First prize for MAC ID Affiliated Publications Award 2022-2023

April 12, 2023

The research article "?Dengue NS1 antigen detection using photoluminescence of solution phase biotylinated anti-NS1 antibody conjugated ZnO quantum dots"?won the?1st?prize for?MAC ID affiliated publications Award 2022-2023.

This award was received during the Valedictory function of the "4th 沙巴体育 Infectious Diseases Conference" held on 24-03-2023 by the corresponding author, Dr. Sreejith G,?Associate Professor,?Department of Basic Medical Sciences, MAHE, and?Dr. Pramod K.
Details of Article and Authors:

Title:?"Dengue NS1 antigen detection using photoluminescence of solution phase biotylinated anti-NS1 antibody conjugated ZnO quantum dots."?

Journal:?Materials Chemistry and Physics

Detection of dengue antigen in suspected patients’ serum using the change in the photoluminescence property of?anti-NS1 antibody of dengue conjugated ZnO quantum dots (QD).
