- Chairperson/QMR, Quality and Compliance Committee, MCHP
- I Sem and II Sem MPT Class coordinator
- Clinical Incharge, Neurophysiotherapy OPD & Neuromedicine wards
- PhD/ MPT/ BPT Thesis/Project Guide
Dr. Senthil Kumaran D is Additional Professor at the Department of Physiotherapy at MCHP, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education.
He is:
Subject | Semester / Year |
Foundations of Professional practice | I Year/I Semester BPT |
Practical in Basics of Exercise therapy-II | I Year/II Semester BPT |
Theoretical concepts in Exercise therapy -II | II Year/IV Semester BPT |
Practical in Exercise therapy -II | II Year/IV Semester BPT |
Neurological Physiotherapy I Theory & Practical | III Year/V Semester BPT |
Neurological Physiotherapy II Theory & Practical | III Year/VI Semester BPT |
Electrodiagnosis | III Year/VI Semester BPT |
Community Physiotherapy I | IV Year/VII Semester BPT |
Evidence based Physiotherapy | IV Year/VIII Semester BPT |
Principles of physiotherapy practice | I Year/ I Semester MPT |
Clinical practice in physiotherapy | I Year/ I Semester MPT |
Foundations of physiotherapy in Neurosciences | I Year/ II Semester MPT |
Physiotherapy clinical practice in Neurosciences - I | I Year/ II Semester MPT |
General in Neurosciences | II Year/ III Semester MPT |
Evidence based practice in Neurosciences | II Year/ III Semester MPT |
Neurological Physiotherapy | II Year/ IV Semester MPT |
Neurosurgical Physiotherapy | II Year/ IV Semester MPT |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MAHE-FAIMER Fellowship | Leadership in Interprofessional Education | MAHE-FAIMER 沙巴体育 Institute for Leadership in Interprofessional Education | 2019 |
PhD | Stroke rehabilitation | 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 2015 |
MPT | Neurosciences | College of Allied Health Sciences, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 2006 |
BPT | Trinity Mission and Medical Foundation, The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University | 1998 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Physiotherapy, SOAHS, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 | Associate Professor | Teacher (UG & PG), UG, PG & PhD Thesis supervisor | 2011 - Present |
Department of Physiotherapy, SOAHS, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 | Assistant Professor | Teacher (UG & PG), UG & PG Thesis supervisor | 2009 - 2010 |
Department of Physiotherapy, SOAHS, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 | Lecturer | Teacher (UG & PG), UG & PG Thesis supervisor | 2006 - 2008 |
Padmashree Dr D Y Patil College of Physiotherapy, Pune, Maharashtra | Associate Professor | Teacher (UG & PG), PG Thesis supervisor | 2006 |
The Oxford College Of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, Karnataka | Lecturer | Teacher (UG) | 2001 - 2003 |
Vinayaka Mission’s College of Physiotherapy, Salem, Tamil Nadu | Lecturer | Teacher (UG) | 1998 - 2001 |
Effectiveness of an intensive, functional, gamified Rehabilitation program on upper limb motor function in people with stroke: A randomized clinical trial (EnteRtain Trial)
2022 Sulfikar Ali Senthil Kumaran D Ashokan Arumugam
(Funding description if any): Funding agency: Society for Indian Physiotherapists (沙巴体育 Grant); Amount: INR 0.25 Lakhs
Effectiveness of an intensive, functional, gamified Rehabilitation program on upper limb motor function in people with stroke: A randomized clinical trial (EnteRtain Trial)
2021-23 Senthil Kumaran D
Funding agency: BeAble Health Pvt Ltd (Industry Grant); Amount: INR 10.2 Lakhs
Clinical and kinematic measures for predicting upper extremity recovery in stroke survivors
2021 Sanjuktha Sardesai Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Funding agency: Society for Indian Physiotherapists (沙巴体育 Grant); Amount: INR 0.25 Lakhs
ArmAble-Game Based arm training rehabilitation device
2019 Habib Ali Sreehari KG Senthil Kumaran D
Funding agency: iPitch Seed Investment Award (Innovation idea grant); Amount: INR 25 Lakhs
ArmAble: An Interactive Arm Training Rehabilitation Device
2019 - 20 Habib Ali Sreehari KG Senthil Kumaran D
Funding agency: United State-India Science and Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF) (Industry Grant); Amount: INR 100 Lakhs
ARM-ABLE: An interactive arm training rehabilitative device. Fun therapy, Better recovery
2018-19 Habib Ali Sreehari KG Senthil Kumaran D
BIRAC-BIG (Industry Grant); Amount: INR 49.9 Lakhs
Area of Interest
Stroke rehabilitation and recovery, Balance and Gait analysis and rehabilitation, ICF framework, Movement analysis, Interprofessional education
Area of Expertise
Stroke rehabilitation and recovery, Movement analysis (Posturography, Surface electromyography)
Area of 沙巴体育
Stroke rehabilitation and recovery, Task based training, Virtual reality and game based rehabilitation, Kinematic and Kinetic analysis, Interprofessional education
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Memberships in Professional Associations:
·???????? Society for Indian Physiotherapists (SIP)
·???????? Indian Federation of Neurorehabilitation (IFNR)
·???????? Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association (NDT Certified)
·???????? The Indian Association of Physiotherapists (IAP)
·???????? Spinal Cord Society (Indian Chapter)
·???????? World Federation of Neurorehabilitation (WFNR)
·???????? World Stroke Organization (WSO)
- Professional Achievement Award in the Education category for the contribution in the field of Neurological Physiotherapy, The Oxford College Of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, Karnataka, 2008?
