Musings from the Pro VC

At MAHE, I head the portals of management, law, humanities and social sciences.
As a parent trying to have his own boys become responsible global citizens through education, I can put myself in the shoes of those who see MAHE as the medium that will ensure the wholesome growth of their wards.
I can appreciate their efforts and very clearly understand why they have their unique set of expectations from universities such as MAHE.
Particularly to students who are here, I have to assure them that they are in touch with a person who will be a student throughout his life. Therefore, the empathy is more. The concern is higher. The choice is richer. And the commitment is deeper.
The MAHE ecosystem too is primed and prepared to help you build your innings as a student or scholar. We will help you choose the right course. We will support you to stick to it and make it a perennial grist to the mill of your life. We will ensure it will make you a better practitioner and professional in your field but, more importantly, a better human being. We will eventually take pride that you will always go by the epithet humane.
Once you get in, the ecosystem will expect you to be, well, studious. MAHE’s academic rigour is famous as it is effective. Whether it is management, law, humanities or social sciences, the course design and delivery systems always have kept the study and evaluation process concurrent and cogent.??
And whether they are your parents, sponsors or recruiters, the assurance about you to them will be that of an indubitable degree holder who can become useful to their schemes the day you graduate. So high will be your relevance. So valued will be your scholarship.
One very important reason for your high value is MAHE’s insistence that its affiliation and accreditation requirements are not just met but consistently exceeded. Another reason is that your growth in MAHE will be free from the cocoon effect. Throughout your time in MAHE, you will be kept abreast of the events, trends and requirements of the real world through assignments and projects that will hone the skills and application of those skills you imbibed.
At MAHE, you will have the options, freedom and resources to become a better version of yourself on a daily basis. The well-appointed campuses, the extra-mural activities, the personality development programs, the curated learning ambience – all of them will lead you to the high aims you have set yourself.
You should congratulate yourself if you get into MAHE. But remember, your peers, colleagues and mates will be congratulating themselves too. Expect competition, the best of it! But never be afraid. You will always be made to remember that you belong to MAHE!
That’s enough assurance to last a lifetime for a confident, responsible and consequential person and professional who once was a MAHE student!
PVC Profile
Madhu Veeraraghavan is the T.A. Pai Chair Professor of Finance at the T.A.Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), 沙巴体育. He also holds the Dr. TMA Pai Endowment Chair in Management 沙巴体育. He holds a bachelors degree in Commerce, an MBA in Finance and Investments and PhD in Finance.?
Prior to joining TAPMI in 2013 he taught at Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology, The University of Auckland and Monash University, Melbourne.?
Professor Veeraraghavan’s? research interests include corporate finance, corporate governance (with a special focus on emerging markets), the interplay between auditing and finance and behavioural finance. His work has appeared in leading scholarly journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Contemporary Accounting 沙巴体育, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Management and the Journal of Business Ethics.?
Professor Veeraraghavan serves on the Editorial Board of Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics and Accounting Theory and Practice.
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- Rank and File Employee Stock Options and Workplace Safety in?Management Science?(ABDC A*) [with Yangyang Chen, Don O’Sullivan, Emmanuel Ofusu and Leon Zolotoy]
- Does CEO Overconfidence Affect Workplace Safety? in?Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*)[With Yangyang?Chen, Emmanuel?Ofosu, Leon?Zolotoy]
- Social Capital and the Pricing of Initial Public Offerings in?Journal of Empirical Finance (ABDC A)[With Yangyang Chen, Huu Duong and Abhinav Goyal.]
