects of Cross Section Sets and Quadrature Orders on Fluxes and on Secondary 24Na Activation Rate of a Pool Type 500 MWe FBR
2003-02-07 K. Devan G. Pandikumar M. Alagan P. Mohanakrishnan
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume:30(11), Page:1181-1197
Impact of spread in Minor Actinide Data from ENDF/B-VII, ENDF/B-VI, JENDL-3.3 and JEFF-3.0 on an IAEA-CRP FBR Benchmark for MA incineration
2008-01-08 G. Pandikumar P. Mohanakrishnan
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume:35(8), Page:1519–1534
Multiple recycling of fuel in prototype fast breeder reactor
2009-04-05 G. Pandikumar P. Mohanakrishnan
Pramana J. of Phy., Volume:72(5), Page:819 –832
Chapter 1 Domain-I: Critical Fast Reactors with Transmutation Capability and with Fertile Fuels
K. Devan G. Pandikumar R. Harish P. Mohanakrishnan R. Srivenkatesan
IAEA-TECDOC-1626, Volume:
Improved analysis on multiple recycling of fuel in PFBR in a closed fuel cycle
2011-04-07 G. Pandikumar P. Mohanakrishnan
Pramana J. of Phy., Volume:77(2), Page:315-333