Ms Silja P S, student of Nurse Practitioner in Critical care at 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育 participated as the speaker of “沙巴体育 Celebrity Talk Show” of EDX Talks organized by Eudoxia 沙巴体育 Centre, IAF Accredited and Reg. under MCA, Government of India on September 29, 2020. ??

The following are the winners in the meet:
- Ms. Sushmitha from 3rd year GNM bagged 1st prize in 110 meter hurdles.
- Mr. Gautham from 3rd year BSc (N) bagged 2nd prize in Jawline throw.
- Ms. Nikitha from 4th year BSc (N) bagged 3rd prize in high jump.
- Ms. Josvita Sandra Fernandez from 2nd year MSc (N) bagged 2nd prize in hammer throw.

Report of Student Nurses’ Association Zonal competition - 2017
Mysore SNA Zonal competition was held on 6/3/2017 at AJ Hospital Mangalore. ?

Students of 沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 participated in the various competitions such as Essay writing, Debate, Spot painting, Rangoli, Poster presentation, Talent night, Mr and Ms Personality, Discuss throw (boys and girls), Javelin throw (boys and girls), 100 meter race (boys and girls). Fourteen Nursing colleges participated in this zonal completion. ?

Our students won several first prizes and are selected for the State level SNA competition. The SNA Advisor Mrs. Prima DSouza accompanied the students.?
Report of State level competition of Student Nurses’ Association - 2017
State level competition of Student Nurses’ Association was held on 4/5/2017 at Devrajurs College of Nursing, Kolar. Seven Students of 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, who won first prize at the Mysore Zonal competitions, participated in the events. Mr. Michael Johnson, 4th year B.Sc. Nursing, Ms. Johanna D’ Cunha, 2nd year B.Sc. Nursing participated in Discuss Throw, Mr. Gautham Kumar 3rd year B.Sc. Nursing in Javelin Throw, Ms, Neha H, 2nd year B.Sc. Nursing in 100 meter race, Mr. Joe James 2nd year B.Sc. Nursing in Mr. Personality, Ms. Meghna Pandit, 2nd year B.Sc. Nursing in Ms. Personality and Ms. Sarah D’ Souza, 3rd year B.Sc. Nursing in Essay Writing competition.

MSON Rocks!!
Mr. Srikantha, Diploma in Nursing student of 沙巴体育 School of Nursing 沙巴体育 secured first rank at the state and district level in the Karnataka State Diploma in Nursing Examination Board.
Ms. Supreetha secured second rank and Mr. Shaikh Siraj Saleem secured third rank at the district level.

Ms. Tenzin Phagdol, PhD scholar presented a poster titled, ‘mHealth application (NeoRaksha) for Preterm Home Care – Usability study’ and won the best poster award during the 21st Annual State Conference of NNF Karnataka (KARNEOCON 2019) held on 6th January, 2019 at Vijayapura.

Kudos to Ms. Anushree Naik!
We congratulate Ms. Anushree Naik, first year student of nurse practitioner in critical care, MCON 沙巴体育 for winning the Silver Medal in the Karnataka State Boxing Championship 2020-21, held from 12 to 14 March 2021 at Bengaluru, organised by Addo Boxing Club affiliated to Karnataka Amateur Boxing Association.?

- February 21, 2017
- Nursing
沙巴体育 College of Nursing 沙巴体育 participated in the 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education Inter Collegiate Athletic Meet 2017 and bagged one Gold, two Silver and one Bronze medals. The athletic meet was organized by the Department of Commerce, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education on February 16, 2017 at MIT Athletic ground, 沙巴体育.