- Pre-and-aftermarket IPO Underpricing: Does Use of Proceeds Disclosure Matter? In?Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics?(ABDC A)[With Kavitha Ranganathan]
- Momentum, reversals and liquidity: Indian evidence in?Pacific-Basin Finance Journal?(ABDC A)[Andy Chui, Kavitha Ranganathan, Abhishek Rohit]
- Underwriting in the Australian IPO Markets: Determinants and Pricing in?Australian Journal of Management (ABDC A, Scopus Q2)[With Alastair Marsden, Zoltan Murgulov, Ghon Rhee]
- Societal Secrecy and IPO Underpricing in?Journal of Corporate Finance(ABDC A*),?76?[with Yangyang Chen, Andy Chui and Abhinav Goyal]
- CEO Risk-taking and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Pilot CEOs in?Journal of Corporate Finance?(ABDC A*),?76?[with Ghasan Baghdadi and Edward Podolski]
- Democracy and the pricing of initial public offerings around the world in?Journal of Financial Economics(ABDC A*),?145 (1), 322-341?[with Huu Duong, Abhinav Goyal and Vasileios Kallinterakis]
- Emotions and Managerial Judgment: Evidence from Sunshine Exposure forthcoming in?The Accounting Review (ABDC A*)[with Chen Chen, Yangyang Chen, Jeff Pittman and Edward Podolski]
- Market Manipulation Rules and IPO Underpricing in?Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*)[with Huu Duong, Abhinav Goyal and Vasileios Kallinterakis]
- Featured in?com– Does Exposure to More Sunshine Affect Managers’ Decisions? June 7, 2021
Interview by ABC Radio, The Money Show by Richard Aedy on June 3, 2021,-and-how-sunshine-affects/13372486 - Featured in The Fin Reg Blog, Global Financial Markets Center, Duke University School of Law on July 23, 2021
? - Mood and Ethical Decision Making: Positive Affect and Corporate PhilanthropyinJournal of Business Ethics?(ABDC A and FT-50),?171(1), 189-208?[With Don O’Sullivan, Leon Zolotoy, Myeong-Gu Seo]
- Media Coverage and IPO Pricing Around the World, in?Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. (ABDC A*),?55(5), 1515-1553. [With Abhinav Goyal, Leon Zolotoy and Yangyang Chen]
- Terrorist Attacks, Investor Sentiment and the Pricing of Initial Public Offerings in?Journal of Corporate Finance (ABDC A*)[ with Yangyang Chen, Abhinav Goyal and Leon Zolotoy.]
- The Role of Affect in Shaping the Behavioral Consequences of CEO Option Incentives, in?Journal of Management.(ABDC A*), 45(7), 2920-2951. [With Don O’Sullivan, Geoff Martin and Leon Zolotoy]
- Venture-Capital Backed and Commitments Test Entity: Initial Public Offerings on the ASX, in?Accounting and Finance(ABDC A) 59 (2), 1265-1297. [with Zoltan Murgulov, Alastair Marsden and Ghon Rhee]
- Trade-Based Manipulation: Beyond the Prosecuted Cases, in?Journal of Corporate Finance(ABDC A*) 42, 115-130?[With Suman Neupane, Ghon Rhee and Kuluru Vithanage]
- Does High Quality Auditing Mitigate or Encourage Private Information Collection? in?Contemporary Accounting 沙巴体育(ABDC A*) 34(3), 1622-1648?[with Yangyang Chen, Bin Srinidhi and Shibley Sadique]
- National Culture and Corporate Innovation, in?Pacific Basin Finance Journal(ABDC A)?43, 173-187 [with Yangyang Chen and Edward Podolski]
- Do Progressive Social Norms Affect Economic Outcomes? Evidence from Corporate Takeovers, in?Journal of Empirical Finance(ABDC A) 41, 76-95?[with Yangyang Chen, Edward Podoloski and Ghon S. Rhee]
- Board Independence and Internal Control Weakness: Evidence from SOX 404 Disclosures, in?AUDITING: A Journal of Practice and Theory(ABDC A*)?36(2), 45-62 [With Yangyang Chen, Robert Knechel, Vijay Marisetty and Cameron Truong]
- Cash Holdings and Bond Returns around Takeovers, in?沙巴体育 Review of Financial Analysis(ABDC A) 46, 1-11?[with Edward Podolski and Cameron Truong]
- Auditor Client Specific Knowledge and Internal Control Weaknesses: Some Evidence on the Role of Auditor Tenure and Geographic Distance, in?Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics(ABDC A)?12, 121-140 [with Yangyang Chen, Ferdinand Gul and Cameron Truong]
- Religious Beliefs and Local Government Financing, Investments and Cash Holding Decisions, in?Journal of Empirical Finance(ABDC A) 38, 258-271?[with Yangyang Chen, Zoltan Murgulov and Ghon S. Rhee]
- Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance and the Profitability of Momentum Strategies in 沙巴体育 Markets, in?Contemporary Accounting沙巴体育?(ABDC A*)?33(2), 851-881 [with Paul Dou and Cameron Truong]
- Factors affecting the Birth and Fund-Flows of Commodity Trading Advisors, in?Australian Journal of Management(ABDC A)?41(2), 324-352 [with Minh Do, Robert Faff, Paul Lajbcygier and Mikhail Tupitsyn]
- Cash Holdings and Bond Returns around Takeovers, in?沙巴体育 Review of Financial Analysis(ABDC A) 46, 1-11?[with Edward Podolski and Cameron Truong]
