Dr Babitha K S

Associate Professor and HoD

Department of Biophysics


    • Babitha KS is?Associate Professor the Department of Biophysics ?at the School of Life Sciences.


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
PhD Physical Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry, Crystallography, Spectroscopic studies Mangalore University 2009


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
School of Life Sciences, 沙巴体育, India. Associate Professor Teaching September 2016 – Till date
School of Life Sciences, 沙巴体育, India Assistant Professor Teaching October 2009- September 2016
School of Life Sciences, 沙巴体育, India Lecturer Teaching February 2009 - October 2009
Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodubidire, India Lecturer Teaching January 2009 -February 2009
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College, Ujire, India Lecturer Teaching June 2005 - February 2006


Area of Interest

Medicinal Chemistry, Crystallography, Nanotechnology

Area of Expertise


Area of 沙巴体育

Synthetic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Nanotechnology

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

Awards and Honors:

1. Recipient of ‘BEST TEACHER AWARD’ in School of Life Sciences for Excellence in teaching for the year 2015 -2016.

2. Qualified Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) in the year 2013.

Structure Report on Potassium 4-chlorobenzenesulfonate

2007-01-01 B T Gowda I Svoboda H Fuess

Acta Cryst E63 m2222.

Structure Report on 3,4-Dichlorobenzenesulfonamide

2007-01-01 B T Gowda H Fuess I Svoboda

2007, Acta Cryst E63 o3245.

Structure Report on 4,6-Dimethylbenzene-1,3-disulfonamide

2007-01-01 B T Gowda M Tokarcik J Kozisek H Fuess

2007, Acta Cryst E63 o3361.

Structure Report on 3-Methylphenyl benzoate

2007-01-01 B T Gowda S Foro H Fuess

2007, Acta Cryst E63 o3756.

Structure Report on 3, 4-Dichlorophenyl benzoate

2007-01-01 B T Gowda S Foro H Fuess

2007, Acta Cryst E63 o3801.

Structure Report on 4-Methylphenyl 4-methylbenzoate

2007-01-01 B T Gowda S Foro H Fuess

2007, Acta Cryst E63 o3867.

Structure Report on 2,6-Dichlorophenyl benzoate

2007-01-01 B T Gowda S Foro H Fuess

2007, Acta Cryst E63 o3876.

Structure Report on 2,4-Dichlorophenyl 4-methylbenzoate

2007-01-01 B T Gowda S Foro H Fuess

2007, Acta Cryst E63 o3877.

Structure Report on 2,3-Dichlorophenyl benzoate

2007-01-01 B T Gowda S Foro H Fuess

2007, Acta Cryst E63 o4286.

Structure Report on 4-Methylphenyl 4-chlorobenzoate

2008-01-01 B T Gowda S Foro H Fuess

2008, Acta Cryst E64 o88.

Full Publications List


BSc Students Project – 09
MSc Srudents Project – 04
沙巴体育 student – 01