Nivedita S. Prabhu

Assistant Professor - Selection Grade

Department of Physiotherapy


    Mrs. Nivedita S Prabhu is Assistant Professor - Selection Grade in Department of Physiotherapy at MCHP, 沙巴体育.

    She is:

    • 沙巴体育 Guide for postgraduate and undergraduate student projects.
    • Clinical rehabilitation and reserach expertise in areas of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, cardiology, oncology, burns and plastic surgery.
    • Member - Health Professions Education Unit - MCHP
    • Member - Website Coordination Committee
    • Interns Coordinator?


Subject Semester / Year
Theoretical concepts in Basics of Exercise Therapy - I 1st year BPT/ First semester
Practical in Basics of Exercise Therapy - I 1st year BPT/ First semester
Biophysics and Basics of Electrotherapy 1st year BPT/ First semester
Theoretical concepts in Electrotherapy-I 1st year BPT/ Second semester
Practical in Electrotherapy-I 1st year BPT/ Second semester
Applied Anatomy and Applied Physiology 1st Year BPT/ Second Semester
Electrotherapy -II 2nd Year BPT/ Third semester
Clinical practice III 2nd Year BPT/ Third semester
Exercise Physiology 2nd Year BPT/ Fourth semester
Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Leadership 2nd Year BPT/ Fourth semester
Clinical Practice 2nd Year BPT/ Fourth semester
Theoretical concepts in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy - I 4th year BPT/ Seventh semester
Clinical practice in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy - I 4th year BPT/ Seventh semester
Evidence based practice in Physiotherapy 4th year BPT/ Seventh semester
Theoretical concepts in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy - II 4th Year BPT/ Eighth semester
Clinical practice in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy - II 4th Year BPT/ Eighth semester
沙巴体育 Proposal and Scientific Writing 4th Year BPT/ Eighth semester
Principles in Physiotherapy Practice 1st Year MPT/ First semester
Clinical practice in Physiotherapy 1st Year MPT/ First semester
沙巴体育 Proposal in Cardiopulmonary Sciences 1st Year MPT/ First semester
Ethics and Pedagogy 1st Year MPT/ Second semester
Foundations of Physiotherapy in Cardiopulmonary Sciences 1st Year MPT/ Second semester
Physiotherapy Clinical Practice in Cardiopulmonary Sciences - I 1st Year MPT/ Second semester
沙巴体育 Progress in Cardiopulmonary Sciences 1st Year MPT/ Second semester
Physiotherapy in General Cardiopulmonary conditions 2nd Year MPT/ Third semester
Physiotherapy Clinical Practice in Cardiopulmonary Sciences - II 2nd Year MPT/ Third semester
Evidence Based Physiotherapy Practice in Cardiopulmonary Sciences 2nd Year MPT/ Third semester
沙巴体育 Progress in Cardiopulmonary Sciences - II 2nd Year MPT/ Third semester
Critical Care Physiotherapy 2nd Year MPT/ Fourth semester
沙巴体育 Project in Cardiopulmonary Sciences 2nd Year MPT/ Fourth semester
Physiotherapy in Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation 2nd Year MPT/ Fourth semester
沙巴体育 Project in Cardiopulmonary Sciences 2nd Year MPT/ Fourth semester
Physiotherapy in Health Promotion and Fitness 2nd Year MPT/ Fourth semester
沙巴体育 Project in in Cardiopulmonary Sciences 2nd Year MPT/ Fourth semester
Clinical Practice in Critical Care Physiotherapy, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Health Promotion and Fitness 2nd Year MPT/ Fourth semester


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
MPT Cardiopulmonary Sciences School of Allied Health Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education 2008
BPT School of Allied Health Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education 2005


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
MCHP. 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education Assistant Professor - Selection Grade Teacher 2020 - present
Department of Physiotherapy, School of Allied Health Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 Assistant Professor - Senior Scale Teacher 2012 - 2020
Department of Physiotherapy, School of Allied Health Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 Assistant Professor Teacher 2008-2011

Effects of a resistance training program on bone mineral density in patients with breast cancer related lymphedema

2021-2023 Nivedita S Prabhu Dr. Nitika C Panakkal Stanley Mathew Sahana Shetty

Funding Agency: 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education (Seed Money Grant) Amount: INR 0.35 Lakhs


Area of Interest

Cardiac Critical Care Physiotherapy, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Cancer Rehabilitation