- Auditor Client Specific Knowledge and Internal Control Weaknesses: Some Evidence on the Role of Auditor Tenure and Geographic Distance, in?Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics(ABDC A)?12, 121-140 [with Yangyang Chen, Ferdinand Gul and Cameron Truong]
- Religious Beliefs and Local Government Financing, Investments and Cash Holding Decisions, in?Journal of Empirical Finance(ABDC A) 38, 258-271?[with Yangyang Chen, Zoltan Murgulov and Ghon S. Rhee]
- Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance and the Profitability of Momentum Strategies in 沙巴体育 Markets, in?Contemporary Accounting沙巴体育?(ABDC A*)?33(2), 851-881 [with Paul Dou and Cameron Truong]
- Factors affecting the Birth and Fund-Flows of Commodity Trading Advisors, in?Australian Journal of Management(ABDC A)?41(2), 324-352 [with Minh Do, Robert Faff, Paul Lajbcygier and Mikhail Tupitsyn]
- Executive Equity Risk-Taking Incentives and Audit Service Pricing, forthcoming in?The Accounting Review?(ABDC A*) 90 (6), 2205-2234 [with Yangyang Chen, Ferdinand Gul and Leon Zolotoy]
- CEO Risk-Taking Incentives Cost of Equity Capital in?Journal of Business Finance and Accounting?(ABDC A) 42 (7 and 8), 915-946 [with Yangyang Chen and Cameron Truong]
- Does Managerial Ability Facilitate Corporate Innovative Success?, in?Journal of Empirical Finance?(ABDC A) 34, 313-326 [with Yangyang Chen and Edward Podolski]
- Stock Liquidity and Managerial Short-termism, in?Journal of Banking and Finance?(ABDC A*) 60, 44-59. [with Yangyang Chen, Ghon Rhee and Leon Zolotoy]
- National Culture and Cash Holdings Around the World, in?Journal of Banking and Finance?(ABDC A*) 50(1) 1-18?[with Yangyang Chen, Paul Dou, Ghon Rhee and Cameron Truong]
- Local Gambling Preferences and Corporate Innovative Success, in?Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis(ABDC A*) 49(1), 77-106?[with Yangyang Chen, Edward Podolski and Ghon S. Rhee]
- Is the Accrual Anomaly Robust to Firm-Level Analysis? in?沙巴体育 Review of Financial Analysis(ABDC A) 34, 157-165?[with Maria Strydom and Michael Skully]
Presentations and Conferences
- Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, Brisbane
- FMA Asian Conference, Tokyo
- NSE-IGIDR Conference on Corporate Governance, India
- MIT Asia Conference in Accounting, Shanghai
- Asian Finance Association Annual Meetings, China
- Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney
- Asian Finance Association Annual Meetings, Taipei
- American Accounting Association Annual Meetings, Washington
- Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney
- American Accounting Association Annual Meetings, Denver
- Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney
- American Accounting Association Annual Meetings, New York
- American Accounting Association Annual Meetings, California
- Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney
- Global Conference on Business & Economics, Cambridge University
- 沙巴体育ern Finance Association Annual Meetings, Destin, Florida
- Mid-West Finance Association, 54th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee
- FMA European Conference
- The 12th Annual Global Finance Conference, Trinity College Dublin
- China 沙巴体育 Conference in Finance
- Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney
- 12th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets
- Irish Association for Finance and Accounting Conference
- Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney
- FMA European Conference, Dublin
- Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney
- Econometric Society Australasian Meeting, Brisbane
- European Financial Management Association Annual Meetings, London
- Annual European Meeting of the Financial Management Association
- European Financial Management Association Conference, Athens
沙巴体育 Interests
Asset Pricing
Behavioural Finance
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance
Honors and Awards
- Brigham Young University Accounting 沙巴体育 Rankings – Ranked 180th in the World in Accounting 沙巴体育 [Breadth – 12 Years]
- Recipient of the Dr. Pritam Singh Best Teacher Award, Government of India
- Brigham Young University Accounting 沙巴体育 Rankings – Ranked 97th in the World in Accounting 沙巴体育 [Breadth – 6 Years]
- Brigham Young University Accounting 沙巴体育 Rankings – Ranked 98th in the World in Accounting 沙巴体育 [Breadth – 6 Years]
- Yangyang Chen, Abhinav Goyal, Madhu Veeraraghavan and Leon Zolotoy. “Media Coverage and IPO Pricing Around the World”. Elsevier and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Sponsored Best Paper Awards. Asian Finance Association Annual Meetings, Tokyo. June 25-27, 2018.
- 30th Asian Finance Association Annual Meetings, Best Paper Award for the paper, “Media Coverage and IPO Pricing Around the World” [with Yangyang Chen, Abhinav Goyal and Leon Zolotoy]
- Best Paper Award at The Emerald 4th Indian Finance Conference at IIM Bangalore for the paper Firm Control and Financing Choices in Indian Firms.
