DR. KR Banumathe
Associate Professor
Department of Occupational Therapy
- Institutional 沙巴体育 Committee Member
Dr. KR Banumathe is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy, 沙巴体育 College of Health Professions, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education.?
·???????? BOT Academic Coordinator
·???????? BOT and MOT Teaching Faculty
·???????? MOT 沙巴体育 Guide
·???????? I BOT Class Coordinator
·???????? Subject In-charge: Occupational Therapy for Children (IV BOT)
·? ? ? ??Subject In-charge: Constructs Related to Human Occupation (I MOT)
·???????? Clinical Staff: Pediatrics (Unit-II & III)
·???????? Clinical Supervisor: IV BOT (Pediatrics)
·???????? Clinical Supervisor: I MOT and II MOT (Pediatrics)
·???????? Standardized Assessment Lab In-charge
Subject | Semester / Year |
Basic Competencies for Occupational Therapists-II | II Sem/ I BOT |
OT for Children | VIII Sem/ IV BOT |
Constructs Related to Human Occupation | I Sem/ I MOT |
Occupational Therapy: Developmental Disabilities | III Semester /II MOT |
Occupational Therapy: Developmental Disabilities | IV Sem/II MOT |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Doctor of Philosophy | Occupational Therapy | Occupational Therapy | 2018 |
Master of Occupational Therapy | Advanced OT in Paediatrics | KMCH College of Occupational Therapy, The Tamilnadu Dr M.G.R Medical University | 2010 |
Master of Science in Psychology | Psychology | Distant Education, Tamilnadu Open University | 2010 |
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy | Occupational Therapy | KMCH College of Occupational Therapy, The Tamilnadu Dr M.G.R Medical University. | 2007 |
Certificate course in Bio-Statistics & 沙巴体育 Methodology | 沙巴体育 University | 2012 | |
Certificate course in Hand Splinting | Department of Occupational Therapy, MCOAHS, 沙巴体育 University | 2010 | |
Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Applications (PGDCA) | Sethupathi Institute of Technology (Govt. Approved) | 2006 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Occupational Therapy - MCHP | Associate Professor | BOT & MOT Teaching faculty, BOT Academic coordinator, Class coordinator, Clinical teaching, Clinical Supervisor, PG Students` 沙巴体育 guide, 沙巴体育er, Institutional 沙巴体育 Empowered Committee Member | Mid Dec 2018 - till date |
Department of Occupational Therapy - MCHP | Assistant Professor – Selection Grade | BOT & MOT Teaching faculty, BOT semester scheme coordinator, Class coordinator, Clinical teaching, Clinical Supervisor, PG Students` 沙巴体育 guide, 沙巴体育er | May 2016 - Mid- Dec 2018 |
Department of Occupational Therapy - SOAHS | Assistant Professor - Senior Scale | Teaching faculty, Class coordinator, Clinical teaching, Clinical Supervisor, UG Students’ 沙巴体育 guide, 沙巴体育er | May 2013 - April 2016 |
Department of Occupational Therapy - SOAHS | Assistant Professor | Teaching faculty, Class coordinator, Clinical teaching, Clinical Supervisor, UG Students’ 沙巴体育 guide, 沙巴体育er | July 2011 - April 2013 |
KMCH College of Occupational Therapy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India | Assistant Professor | Teaching faculty, Class coordinator, Clinical teaching, UG Students’ 沙巴体育 guide | April 2010 - July 2011 |
Relationship of Visual Perception and Visual Motor Integration with Academic Performance in Elementary School Children: A Cohort Study
Dr. PSVN Sharma Dr. Binu VS
Role: Principal Investigator Publication: None 沙巴体育 Period: Dec, 2015- Dec, 2018 Description: Department of Science and Technology under Cognitive Science 沙巴体育 Initiative, Government of India (SR/CSRI/51/2014)
Area of Interest
Cerebral Palsy & other Developmental Disorders: ADL training, Functional training, Assistive and Adaptive devices , Pervasive Developmental Disorders & ADHD: Behavior therapy, SI therapy, CPSE skills training, ADL training, Learning Disability: Visual Perceptual & Visual Motor Integration skills training, Handwriting training, Neonatal Habilitation: Early Intervention for High Risk Infants , Hand Splinting: Designing & Fabrication of both thermoplastic & metallic splints
Area of Expertise
Child Habilitation
Area of 沙巴体育
School Based Occupational Therapy for children & Child Habilitation
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
? Life member of AIOTA (All India Occupational Therapists Association).
