Prof Rajani Prasanna Endowment Lecture Series on Climate Change and its Impact on Public Health – Lecture VIII – Towards Low Carbon and Resilient Healthcare Systems: April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023

PSPH, MAHE?organised Prof Rajani Prasanna Endowment Lecture Series on Climate Change and its Impact on Public Health – Lecture VIII – Towards Low Carbon and Resilient Healthcare Systems.
Mr Julien Venne addressed the audience and delivered his talk. First, he reminded to the audience the characteristics of the environmental and climate change challenges that the humanity is currently facing. He presented the 9 planet bounderies such as the ozone depletion, the ocean acidification, the freshwater use or else the land-system change. He presented the latest conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in particular around the uniquevocal responsibility of human activities on climate change and environmental degradation, the threat it represents for human wellbeing and planetary health (biodiversity losses, heat/humidity increase, food production reduction). He also highlighted the question of Climate justice demonstrating that the most vulnerable populations and global 沙巴体育 countries.
He also explained that the healthcare systems (aggregated at the worldwide level) are accountable for around 4,4% of the global GHG emissions. So, that’s the responsibility of healthcare managers, policy-makers and industry to decrease these emissions..