We have student exchange programs with a number of foreign universities, some of which are listed here. IAESTE also assists students to enrol in such programs. These exchange programs enrich students’ knowledge of global best practices in education and other fields.
Some of our partner universities
- Saint-Etienne - Du-Rouvray, Esigelec, France
- Hochschule Bremen- University for Applied Science-Germany
- 沙巴体育 Association for Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)
- Queensland University of Technology-Australia
- Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
- Under the Memorandum of Understanding signed with Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany for student exchange, a two year Joint Double Degree Master’s program is offered.
- Students admitted in 沙巴体育 who participate in this program are awarded MSc. degree in Print and Media Technology (students studying according to the study and examination regulations as of August 18, 2010) or Media Production (students studying according to the study and examination regulations as of June 25, 2008) by Chemnitz University of Technology and MTech degree in Printing and Media Technology by 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education. Students selecting this program, study one year in India and one year in Germany.
- Students admitted in Chemnitz who participate in this program will be awarded MSc. degree in Print and Media Technology (students studying according to the study and examination regulations as of August 18, 2010) or Media Production (students studying according to the study and examination regulations as of June 25, 2008) by Chemnitz University of Technology and MSc. degree in Printing and Media Technology by 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education.