CDE program-Department of Periodontics
February 14, 2018

CDE Programme??
A founder of modern periodontology, Dr. Schluger, wrote, “It is easy and attractive to adopt a single method to apply for all cases of periodontal disease, no matter how complex.” The development of a treatment plan for the patient with advanced periodontal disease can be imposing, but with proper sequencing, treatment planning need not be a complex process.
In this regard a Continuing Dental Education program was organized by the Department of Periodontology, MCODS, 沙巴体育 on 13th of February, 2018. Dr. Keerthilatha M Pai, Dean, 沙巴体育 College of Dental Sciences was the Chief guest for the program. The programme included two guest lectures by Dr. Keerthana Satheesh, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Periodontics, School of Dentistry at University of Missouri – Kansas City, USA.
? Complex periodontal treatment planning of surgical cases.
? Overview of Dental Education in the USA.
The sessions were extremely interactive with active involvement of 60 participants (interns, postgraduates and faculty).

Spectrum 2024

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