- Awarded “Best Paper” in the Senior category for a paper titled “Effectiveness of ‘Stepping-in-place’ training on gait in patients with chronic hemiplegia: a randomised clinical trial” at the 46th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Physiotherapist for the year 2008 hosted by the Indian Association of Physiotherapists, Uttarakhand Branch on 11th January 2008 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Effects of a Novel Game-Based Arm Rehabilitation Device, the ArmAble, on Improving Upper Limb Function in People with Stroke
01-03-2022 Senthil Kumaran D Swathi G Riya Ashit Raja Sulfikar Ali A Nirmala Nayak Ashokan Arumugam
IEEE, 2021 14th 沙巴体育 Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) |978-1-6654-0888-2/21/
Predicting post-stroke motor recovery of upper extremity using clinical variables and performance assays: a prospective cohort study protocol.
17-01-2022 Sanjukta Sardesai John Solomon M Ashokan Arumugam Vasudeva Guddattu Sankar Prasad Gorthi Aparna Pai Senthil Kumaran D
Physiother Res Int. 2022 Jan 17:e1937
Development of strategies to support home-based exercise adherence after stroke: a Delphi consensus.
01-01-2022 Amreen Mahmood Anagha Deshmukh Manikandan Natarajan Dianne Marsden Glade Vyslysel Sebastian Padickaparambil Shwetha Ts Artur Direito Senthil Kumaran Girish N Harpreet Sachdev Sundar Kumar Veluswamy Suruliraj Karthikbabu B Unnikrishnan Coralie English John M Solomon
BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 6;12(1):e055946
Report of body weight supported over-ground training in acute traumatic central cord syndrome
2013-01-01 Asir John Samuel John Solomon M Senthil Kumaran D Nicole D'souza
Indian J Physiother Occup Ther. 2013; 7 (1): 96-8.
Effect of strength and balance training in children with Down’s syndrome: a randomised controlled trial
2011-01-01 Sukriti Gupta Bhamini K Rao Senthil Kumaran D
Clinical Rehabilitation 2011; 25(5): 425-32.
Impact of physical therapy on burden of Caregivers of individuals with Functional disability
2011-01-01 Anushree Narekuli Kavitha Raja Senthil Kumaran D
Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development 2011; 22 (1): 108-19.
Resistance exercise training for hypertension (protocol)
2010-01-01 Chandrasekaran B Arumugam A Senthil Kumaran D Chandrasharma B Philipraj SJ Khundrakpam C Sanathombi Devi R
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010; Issue 11: Article No.:CD008822.
Physical fitness training for people with spinal cord injury (Intervention review)
2009-01-01 Senthil Kumaran D Sreekumaran Nair J Vijayamuniraj
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009; Issue 3: Article No.:CD007955
Health Related Fitness Profile among Institutionalised Elderly in Rural India.
