Major Equipment And Facilities
- EVOS M5000 Digital inverted microscope -?Invitrogen?
- iBright Imaging Systems -?Invitrogen
- Leica DM500 Microscope - Leica
- Veriti? Thermal Cycler - Applied Bio System
- QuantStudio? 5 Real-Time PCR System -?Thermofisher scientific
- Fume Hood - ESCO
- Biosafety Cabinet Class II (A2) - ESCO, Thermo and Nuaire
- CO2 Incubator -?ESCO, Binder and Hera
- Flow cytometer - BD Accuri
- Multimode Reader - Biotek (Agilent)
- Thermal cycler - Thermo and Biorad?
- Lyophilizer - Labconco
- UHPLC (Bio-LC) 1290 Infinity II - Agilent
- Neon NxT Electroporation System - Thermofisher scientific
- Qubit 4 fluorometer - Thermofisher scientific
- Acta start?
- Solvent extraction unit?
- Sonicator?
- Ice makers
- Milli Q water purification system?
- Bioinformatics and data analysis facilities
- Clean Room & GMP ready facilities
We thank the following funding agencies :
- DBT (Department of Biotechnology)
- ICMR (Indian Council of Medical 沙巴体育)
- ANRF (Anusandhan National 沙巴体育 Foundation)
- DST-INSPIRE (Department of Science and Technology)