? Member of Academic Council of Occupational Therapy.
Work Experience
Organisation | Role | Tenure |
Private Consultant | Clinical Occupational Therapy services | Nov 2007 – May 2008 |
Occupational therapy for persons with haemophilia.
2015-01-04 Haemophilia, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation KR Banumathe Shalini Quadros
Objective: To discuss briefly about the role of Occupational Therapy in rehabilitating people with Haemophilia. Summary: Occupational Therapy helps a client in doing their daily routines such as daily living skills, work/academic related skills and leisure pursuits. The rehabilitative approach could be preventive, remedial or adaptive. This article outlines the role of occupational therapy for a client with Haemophilia. . 沙巴体育 Journal of Pharma 沙巴体育 and Health Sciences, 3 (2). pp. 677-679. ISSN 2348-6465 http://www.pharmahealthsciences.net/pdfs/volume3-issue2/18_Vol3_Issue2_MS_15163.pdf
Bell’s palsy & its impact on various areas of occupation.
2014-01-08 Bells’ palsy, Occupation, Occupational Therapy
Objective: To discuss briefly about the Bell’s palsy and its impact on various areas of occupation. Summary: Bell's palsy is a peripheral palsy of the facial nerve that results in muscle weakness on one side of the face.This article outlines the various areas of activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, work and social participation which will be affected due to Bell’s palsy. Scientific 沙巴体育 Journal of India, 3 (3). pp. 136-138. ISSN 2277-1700 http://www.scribd.com/doc/248313770/Scientific-沙巴体育-Journal-of-India-SRJI-Vol-3-Issue-3-Year-2014#scribd
Effectiveness of sensory motor and behavior therapy on drooling in children with cerebral palsy.
2012-01-09 Cerebral palsy, Drooling, Sensory motor therapy, Behavior therapy Sugi, S
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of sensory motor and behaviour therapy on drooling in children with cerebral palsy. Methodology: 20 children with drooling in cerebral palsy were selected for the study based on the screening tool. The assessment tools such as swab method, drooling quotient with activity and drooling quotient without activity were used for pre and post test scores. 10 children received conventional treatments who were control group and 10 children were given sensory motor and behaviour therapy along with conventional treatment who were experimental group. Post-test was taken after 6 weeks of intervention for 10 min / session, 3 days a week and the scores were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: The data were analysed with Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal Wallis test using the SPSS version 16. Results showed statistical significant difference at p<0.05 levels of significance in post test scores of experimental when compared to control group. Constant droolers showed greater improvement than frequent droolers in swab method and drooling quotient with activity at p<0.05 levels of significance. The study also found that age and diagnosis do not have an effect on treatment outcome. Conclusion: The study concluded that sensory motor and behaviour therapy have a significant effect on reducing drooling in children with cerebral palsy. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Journal, 5 (3). pp. 133-138. ISSN: 0974-5777 http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/95416285/effectiveness-sensory-motor-behavior-therapy-drooling-children-cerebral-palsy
An Observational Study on Sensory Based Outdoor Play Preferences in children aged between 3 - 12 years : A Preliminary Study.