- Tie-in-Agreements in IPOs: Evidence from India, Short-listed for the Best Paper Award in the Corporate Finance Category, Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, Brisbane, April 2014.
- Local Religious Beliefs and Corporate Takeovers, Semi-finalist for the Best Paper Award, FMA Asian Conference, Tokyo, May 2014.
- Does Managerial Skill Facilitate Corporate Innovative Success? Top Ten Download List – Paper Downloaded 27 times [with Yangyang Chen and Edward Podolski]
- Local Gambling Preferences and Corporate Innovative Success, Top Ten Download List – Paper Downloaded 37 times [with Yangyang Chen, Edward Podolski and Ghon Rhee]
- Best Paper Award at the MIT Sloan Asia Conference in Accounting for the paper “Executive Equity Risk-Taking Incentives and Audit Service Pricing”
- Best Paper Award at the Finance and Corporate Governance Conference, Melbourne for the paper “Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance and Earnings Momentum in 沙巴体育 Markets”.
- Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Teaching Excellence (with Damian Barry and Kevin Tant) “The Treasury Dealing Room: Technology, Innovation, Engagement and 沙巴体育isation in Finance Education”
- Emerald LiteratiNetwork (sponsored by Emerald Publishers) Highly Commended Award for the paper entitled “Idiosyncratic Volatility and Security Returns: Evidence from Germany and United Kingdom”.
- Recipient of The Securities Commission Capital Market Award for the paper entitled “A Closer Look at the Size and Value Premium in Emerging Markets: Evidence from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange” (with Mike Drew).
- Recipient of The Vice Chancellor’s 沙巴体育 Excellence Awards, The University of Auckland.
- Nominee for The University of Auckland New 沙巴体育 Excellence Award for Outstanding 沙巴体育 Performance.
- Nominee for The University of Auckland New 沙巴体育 Excellence Award for Outstanding 沙巴体育 Performance.
- Nominee for the Asian Studies Association of Australia President’s Medal for the Outstanding Thesis on Asia.
- Nominee for The Pearson Education Accounting / Finance Lecturer of the Year Award.
- Nominee for the Best teacher award under the Beginning Teacher Award Category, Griffith University.
- Nominee for the Best teacher award under the Beginning Teacher Award Category, Griffith University.
- Thesis accepted at the European Financial Management Association Doctoral Symposium. Thesis instructors: Professor Martin J. Gruber and Dr. John Parsons.
- Nominee for the Best teacher award under the Beginning Teacher Award Category, Griffith University.
Media Impact
- CEO Risk-seeking and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Pilot CEOs in Journal of Corporate Finance [with Ghasan Baghdadi and Edward Podolski]
- Featured in Bloomberg Newsletter Money Stuff: Imaginary Invoices are Hard to Collect, by Matt Levine, April 6, 2021
Read More... - Emotions and Managerial Judgment: Evidence from Sunshine Exposure in The Accounting Review [with Chen Chen, Yangyang Chen, Jeff Pittman and Edward Podolski]
- Featured in – Does Exposure to More Sunshine Affect Managers’ Decisions? June 7, 2021
Read More... - Interview by ABC Radio, The Money Show by Richard Aedy on June 3, 2021
Read More... - Democratisation and IPO Underpricing in Journal of Financial Economics [with Huu Duong, Abhinav Goyal and Vasileios Kallinterakis]
- Featured in The Fin Reg Blog, Global Financial Markets Center, Duke University School of Law on July 23, 2021
Media Coverage
- Authored article on “Budget 2023: Increased investment in higher education sought to enable new infra, augment existing facilities”inFirstPost.?Read More…
- Industry story coverage on "In WFH we trust no more"?
- Interaction with Business Line on Campus, “MBAs need to dip into many disciplines to solve unstructured problems’, 28th August 2022.?Read More…
- Telephonic Interaction with Business Line on Campus, “Good jobs for B-schoolers are in areas of data and analytics”, 2nd September 2021.?Read More…
- Telephonic Interaction with The Print, “Engineering seats in India hit 10-year low, while management seats continue to grow”, 21st September 2021.?Read More…
- Interaction with Careers 360 Magazine, 13th December 2021.?Read More…
- Industry story on “How educational institutions are currently dealing with the situation” with The Week Magazine, January Edition.?Read More…
- The Future of Executive MBA – Discussion with RJ Kay, Radio One,?Listen Here…
- Building a Tech-Friendly Education Sector’, 30th June 2020.?Read More…
- Strategy in the Changing Landscape of Business Education During New Normal, Organized by ASMA.?Watch Here…
- Industry story on ‘How has the role of Director changed with changing times” ‘with Business World, November Edition.?Read More…