To carry out research work on Supernovae, Superluminous supernovae, Tidal Distruption Events & energetic out flows from active galaxies. Teaching MSc students, and also supervising students during MSc and PhD thesis programs.
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Ph. D | Physics (Astrophysics) | Kumaun University /ARIES, Nainital | 2013 |
MSc | Physics ( Solid state experimental) | University of Delhi, Delhi | 2005 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
IUCAA, Pune | Post doctoral 沙巴体育 Fellow | 1). 沙巴体育 on cosmic catastrophes. 2). To co-supeirvise the students purasuing Msc. Thesis in High energy Astrophysics | 2017 - 2020 |
Stockhalom University, Stockhalom, Sweden | Post Doctoral 沙巴体育 Fellow | To do research on High energy Astophysics, mainly cosmic explosions, using data from iPTF survey | 2014 - 2017 |
University of Liege, Liege, Belgium | BELSPO Post Doctoral Fellow | 沙巴体育 on supernovae, Super luminous Supernoval etc. Also some involment with ILMT project. | 2013 - 2014 |
Area of Interest
High Energy Astrophysics, Cosmic Explosions - Supernovae, superluminous supernovae, Tidal Disruption events, Energetic outflows from Active galaxies
Area of Expertise
Ultraviolet, Optical, Infrared, and Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics, Development of pipeline for analysis of Astronomica data.
Area of 沙巴体育
High energy astrophysics, mainly cosmic explosions in massive stars.
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Member of several Transient survey programs -like PESSTO, GSP, ENGRAVE & GAIA Science alert. Member of Astronomial Society of India (ASI), Junior member of 沙巴体育 Astronomical Union (IAU).
Double-peaked Lines, Dual VLBI Components, and Precessing Jets in J1328+2751
14/02/2020 S. Nandi A. Caproni P. Kharb B. Sebastian R. Roy
Accepted for The Astrophysical Journal.
An outflow powers the optical rise of the nearby, fast-evolving tidal disruption event AT2019qiz
12/10/2020 M. Nicholl R. Roy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Page:482; Vol: 499
The Rise and Fall of ASASSN-18pg : Following a TDE from Early to Late Times
04/08/2020 Holoien Rupak Roy
The Astrophysical Journal, 898, 161
SN2018kzr: a rapidly declining transient from the destruction of a white dwarf
31/10/2019 Owen R McBrien Stephen J. Smartt Ting-Wan Chen Cosimo Inserra James H Gillanders Stuart A. Sim Anders Jerkstrand Armin Rest Rupak Roy
The spectral evolution of AT2018dyb and the presence of metal lines in Tidal Disruption Events
12/12/2019 Giorgos Leloudas Lixin Dai Iair Arcavi Paul M. Vreeswijk Brenna Mockler Rupak Roy
The Astrophysical Journal. Page:218; Vol: 887
A low-frequency study of recently identified double-double radio galaxies
03/07/2019 S. Nandi D. J. Saikia R. Roy P. Dabhade
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Page:5158; Vol: 486
A nearby superluminous supernova with a long pre-maximum 'plateau' and strong CII features
25/08/2018 J. P. Anderson P. J. Pessi L. Dessart C. Inserra D. Hiramatsu K. Taggart S. J. Smartt G. Leloudas T.-W. Chen R. Roy
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620A, 67
Sifting for Sapphires: Systematic Selection of Tidal Disruption Events in iPTF
27/09/2018 T. Hung S. Gezari R. Roy
ApJS. Page:238; Vol:15
Early formation of carbon monoxide in the Centaurus A supernova SN 2016adj
18/08/2018 D.P.K. Banerjee Vishal Josh Mudit Srivastava N. M. Ashok R.D. Gehrz M. S. Connelley T. R. Geballe J. Spyromilio J. Rho R. Roy
MNRAS. Page: 806; Vol: 481
SN 2017dio: A Type-Ic Supernova Exploding in a Hydrogen-rich Circumstellar Medium
06/02/2018 Hanindyo Kuncarayakti Keiichi Maeda Rupak Roy
The Astrophysical Journal, 854, L14
A kilonova as the electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational-wave source
16/10/2017 S. J. Smartt T.-W. Chen R. Roy
Nature, 551, 75
Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae with Late-time Hα Emission: Three Events From the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory
01/10/2017 Lin Yan R, Lunnan D. A. Perley A. Gal-Yam O. Yaron R. Roy R. Quimby
The Astrophysical Journal. Page:6; Vol:848
The bumpy light curve of Type IIn supernova iPTF13z over 3 years
29/08/2017 A. Nyholm J. Sollerman F. Taddia C. Fremling T. J. Moriya E. O. Ofek A. Gal-Yam A. De Cia R. Roy M. M. Kasliwal
Astronomy & Astrophysics . Vol:605 ; A6
Tale of J1328+2752: a misaligned double-double radio galaxy hosted by a binary black- hole?