2012-03-09 Play preferences, Sensory Based Play, Outdoor Play Preferences Ram, Vineeta I Pinto, Alzeena Jonathan, Samuel
Aim: To find sensory based outdoor play preferences of children between the ages 3 -12 years. Method: 90 normal children were observed by 3 raters for 30 minutes minimum, while engaged in free play at outdoor playgrounds. Play preferences were observed for the affinity towards certain sensory components; tactile, auditory, vestibular and proprioception. The most observable sensory based play preferences were noted for quality and frequency and the children were scored on a 7 point Likert scale. The data was then grouped by age into 3 groups, 1, 2 and 3; 3.1 to 6 years, 7.1 to 9 years and 10.1 to 12 years respectively and analyzed using SPSS, version 16. Results: On analysis of data between the groups showed that there was significant difference at p<0.05 levels for tactile, auditory and proprioceptive except vestibular based play preferences at p>0.05 levels. Auditory based play preferences showed a significant difference at p<0.05 level to other preferences for group 1. Group 2 showed significant difference between all sensory based play preferences at p< 0.05 levels and for group 3, no significant difference between auditory and tactile based play preferences at p>0.05 levels and significant difference between the rest of the components at p<0.05 levels. It also inferred tactile and auditory based play preferences decrease while proprioceptive and vestibular based play preferences increase with the increase in age. Conclusion: These findings proved that sensory based outdoor play preferences of children exist and differ between the ages 3 to 12 years. 沙巴体育 Journal of Current 沙巴体育 and Review, 4 (17). 20 -28. ISSN 2231-2196 http://www.ijcrr.com/journals/Vol%204%20issue%2017.pdf
Effectiveness of Videotaped/Photographs in Teaching Handling Techniques for Caregivers of Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy.
2012-02-07 Handling techniques, Home Programme, Spastic Cerebral Palsy Balakrishnan, T
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of videotapes/ photographs in teaching Handling techniques for caregivers of children with Spastic cerebral palsy. Method: This Experimental study used the videotapes/photographs as a tool for teaching the handling techniques to caregivers of 15 spastic type cerebral palsy children. This study also uses parental questionnaire, and GMFM score sheet for assessment. Results: The study concluded that there is a significant improvement in therapeutic handling the children by caregivers when using videotape/photograph teaching between the pre and post test scores of parental handling questionnaire at a significant level of 0.0001. However there is no significant difference observed in the GMFM scale. Conclusion: This study suggests that videotaped/photographic teaching of handling techniques to the caregivers of children with spastic cerebral palsy is effective. Global 沙巴体育 Analysis, 1 (2). pp. 82-84. ISSN 2277 - 8160 http://worldwidejournals.com/gra/articles.php?val=OTQ=&b1=129&k=33
Application of Occupational Performance Model in Occupational Therapy for Rehabilitation in Medical Conditions - A Case Study.
2012-02-11 Encephalitis, Occupational Performance Model, Occupational Therapy
Summary: This case study describes the application of occupational performance model in occupational therapy practice for physical dysfunctions in severe medical conditions. A case of 37 years old male diagnosed as Encephalitis with clinical presentation of left Hemiplegia and Seizure was referred. Initial evaluation revealed significant poor performance in cognitive, physical, emotional, social and dependent self-care tasks. The early rehabilitation was initiated based on occupational performance model which showed the marked improvement in the client’s abilities to perform basic daily living skills. This case study reveals knowledge about application of this model for rehabilitation in acute severe medical conditions. 沙巴体育 Journal of Health Sciences & 沙巴体育, 2 (8). pp. 111-113. ISSN 2249-9571 http://www.ijhsr.org/current_issue_8/16.pdf
A Study to Find out the Prevalence and Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Intervention for Pain and Activity Performance in Mobile Users with Risk of Repetitive Strain Injury.
2012-02-07 Mobile Users, Repetitive Strain Injury, Activity Performance KR Banumathe Lukose, Leena Ann
Objectives: To find the prevalence of pain and activity restriction among mobile users with risk of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and to study the effectiveness of Occupational Therapy (OT) intervention for improving activity performance in mobile users with RSI. Methodology: 3 questionnaires were made and validated. RSI Screening Questionnaire was given to 100 participants to find out the prevalence. Among which 64 of them were selected based on inclusion criteria. Pre-test was taken using McGill Pain Questionnaire, Activity Restriction Questionnaire and Awareness Questionnaire. Interventions such as health education, strengthening activities and pamphlets were given for three 30 min session / week. After a period of 3 weeks post-test was taken using the same questionnaire and results were analysed. Results: Using SPSS-15, Descriptive analysis and Paired ‘t’ test was used to analyse the data. 64% of them had symptom of pain and limitation it their activity performance. There was a significant difference between pre and post test score in pain and activity restriction and awareness at p<0.05 level. Conclusion: There was a significant reduction in the pain and activity restriction among mobile users and increased awareness after Occupational Therapy intervention. 沙巴体育 Journal of Scientific 沙巴体育, 1 (2). pp. 149-151. ISSN 2277 – 8179 http://worldwidejournals.com/ijsr/issues.php?m=July&y=2012&id=3
Modified Falls Behavioral Scale for Indian Community Dwelling Older Adults.
