Industry-Academia Interaction Series: August 01 to 18, 2022
August 18, 2022
MSW Programme, PSPH, MAHE organized?Industry-Academia Interaction Series for HR Specialization Students from August 01 to 18, 2022 under the Coordinatorship of Dr Ravichandran Nair. The topics discussed and the resource people are as follows:
- Mr Joel Pinto, HR and Trainer, Bengaluru -?Employee Engagement and Employee Experience
- Mr
Rakesh Mishra, Assistant Manager, HRM, Training at Toyota Engine Industries India Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru - Total
Quality Management
- Ms Jan Noronha,?Executive in Talent Acquisition, Talent 500, Bengaluru - Talent Management Life Cycle
- Mr Rohan Prakash, Assistant Manager at Bharat
Electronics, Bengaluru; Mr Sushanth Rao, Officer HR at Bharat Electronics
Limited, Bengaluru -?Session on Specific HR Functions?
- Mr Sunny K John, Learning and Development
Professional, 沙巴体育 Global Academy of Banking, Financial Services and
Insurance, Bengaluru - Principles of Wellness at the Workplace,? Aligning Wellness Goals with Business Strategy,
Setting up a Standard Framework of Wellness Goals at the Workplace
- Mr Sunny K John, Learning and Development Professional, 沙巴体育 Global Academy of Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, Bengaluru -?Models of ?Employee Wellness at the Workplace, Employees Health Policy and Wellness Program.?Role of HR in Maintaining Workplace? Wellness in the Organization?? ? ??