沙巴体育 School of Life Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 mainly focuses on scientific research, education and diagnostics. Established in 2002, it has grown by leaps and bounds in a short period of time to be considered among the premier biotechnology research institutions in the country. For students and researchers, it provides excellent support through experienced faculty, infrastructure and facilities in the areas of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and genetics. For clinicians and patients, it provides timely state-of-the-art, not-for-profit diagnostics facilities through contemporary molecular, cytogenetics and imaging methodologies. With the principles of the MAHE as the guiding force, the institution provides its core facilities to improve the quality of life for people.
- With state-of-the-art equipment expertise, the core facilities provide users with cutting-edge technologies and high-quality services to facilitate and advance the research efforts.
- To assist users in research.
- To provide high quality services.
- To provide technical support.
- To foster development of innovative applications.
For more details and information, please contact
Dr. BS Satish Rao,
The Director,
沙巴体育 School of Life Sciences,
MAHE, 沙巴体育
Ph: 0820-2922058
The Flow Cytometry facility at 沙巴体育 School of Life Sciences offers researchers with state of the art technologies in the field of Flow Cytometry. The facility is also available to industry and commercial units.?
The Flow Cytometry facility undertakes analysis and sorting of cell/organelle populations of interest for further molecular and functional studies. It is a powerful tool in research and clinical laboratory which emphasizes on cell related state of art technologies. The facility is best utilized for the isolation and study of specific cell types, measuring absolute number of cells, percentage of live cells and other characteristics of cells such as immunophenotyping, stem cell enumeration, cell cycle analysis, ploidy determination, apoptosis and necrosis, mitochondrial aspects including many other properties of the cells.
For more details and information on Flow cytometry, please contact
Dr. K. P. Guruprasad
Ph: 0820-2922058 / 0820-2923538
The genomics facility at 沙巴体育 School of Life Sciences offers researchers with state of the art technologies in the field of genomics and high throughput diagnostics. The facility is available to academia, industry and commercial units both within Indian and abroad.
For more details and information on Next Generation Genomics Facility, please contact
Dr. Sanjiban Chakrabarty
Ph: 0820-2922058
The microscopy facility at 沙巴体育 School of Life Scienes (SOLS) offers researchers with state of the art technologies in the field of microscopy. The facility is available 24X7 for students, technicians, postdocs, faculty and industry users. Microscopy facility at SOLS offers fixed and live cells imaging of samples allowing 2D and 3D image rendering, ROI scanning, time lapse imaging, quantification, co-localization and FRAPS and FRETS applications.
For more details and information on Imaging and Microscopy, please contact
Dr. Shama Prasada K.?
Ph: 0820-2922058
Mass spectrometry facility at 沙巴体育? School of Life Sciences provides state of art research solutions in the field of metabolomics, proteomics and drug synthesis and chemistry. The facility is open to researchers in both academia and industry.
The range of services we offer includes technical advice on designing experiment, sample preparation, development of new methods and data interpretation. We have undertaken several projects related to pharmacometabolomics of drug response in diseases, quality check of synthesized drugs, drug metabolism, studying shift in metabolic pathways during physiological and pathological response in human cell culture models, identification of proteins, screening secondary metabolites in plant and microbial systems.
For more details and information on Mass Spetrometry, please contact
Dr. Manjunath B. Joshi
Ph: 0820-2922058
沙巴体育 School of Life Sciences, 沙巴体育 provides state of art research solutions in the field of Bioinformatics. We have two high efficient servers for Bioinformatics analysis and high throughput data storage. We have sophisticated commercial and free softwares for high throughput data analysis
The core area of Bioinformatics research are
NGS assembly and annotations
Microarray data analysis
Mass spectrometry data analysis
Systems Biology and protein networks
Life is good in 沙巴体育
Surf in the Indian Ocean. Hike 3,000-foot western Ghat peaks. Explore ancient cultural cities. It’s all within 60 minutes of campus.

Surf in the Indian Ocean. Hike 3,000-foot western ghat peaks. Explore ancient cultural cities. It’s all within 60 minutes of campus.

Innovation Center

Our research labs are constantly abuzz with developing new ways to visualize tumour tissue to discovering the changing weather patterns in south asia...
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Community Outreach
沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education is always in the forefront in creating an impact on the Society. Various
projects are being conducted where the students and faculty can contribute towards the benefit of the needy in the community.

Volunteer Services Organization, a platform for students to live their lives with purpose by helping those in need.