2012-02-07 Geriatrics, Falls, Older adults Sebestina Anita D’Souza
Purpose: In the absence of culturally relevant measurement tool to assess behaviour factors leading to fall in Indian older adults, this study aims to develop an objective measure to assess behavioural factors leading to fall by modifying the existing Falls Behavioural Scale for Australian older adults and establish its content and construct validity. Method: Following interviews with older adults, the existing scale was modified for language and relevant items. The 30-item preliminary scale thus developed was sent to experts for content validation, following which five items were added. For the field trial, 193 older adults were assessed with the 35 items Modified Falls Behavioural Scale, the Berg Balance Scale, and physical functioning component of SF-36. Results: Following factor analysis, one item was eliminated, the items were reloaded to different dimensions and one new dimension “Anticipatory Strategies” was introduced. The final 34-item scale was positively associated with history of fall in last one year (r = 0.021, p < .005) and age of the older adults (r = 0.26, p <.001). The scale also had significant negative correlation with Berg Balance Scale (r=-.4, p< .001), number of times an older adult went out in last one month (r = -0.031, p < .001), and SF 36 Physical Functioning (r = -.18, p = .01). Conclusion: In the present study, a 34-item Modified Falls Behavioural Scale was developed to assess fall behaviours in Indian older adults, and its content validity and construct validity is established. 沙巴体育 Journal of Scientific 沙巴体育, 1 (2). pp. 152-154. ISSN 2277 - 8179 http://worldwidejournals.com/ijsr/articles.php?val=ODU=&b1=209&k=53
Leisure and Its Impact on Well Being in School Children.
2012-02-10 Leisure, Well-Being, School Children Sinu, E
Objective: To discuss briefly about the leisure and its impact on well-being in school children. Summary: The article describes the leisure activities for children, impact of passive leisure on well-being, the importance of active leisure, obstacles for participation and its implication for school children. 沙巴体育 Journal of Scientific 沙巴体育, 1 (5). p. 114. ISSN 2277 – 8179 http://www.researchgate.net/publication/236165887_Leisure_and_Its_Impact_on_Well_Being_in_School_Children
Relationship between visual motor integration and academic performance in elementary School children.
2017-15-05 Sharma, PSVN Binu, VS
Citation (Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2017; 16 (1): pp. 1-4) URL: http://www.ojhas.org/issue61/2017-1-1.pdf
Efficacy of educational program on medical practitioner’s perception on radiological examination
2016-01-06 Sukumar, Suresh Rajagopal, KV Sabu, KM
Citation (沙巴体育 Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2016; 7 (2): pp-537-545) URL: http://www.ijpbs.net/archive-issue.php?issueid=42
Extended occupational therapy based rehabilitation for a young client following head injury – A case report.
2016-02-03 Rao, Karthik N Sukumar, Suresh
Authors: Banumathe, KR and Guruprasad, V and Rao, Karthik N and Sukumar, Suresh Citation (沙巴体育 Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2016; 7 (1): pp-626-628) URL: http://www.ijpbs.net/archive-issue.php?issueid=33 .
Methods of Handwriting Assessment in Occupational Therapy: A Quick Reference.
2015-04-03 Sharma, PSVN Binu, VS
Citation (Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - An 沙巴体育 Journal. 2016; 10 (1): pp. 19-21) URL: http://www.ptmovements.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/5-Literature-Review-on-Dizziness-based-on-PEDRO.pdf#page=25
Systematic Review on the Medical Practitioner’s Knowledge about the Radiology Examination and Positive Influence of Radiation Training.
2016-01-06 Sukumar, Suresh Rajagopal, K
Citation (沙巴体育 Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2016; 7 (2): pp. 13-18) URL: http://www.ijpbs.net/archive-issue.php?issueid=42
An observational study on sensory based outdoor play preferences in children aged between 3 - 12 years
2012-01-06 Vineeta I Ram Alzeena Pinto Samuel Jonathan KR Banumathe
A preliminary study. This study is about the sensory based play preferences of children which can be used for clinical practice to select age appropriate play for children’s intervention.