5.Not Just About Studies_1

There are several clubs that students can be a member of, in order to be part of the cultural landscape of the university.

Some of these are:

Name of Club: Mafia Music and Fine Arts Club

Department: Architecture
Faculty Advisor: Professor Harish Hegde
Student Chairman: Aditya Gupta
Objectives of the Club:

  • It provides a platform to students to showcase their talent in music, dance other fine arts.
  • Encourages managerial capabilities such as event management and stage organisation among students.

Membership Mode: Registered members

Name of Club: SPD -Society for Personality Development

Department: Continuing Education
Faculty Advisor: Dr Narayana Shenoy
Contact: kan.shenoy@manipal.edu
Student Chairman: Dhruv Khattar
Objective of the Club:

  • Activities and events covering business, creating public awareness, photography.
  • Bringing out the best in its members by conducting events that enhance personality traits.

Membership Mode: Registered members

Name of Club: Aanina Club-2003

Department: Mathematics
Faculty Advisor: Sudhakar G.
Student Chairman: Ebrahim Akbari
Domain: Dramatics, full length plays, mime, mimicry, Nmoods, lights camera action, mad ads, movie spoofs and street plays.
Objective of the Club: Staging one play every semester and involving students of all years in every part of its production, backstage helping as well as acting.


Membership Mode: Registered members

Name of Club: Red-X (Redefining Excel-Lence 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education)

Year of formation: 2004
Department: English
Faculty Advisor: Veena Maben
Student Chairman: Sounak Kundu
Domain: Adventure, Disha, V8 & IQ
Objectives of the Club: Events covering adventure, IQ, social and automobile.


Membership Mode: Registered members

Name of Club: Astronomy Club

Department: Department of Architecture
Faculty Advisor: Sri Kumar Menon
Objectives of the Club:

Various programs and activities on astronomy regularly; 3-day workshop every semester; events like night sky watch, talks, astronomical documentaries and films are presented to its members and non-members.

  • Using facilities of Dr TMA Pai planetarium for member representatives from the constituent colleges of MU.

Membership Mode: Registered members

Name of Club: Rotaract Club

Year of Formation: 1969
Department: MIM, 沙巴体育 Civil
Faculty Advisor: Professor Col. MM Shanbhag, Dr Narayana Shenoy
Contact: cmm.shanbhag@manipal.edu
Student Chairman: Pahuni Jain
Domain: Fund raisers, awareness campaigns, and charity drives.
Objective of the Club: To develop professional and leadership skills, to emphasise respect and the rights of others.


Membership Mode: Registered members

Name of Club: Leo Club

Year of Formation: 1999
Department: Workshop
Faculty Advisor: Umanand Kv

Student Chairman: Pratik Ghosal
Domain: Five-a-side football league matches and fresher’s gathering, social activities.
Objective of the Club: Creating social awareness among the residents and the students of 沙巴体育, to give a platform to the students so they can showcase their literary and cultural talent as well as improve their managerial skills and personality.


Membership Mode: Registered members

Name of Club: VU2 MHC, MIT HAM CLUB

Year of Formation: 1992
Department: Electronics and Communication
Faculty Advisor: Devadas Bhat, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Domain: Technical hobby to communicate with other hams worldwide using wireless radio transceivers
Objective of the Club: Creating awareness about amateur radio hobby amongst student community


Membership Mode: One-time membership

Name of Club: Photographic Club

Year of Formation: 1995
Department: E & E Department
Faculty Advisor: Dr H Ravishankar Kamath
Student Chairman: Raunaq Singh
Domain: Workshops and technical seminars, events focusing sketching, photography and filming.
Objective of the Club: Promote photography and video skills among students.


Membership Mode: Registered members