Anup Bhat

Assistant Professor - Selection Grade

Department of Physiotherapy


    Anup Bhat is a Selection Grade Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiotherapy at MCHP, 沙巴体育.

    He is:

    • Clinical in-charge of Medicine wards and NeuroICUs.
    • Certified Instructor and provider of Basic life support and Advanced cardiac life support by the American Heart Association
    • 7th semster/ 4th year BPT coordinator
    • Web Author for MCHP


Subject Semester / Year
Theoretical concepts in basics of exercise therapy -I 1st semester/ 1st year BPT
Practical in basics of exercise therapy – I 1st semester/1st year BPT
Biophysics and basics of electrotherapy 1st semester/ 1st year BPT
Foundations of professional practice 1st semster/ 1st year BPT
Theoretical concepts in basics of exercise therapy – II 2nd semesetr/ 1st year BPT
Practical in basics of exercise therapy-II 2nd semester/ 1st year BPT
Applied anatomy and applied physiology 2nd semester/ 1st year BPT
Principles of Physiotherapy practice – Theory 1st semester/ 1st year MPT
沙巴体育 Project – 1 1st semester/ 1st year MPT
Foundations of specialty – Theory and practical (Cardiopulmonary Sciences) 2nd semester/ 1st year MPT
Ethics and Pedagogy 2nd semester/ 1st year MPT
沙巴体育 project II 2nd semester/ 1st year MPT
General in specialty (Cardiopulmonary Sciences) 3rd semester/ 2nd year MPT
Evidence based practice in specialty (Cardiopulmonary Sciences) 3rd semester/ 2nd year MPT
Elective in specialty (Cardiopulmonary Sciences) 3rd semester/2nd year MPT
沙巴体育 Project IV 4th semester/2nd year MPT


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
BPT Alva’s college of Physiotherapy, Moodbidri 2010
Master Diploma in Acupuncture Therapy Global college of Paramedical sciences 2011
MPT Cardiopulmonary Sciences (ICU management) School of Allied Health Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education 2013


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore Lecturer October 2013 - October 2014
School of Allied Health Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 Assistant Professor November 2014 - November 2016
School of Allied Health Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 Assistant Professor - Senior Scale November 2016 - till date

Instructions to authors in Biomedical Indian Journals

Anup Bhat

Compliance of screening procedures and emergency preparedness in gymnasium and fitness centers in Udupi district

Anup Bhat Dr. Prateek Srivastava

Role: Co-PI

Establishment of reference values for six minute peg board and ring test in healthy Indians

Durga Joshi Farhad Namrata Vaishali K Vanitha N Shetty Anup Bhat

Current physiotherapy practices in Neurological intensive care units of India: A survey

2013-01-04 Anup Bhat Bhamini K Rao

Role: PI

Frequency and factors associated with honorary authorship in biomedical Indian journals

2014-10-10 Akash Shah Sathish Rajasekaran Anup Bhat John Solomon M

Role: Co-PI

Publication speed and advanced online publication: Are biomedical Indian journals slow?

2016-01-01 Akash Shah Swathi Ganesh Sherighar Anup Bhat

Role: Co-PI


Area of Interest

Critical care physiotherapy, Pulmonary rehabilitation, Fitness, Resuscitation, Publication ethics

Area of Expertise

Critical care Physiotherapy, Pulmonary rehabilitation

Area of 沙巴体育

Critical care physiotherapy, publication ethics, pulmonary rehabilitation, Emergency preparedness

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

Professional affiliations:

  • Indian Association of Physiotherapists
  • European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation

Chest physiotherapy techniques in neurological intensive care units of India: A survey.

Anup Bhat Bhamini K Rao

Indian J Crit Care Med 2014; 18(6):363-8

Publication speed and advanced online publication: Are biomedical Indian journals slow?

2016-06-01 Akash Shah Swathi G. Sherighar Anup Bhat

Persp Clin Res 2016;7(1):40-4.

Mobilization of patients in neurological Intensive Care Units of India: A survey

2016-01-06 Anup Bhat Bhamini K Rao

Indian J Crit Care Med 2016; 20(6):337-41.

Instructions to Prospective Authors by Indian Biomedical Journals: An Opportunity to Promote Responsible Conduct of 沙巴体育

2017-23-03 Anup Bhat Akash Shah Swathi G. Sherighar

Journal of Empirical 沙巴体育 on Human 沙巴体育 Ethics 2017; 12(2):117-23.

Role of physiotherapy in weaning of patients from Mechanical Ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit

2017-24-07 Anup Bhat Lenny T. Vasanthan Abraham Samuel Babu

Indian Journal of Respiratory care (In press)

Barriers to pulmonary rehabilitation–A narrative review and perspectives from a few stakeholders

2020 Anu Augustine Anup Bhat Vaishali K Rahul K Magazine

Lung India. 2021; 38(1): 59-63.

Comparison of reaction time and functional balance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and healthy participants

2019 Shashank Singh Anup Bhat Aswini K. Mohapatra Manu K Mohan Vaishali K

Heart Lung. 2019; 48(6):570-3.

Current Practice Pattern of Pre-activity Screening and Emergency Preparedness in Gymnasium/Fitness centres in Udupi Taluk

2016-01-08 Ajay Singh Chauhan Amitha Swati Gupta Anup Bhat Dr. Prateek Srivastava

Correlation of Foot Lift Test with Posturography in subjects with Chronic Ankle Instability

2016-01-01 Priyanka Shetty Preeti Shetty Neha Kamani Vishweshwara Bhat Anup Bhat

The Effect of Music on Hemodynamics and Perceived Exertion during Exercise in Overweight and Obese Individuals

2017-01-01 Mitu Sethiya Sana Parvin Dhruv Sivaraman Krishnan Shalini H Anup Bhat Dr. Prateek Srivastava

Perceived versus actual physical activity levels in University employees

2017-24-07 Shikha Phillips Sonam Dondhen Dr. Prateek Srivastava Anup Bhat