沙巴体育 YOGA Day
June 22, 2015

沙巴体育 Day of Yoga at School of Communication
On the occasion of 沙巴体育 Day of Yoga, the School of Communication and Radio 沙巴体育 90.4 FM organised a talk, demonstration and practice of Yoga at 3 pm on 20th June 2015.
Dr. Dwarakanath, Chief Physician of Yoga and Naturopathy , also the Director of Mitran Foundation was the resource person. A corporate trainer with national and international experience, Dr. Dwarakanath eloquently shared the benefits of practicing Yoga on a regular basis. He also explained the role of Yoga to lead a stress free life and gave some very useful tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He demonstrated yogasanas that could be practised on a daily basis and also explained the benefits of each of them in a lucid manner.
The participants were enthusiastic, followed the instructions and performed the asanas. About 25 staff & faculty members including children benefitted from the program that lasted for about one and a half hours. Additionally, many radio talks and interviews were also recorded and aired on Radio 沙巴体育 90.4 on 20th, and 21st June to mark the occasion. Mr. Shyam Bhat, coordinator of Radio 沙巴体育, conducted the program.??