Basic Life Support (BLS) course Launched in MMMC curriculum
Information about the news of MMMC, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education.
April 16, 2010
Basic Life Support (BLS) course Launched in MMMC curriculum
14-05-2010 00:00
Dr. H.S.Ballal, Pro Chancellor of 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education officially launched the Basic Life Support (BLS) course in the MMMC curriculum on 16th April 2010.
In his inaugural address Dr. Ballal appreciated the initiatives taken by MMMC and emphasized the need for BLS course for every health professional. Dr Vinod Bhat pro vice chancellor was also present on the occasion.
The BLS course is conducted in the Medical Simulation Centre, a unique state of the art facility, which was the result of the initiative of Dr Raj Warrier, Vice-Chancellor 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education. Every student in MMMC programme will be certified in BLS at the end of semester 5.
Dr. Ramkumar. V, Professor and Head of Anaesthesiology, KMC 沙巴体育 and Director of Medical Simulation Centre and his dedicated team of trainers, meticulously trained the students and assessed them at the end of the training session. Two groups of students of batch 22 had hands on learning experience in the Simulation Centre on 16th and 19th April 2010.
The BLS training is the third value addition in the series curriculum reforms in MMMC; problem based learning and mentored student project, being the earlier initiatives, said Dr K.Ramnarayan, Pro Vice Chancellor.

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