Core 沙巴体育 Area

  • Cell & Cell-free Therapy

Develop cell therapy and cell free therapy (secretome & extracellular vesicles) for various tissue repair and regeneration. Develop nanovesicle technology driven target delivery of therapeutic molecules for various tissue repair and regeneration.

Faculties: ?Dr Raviraja N S

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Dr Raghavendra Upadhya

  • Molecular Signal Transduction

Reversible, non-hormonal male contraceptive development and endeavour for a better understanding of the biochemistry of the gamete functions in mammalian systems, with special emphasis on the interrelation between (glycogen synthase kinase 3) GSK3 and FTO (RNA-specific demethylases) in the regulation of mammalian spermatogenesis and fertility.

Development of gene editing-based approaches to target GSK3, isoform-selectively, to mitigate cancer phenotypes in human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell lines and clinical samples.

Faculty: Dr Souvik Dey

For more details, please visit the Lab website:

  • Biomaterials & 3D bioprinting

We are synthesizing biocompatible hybrid biomaterials that will be suitable for various tissue regeneration and develop scaffolds via 3D bioprinting for drug screening and tissue regeneration.

Faculty: Dr S V Kirthanashri

  • Brain Aging &?Neurotherapeutics

? ? ? ? Development of anti-aging strategies targeting autophagy pathways against brain aging and age-related neurodegenerative disorders?

? ? ? ? Development and validation of a 3D model of brain aging in the dish as an alternative for animal uses for screening? discovery of novel anti-aging ????????molecules

????????Development and validation of nano-formulation using a cocktail of caloric restriction mimetics and biopolymeric materials for aging-induced? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? impaired neurogenesis and cognitive decline?

? ? ? ? Faculty:?Dr Abhishek Kumar Singh

  • Nanomedicine and Biomaterials

????????Nanomedicine against Cancer and Neurodegenerative diseases

? ? ? ? Bioconjugation chemistry

? ? ? ? Smart nanomedicines and biomaterials in healthcare

????????Faculty:?Dr Abhayraj S Joshi

  • Bioinformatics and Rare disease screening partners

1.????? Suma Genomics Pvt. Ltd.? -?

2.????? Mbiomics LLC -