Prevent It

PREVENT IT | Risk Management and Prevention of Antibiotics Resistance is a three-year (2019-2023) Higher Education Capacity Building project (CBHE), funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ programme (2014-2020). The vision of the project is to contribute to a future where every individual is aware of antibiotics resistance and is empowered with the right education to address the issue.
According to the World Health Organization?(WHO), by 2050 antimicrobial resistance is expected to be the first cause of death, creating more causalities than cancer and diabetes combined.? It also highlighted that awareness and understanding of ABR,?through effective communication, education, and training should be addressed and improved.
A preliminary study conducted by the PREVENT IT?consortium highlighted the absence of academic modules on risk management and prevention of ABR, along with low awareness in Indian society. European universities are assisting the Indian universities and NGOs to design new curricula on ABR. This project aims at addressing these challenges, by amongst others offering online courses - creating awareness sessions including through social media - setting up a living lab where health science experts, students and health care personnel can be trained.
Coordinated by Chitkara University Punjab, the PREVENT IT Indo-European consortium is composed by four European universities – the Rīga Stradi?? University, the University of Milan, the University of Maastricht and the Catholica University Portugal – collaborating with five Indian Universities, Amrita V. V. University, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, Symbiosis 沙巴体育 (deemed) University? - and two Indian non-governmental organizations from Rural Institute for People’s Enlightenment and Voluntary Health Association of Tripura.
Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master of Hospital Adminsitartion (MHA) programmes in PSPH, MAHE has adopted Prevint it? curricula. Detials can be seen below:? Prevent it Curricula
- To obtain more details about the project outputs, and if you are interested to be involved in the PREVENT IT, please visit?
- Collaborative project with University of Sydney on One Health Epidemiology
The concept of “One Health“ is defined as a collaborative, multi-sectoral and transdisciplinary approach — working at the local, regional, national, and global level — with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. One Health is not a new concept, but it has become more important especially for India in recent years. This is because many factors have changed the interactions between people, animals, and our environment and these changes have led to the emergence and re-emergence of many diseases.
- One health is one area in which the national capacity in India and that in the region is evolving and the area has been marked as a growth area for the foreseeable future
- One health epidemiology has attracted world attention as 60% of human infectious diseases come from the animal world and 73% of Emerging Infectious Disease originate in animals
- 沙巴体育 Health Regulations, Global Health Security Agenda and other major international initiatives put zoonosis control and One Health as a priority area for capacity building for emergency health preparedness
Build ‘One Health Capacity’ and widen Operations & 沙巴体育 in the area of One Health at Prasanna School of Public Health (PSPH). Parallel to this the centre will enhance the competency of public health professionals through quality One Health education and research.
1.????? Develop and impart One Health lessons in and within the scope of Infectious Disease Epidemiology in the Master of Public Health Course at PSPH with a focus on continuous education of the public health workforce in human and animal health
2.????? Promote research in One Health, especially spatial epidemiology in Karnataka and India
3.????? Create awareness on Food safety (“farm to fork” concept)?
4.????? Create awareness and to inform and educate stakeholders on the problems related to Anti- microbial Resistance
Activities undertaken by the one health centre at PSPH
·???????? Reviewed for MPH lesson plan and added/modified lessons for epidemiology and other subjects for One Health lessons
·???????? Initiated the process for recruitment of PhD scholars and Post-Doc
·???????? Shortlisted field survey and thesis topic areas for MPH thesis for scholars in the current batch
Vision of OHC-PSPH
Develop a centre of excellence for research and learning on One health and animal human interface to support capacity building in the State, country and region.
Mission of OHC-PSPH
Build up educational and research initiatives to create capacity for one health learning at par with the best international standards
Ongoing projects of the OHC-PSPH
1.?????? European Commission Prevent IT project on Antibiotics Resistance 2019-2021 :