Category 8: Part Time PhD for MAHE Employees


MAHE offers part-time Ph.D. program for MAHE employees.

  • Duration
    • Minimum 4.5 years from date of joining (registration) and up to a maximum 7 years


  • Eligibility
    • Full time employees of MAHE who fulfil the Eligibility Criteria (Refer section 4 of guidelines) are eligible to apply under this category


  • Admission Process
    • Admission sessions: Four time a year (Jan, April, July and October)
    • Deadlines for application: Visit /mu/academics/phd.html
    • Prospective applicants shall apply for Ph.D. admission in a prescribed application form with relevant documents to CDS
      • Application is available on /phd (Annexure 8)
    • CDS will scrutinize the applications for eligibility and if selected,

???????? CDS will issue offer letter to the applicant

¨?????? Applicant will have to communicate the acceptance within 7 days to CDS and pay the course fee.

???????? On receiving the fee payment confirmation, CDS will liaise with Director -Admissions MAHE to generate admission order of the successful applicants

???????? CDS will communicate the same to the PhD scholar, guide and respective HOI / HOD.

  • Course Fee
    • Refer /phd for PhD Course fees
  • Support
    • PhD scholar is entitled to all supports applicable to him/her as an MAHE employee.
  • Leaves
    • PhD scholar is eligible for leaves as per prevailing leave policy for MAHE staff
    • Leaves can be availed only with prior approval from guide and institution.
      • If the PhD scholar avails leave over and above the eligibility, the duration of Ph.D. will be extended by leave period availed.

???????? If the PhD scholar avails additional leaves with DAC permission, the minimum duration of Ph.D. will be extended by leave period availed.

¨?????? This requires prior approval from CDS. The request to be sent to CDS in CDS template (Annexure 42).

???????? Maternity leave, if availed, to be communicated to CDS along with supporting documents in CDS template (Annexure 43).

¨?????? The minimum duration of PhD program will be extended by leave period

Annexures are available at /mu/academics/phd/annexures.html