19/12/2016 S. Nandi M. Jamrozy R. Roy D.J. Saikia M. Singh
MNRAS letter ; 467 ; L56
SN 2012aa - a transient between Type Ibc core-collapse and superluminous supernovae
04/07/2016 R. Roy J. Sollerman J. M. Silverman A. Pastorello C. Fransson
Astronomy & Astrophysics ; 596 ; A67
Metallicity at the explosion sites of interacting transients
19/08/2015 F. Taddia J. Sollerman C. Fremling A. Pastorello G. Leloudas C. Fransson A. Nyholm M. D. Stritzinger M. Ergon R. Roy, K. Migotto
Astronomy & Astrophysics. Vol:580 : A131
Discovery of a Red Quasar with Recurrent Activity
03/07/2014 S. Nandi R. Roy D. J. Saikia M.Singh H. C. Chandola M. Baes R. Joshi G. Gentile M. Patgiri
The Astrophysical Journal. 789 ; 16 - 20
Electron Cooling in a Young Radio Supernova: SN 2012aw
23/01/2014 Naveen Yadav Alak Roy Sayan Chakraborti Christopher Stockdale Poonam Chandra Randall Smith Rupak Roy Subhash Bose
The Astrophysical Journal . 782 ; 30 - 39
SN 2007uy – metamorphosis of an aspheric Type Ib explosion
30/07/2013 Rupak Roy Brijesh Kumar Justyn R. Maund Patricia Schady Felipe Oliveres E Daniele Malesani Giorgos Leloudas Sumana Nandi Nial Tanvir
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Page:2032 - 2050; Vol:434
The Progenitor of SN 2011ja: Clues from Circumstellar Interaction
02/09/2013 Sayan Chakraborti Alak Ray Randall Smith Stuart Ryder Firoza Sutaria Vikram V. Dwarkadas Poonam Chandra David Pooley Rupak Roy
The Astrophysical Journal. Vol:774 ; 30 - 37
Supernova 2012aw - a high-energy clone of archetypal Type IIP SN 1999em
18/06/2013 Subhash Bose Brijesh Kumar Firoza Sutaria Brajesh Kumar Rupak Roy V. K. Bhatt S. B. Pandey H. C. Chandola Ram Sagar Kuntal Misra, Sayan Chakraborti
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Page:1871 - 1891; Vol: 443
Light curve and spectral evolution of the Type IIb supernova 2011fu
23/02/2013 Brajesh Kumar S. B. Pandey D. K. Sahu J. Vinko A. S. Moskvitin G. C. Anupama V. K. Bhatt A. Ordasi A. Nagy V. V. Sokolov, T. N. Sokolova, V. N. Komarova, Brijesh Kumar, Subhash Bose, Rupak Roy, Ram Sagar
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Page:308 – 321; Vol:431
SN 2008gz - most likely a normal type IIP event
01/06/2011 Rupak Roy Brijesh Kumar Alexander S. Moskvitin Stefano Benetti Timur A. Fatkhullin Brajesh Kumar Kuntal Misra Filomena Bufano Ralph Martin
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Page:167 – 183; Vol: 414
The Discovery and Nature of Optical Transient CSS100217:102913+404220
29/03/2011 A.J. Drake S.G. Djorgovski A. Mahabal J. Anderson R. Roy V. Mohan S. Ravindranath D. Frai S. Gezari James D. Neill
The Astrophysical Journal; 735 ; 106 - 126
SN 2008in - Bridging the gap between normal and faint supernovae of type IIP
13/06/2011 Rupak Roy Brijesh Kumar Stefano Benetti Andrea Pastorello Fang Yuan Peter J. Brown Stefan Immler Timur A. Fatkhullin, Alexander S. Moskvitin, Justyn Maund
The Astrophysical Journal. Page:76 - 95; Vol: 736
The complex light curve of the afterglow of GRB071010A
28/04/2008 S. Covino P. D’Avanzo R. Roy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Page:347 – 356; Vol: 388