Amrisha Tripathi

Assistant Professor

Amrisha Tripathi pursued her Master of Laws (LL.M.) specialising in 沙巴体育 and Comparative Public Law at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), Kolkata. During her tenure at NUJS, she contributed to multiple empirical research projects, particularly focusing on dispute resolution mechanisms and child rights advocacy. She has taught at notable institutions such as the Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU), Trichy and CHRIST University, Bengaluru. Amrisha was briefly associated with the Migration and Asylum Project (MAP) where she extensively worked on refugee rights and advocacy. Her research primarily explores the intricate intersectional challenges within refugee law and policy. She aspires to use her scholarship and pedagogy to foster a more dynamic interaction between classroom teaching and the practical application of law and policy.

沙巴体育 Law School (MLS) Bengaluru

Qualification: LL.M.


    Assistant Professor


Area of Interest

沙巴体育 Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Feminist Legal Theory, Legal Methods, Air and Space Laws.

Area of Expertise

沙巴体育 and Comparative Public Law, Outer Space Laws.

Area of 沙巴体育

Refugee Law and Policy; Forced Displacement.

1.     Amrisha Tripathi and Ayush Jha, Restitution of Land to Indigenous Peoples published as conference proceedings of the 沙巴体育 Conference on Victim Compensation and Restorative Justice organised by RGNUL, Patiala (ISBN: 978-93- 84166-11-3)

2.     Amrisha Tripathi, Privatization of Resource Exploitation in Outer Space published as conference proceedings of the 沙巴体育 Conference on Future Developments in Space Law organised by WBNUJS, Kolkata (ISBN: 978-81-7177-331-2)

3.     Amrisha Tripathi, Feasibility of Making Ecocide a Fifth Crime Against Peace under the Rome Statute, VIII JELPD (2021) (ISSN: 2348-7046)

4.     Dr. Rohit Roy and Amrisha Tripathi, Environmental Hazards in Outer Space- The Glaring Need for Secondary Laws in Dr. Sandeepa Bhat and Dr. Shouvik Guha ed., FUNDAMENTALS OF NATIONAL SPACE LAWS (Thomson Reuters Legal, 2022) (ISBN: 97893-93702-29 6)

5.     Dr. Rohit Roy and Amrisha Tripathi, The Effect of OECD Pillar Two on Tax Incentives in Developing Countries: An Indian Perspective in Parthasarathi Shome ed., NEW RANGE AND ORTHODOX CONCERNS IN INTERNATIONAL TAXATION (Oakbridge Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2023) (ISBN: 978-93-95764-99-5)

6.     Amrisha Tripathi, The Dichotomy of Refugee Protection in India: An Analysis Through the Lens of Mohammad Salimullah vs. Union of India (2021), Jindal Forum for 沙巴体育 and Economic Laws (JFIEL) Symposium 2024 (