2013-01-01 Girish N Senthil Kumaran D Rajesh Navada GV
Journal of The Indian Academy of Geriatrics. 2013; 9: 58-60
Analysis of Postural Stability in Children With Cerebral Palsy and Children With Typical Development An Observational Study
2014-01-01 Shikha Saxena Bhamini K Rao Senthil Kumaran D
Pediatr Phys Ther. 2014; 26(3): 325–30
Short-term balance training with computer-based feedback in children with cerebral palsy: A feasibility and pilot randomized trial
2016-01-01 Shikha Saxena Bhamini K Rao Senthil Kumaran D
Developmental Neurorehabilitation (Advanced Online Publication)
Publication List:
Functional status and Factors Influencing Functional Outcome in Patients with Stroke
2014-01-01 Ritu Shroff Senthil Kumaran D Dr. N Manikandan
Role: Co-guide
Effect of single session standing on change in muscle tone and on proprioception in spastic cerebral palsy
2012-01-01 Jessica A Gracias Senthil Kumaran D Bhamini K Rao
Role: Co-guide
Dual task on postural stability in stroke: effect and training
2012-01-01 Truptiben Parikh Preetha R Senthil Kumaran D
Role: Guide
Effect of balance training with visual feedback on balance and gait in children with cerebral palsy – a randomised controlled trial
2011-01-01 Shikha Saxena Senthil Kumaran D Bhamini K Rao
Role: Co-guide
Effect of trunk training on balance and gait in patients with stroke: a randomised controlled trial
2009-01-01 Sukriti Gupta Senthil Kumaran D Bhamini K Rao
Role: Co-guide
Effect of kinect based training on trunk control in patients with stroke
2015-01-01 Quadros Xina Henry Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Eye hand coordination, reaction time and dynamic balance in children with and without karate training
2015-01-01 Neeraj Gampavar Senthil Kumaran D Preetha R
Role: Co-guide
Effect of theraband assistance on kinematics of gait in stroke patients
2015-01-01 Annabel Dr. N Manikandan Senthil Kumaran D
Role: Guide
Influence of optic flow guided treadmill walking in children
2014-01-01 Kalashree P John Solomon M Senthil Kumaran D
Role: Guide
Analysis of balance and function in different peripheral vestibular disorders
2014-01-01 Sayeda Fayeza Akhtar Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Intermanual transfer in participants with hemiparesis following stroke: a pilot study
2013-01-01 Priyadarshini G Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Influence of dual task on postural sway in children with hearing impairment
2013-01-01 Kundan Kumar SIngh Senthil Kumaran D Bhamini K Rao
Role: Co-guide
Effect of trunk training on balance and gait in patients with stroke: a randomized controlled trial
2011-01-01 Aditi Hombali Dr. N Manikandan Senthil Kumaran D
Role: Guide
Trunk muscle activation during functional movement patterns of the extremities in patients with stroke
2012-01-01 Archana Varanasi Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Normative scores of fine motor component of bruininks - oseretsky test of motor proficiency (short form) in indian children aged between 4? and 8? years
2010-01-01 Sonia Khurana Senthil Kumaran D Bhamini K Rao
Role: Co-guide
Role of functional electrical stimulation on trunk control in acute hemiplegic patients: a pilot study
2009-01-01 Nishant Mahajan Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Reliability and normative values of the slump test in children between 2 to 6 years
2009-01-01 Shngainki Pyrbot Senthil Kumaran D Dr. N Manikandan
Role: Co-guide
Short term effect of vestibular adaptation exercises on balance in acute vestibular schwannoma resection patients- A Double Blinded Randomized Control Trial
2008-01-01 Viral Shah Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Reliability and Predictive Validity of Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS) in Patients with Acute Stroke.
2008-01-01 Arumbur Geeson David Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Does physiotherapy impact burden in informal caregivers of permanently disabled individuals? A pilot study
2009-01-01 Anushree G Narekuli Senthil Kumaran D Dr. Kavitha Raja
Role: Co-guide
Functional status in post – lumbar laminectomy patients: A Survey
2010-01-01 Jyothi D Kamath Senthil Kumaran D Dr. N Manikandan
Role: Co-guide
Effect of mirror therapy on hand function in hemiplegic patients : A randomised control trial
2010-01-01 Aditi Mullick Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Effect of functional electrical stimulation on standing posture in children with spastic diplegia.
2015-01-01 Man Mohita Senthil Kumaran D
Role: Co-guide
Analysis of muscle activation during the performance of upper extremity real life tasks in patients with stroke
2016-01-01 Vinali P Patel Zamina Moledina Srinivas Nayak Senthil Kumaran D
Role: Guide
Effect of dual task on balance and gait in normal young healthy adults: A conventional study.
2015-01-01 Ang Eva Tanushree Bhat Winora Gomes Senthil Kumaran D
Role: Guide
Influence of mirror feedback on postural sway in normal young adults
2014-01-01 Joy Sharnee Ganesan Rathe Vasnavi Shanmugam Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Role of mirror therapy on muscle activation in patients with stroke : A preliminary study
2014-01-01 Sonali Shirali Ines Cornelio Senthil Kumaran D
Role: Guide