Area of Expertise

Cardiac Critical Care, Critical Care Rehabilitation

Area of 沙巴体育

Cardiac Rehabilitation and Critical Care

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

Professional affilitations:
  • Indian Association of Physiotherapy (IAP)
  • European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR)
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Recovery pattern and barriers to mobilization during acute rehabilitation phase in organophosphate poisoning patients

2020 Vita C Pinto Bairapareddy K. C. Nivedita S Prabhu Alaparthi G. K Baskaran Chandrasekaran Vaishali K Sampath Kumar Amravadi

Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 32, 3, p. 193-203

Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Functional Capacity and Physical Activity after Coronary Revascularization: A Scientific Review

2020 Niramayee Prabhu Arun Maiya Nivedita S Prabhu

Cardiology 沙巴体育 and Practice. 2020, 1236968

Influence of stair climbing on the self-efficacy in post cardiac surgery patients

2011-01-09 Pooja Uchil Imran Khan Nivedita S Prabhu

Indian J Physiother Occupational Ther 2011; 5(3):100-102

Screening for noncommunicable disease risk factors at a workplace in India: A physiotherapy initiative in a healthcare setting

2015-01-01 Aditi Ketkar Sundar Kumar Veluswamy Nivedita S Prabhu Arun Maiya

Hong Kong Physiother J 2015;33(1):3-9

Early cardiac rehabilitation in a 14 year old male with familial hypercholesterolemia post coronary artery bypass graft surgery

2016-01-01 Nivedita S Prabhu Shirish Borkar Arun Maiya

Indian J Physiother Occupational Ther 2016;10(1):140-143

Effect of home based exercise program on the quality of life in critically Ill patients – Randomised controlled trial

2014-01-01 Aayushi Gopal Shelly Nivedita S Prabhu Vaishali K

Role: Co-guide

BMI, waist circumference and waist to height ratio as predictor of cardiovascular disease risk

2013-01-01 Gloria Jasmine Alva Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Co-guide

Video based education in pulmonary surgery patients

2013-01-01 Prerna Sadanand Chittal Nivedita S Prabhu Vaishali K

Role: Co-guide

Prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease among employees of 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education

2012-01-01 Aditi Ketkar Nivedita S Prabhu Arun Maiya

Role: Co-guide

Exercise training and vagal modulation/dose response relationship between HRV exercise intensity

2011-01-01 Mukesh Kumar Sinha Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Co-guide

Metabolic demands and costs in various modes of aerobic exercises across various intensities

2011-01-01 Prajakta Tilaye Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Co-guide

Barriers to exercise based cardiac rehabilitation - A survey

2010-01-01 Shweta Brigunath Dixit Nivedita S Prabhu Bhamini K Rao

Role: Co-guide

Comparison of plantar pressure in diabetic and non-diabetic individuals - A case control study

2009-01-01 Sachit Mansingh Basnet Nivedita S Prabhu Arun Maiya

Role: Co-guide

Prevalence and severity of work related varicose veins in surgical and nursign professionals

2016-01-01 Isha Modi vidya Shetty Dr. Deepalaxmi Poojary Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Giude

Evaluation of the functional capacity and hadn grip stregnth in cancer patients

2014-01-07 Ooi Jie Rou Chok Hsiao Yun Dr. Prateek Srivastava Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Guide

Acute heart rate response to diving in male recreational divers

2014-01-01 Pradeep Nayak Ravishankar Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: guide

Muscular endurance among Malaysians and Indians: Normative data

2012-01-01 Ajaykumar Mellissah Nisyanthi Peter Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Co-guide

Changes in peak expiratory flow rate in individuals with type 2 diabetes

2012-01-01 Kewaljit Kaur Gurujit Kaur Shailija Tholkabian Abraham Samuel Babu Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Guide

Video based learning to improve patient comprehension towards cardiac rehabilitation

2012-01-01 Tanya Tripati Smriti Patil Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Guide

Changes in pulmonary artery pressure with incentive spirometry post coronary artery bypass graft surgery

2011-01-01 Mayuri Saxena Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Guide

Influence of stair climbing on self efficacy in post cardiac surgery patients

2010-01-01 Pooja Uchil Imran Khan Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Guide

Pulmonary function in female beedi workers of Udupi taluk

2009-01-01 Keerthi Srinivas Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Guide

Effect of abdominal weight exercise on pulmonary function in patinets with chronic obstructuve pulmonary disease: A randomized controlled trial

2013-01-01 Anjana jain Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Co-guide

Effect of Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation on heart rate variability and anxiety in patients undergoing CABG

2013-01-01 Saumya Premraj Nivedita S Prabhu

Role: Co-guide