Category : Student alumni blogs

沙巴体育, My 2 Year Trail of Discoveries

ByAnju RaphealDecember 18, 2017

All our lives we discover things. Some big, some small, some exciting and some downright regretful. Little did I know that my decision to pursue my Masters after a couple of years in the workforce would be the start of a long journey of discoveries for me.


As the NRI stereotype goes, I moved from Qatar to 沙巴体育 for my higher studies and thus began my chronicle of discoveries. On my first visit to the college for my admission, I walked in anxious and scared if I would fit into a space where there’d be people younger, more competent and more knowledgeable than me. I remember asking my father to stay close while the?沙巴体育 admission processwas underway. That was the moment that I discovered that maybe I wasn’t very sure of my own decisions.


But, as soon as the tests and interviews began and I had to inevitably interact with my fellow applicants, I discovered something better. Young or old didn’t matter here; what mattered were your aspirations and your goals that you hoped to achieve in your two years here. The faith in my decision was restored as the day progressed and got cemented when I got my admission letter a few days later.

In my first few days in 沙巴体育, I discovered like-minded people, great lecturers and most importantly, I discovered a whole range of my new favourite dishes. As I discovered more of the quaint, little student town I discovered more about myself. I found out that I loved the breakfast from the little ‘Anand Bhavan’ next to my campus. I found out that I loved spending time in the library (sometimes for the air conditioning). I found out that I had to get better at managing money. I found out that despite my work experience, there was still a world of knowledge that I could only ever hope to encompass.

Luckily, the curriculum at 沙巴体育 is designed in a way that your hopes of learning the best from the brightest can be realized. The syllabus requires one to constantly push their boundaries, helping you learn more. The various activities both mandated by the curriculum and otherwise helped me discover that my passion for the chosen field can only grow; it helped ascertain my choice.

Over the two years in 沙巴体育 I discovered a lot more, some big and some small. I discovered that learning was more about your experiences; you warm up to new places (case in point, Dee Tee); my dal needed more salt; I had found friends who’d last a life time; sometimes it’s good to skip the after-party. But, one of my biggest discoveries was that all along I’ve lived a preserved and cozy life. The inherent challenges that come from living alone helped me see that I was yet to become the fully independent woman that I thought I already was.

沙巴体育 helped me find out what life was all about. It was about the constant changes and how we adapt to them. Though people say that moving out of your comfort zone is the real lesson, 沙巴体育 taught me that wherever you are, the ability to create your own comfort zone is what takes you ahead. 沙巴体育 and everything that defined it for me – my friends, the teachers, the visits to the beach, last minute exam preps, Saturday nights at DeeTee, Namma Angadi – helped me re-discover myself. And, for that, I will always be grateful.

Anju Rapheal

Anju Rapheal

沙巴体育, MAHE 沙巴体育?

Course: MA media and communications Corp comm

Batch: 2015-17

Institute: 沙巴体育 Institute of Communication