Dr Sonam Gupta and Dr Akanksha Sachdeva innovators of “Triple tools
A Step towards higher compliance” were awarded 2nd position at Innovation day which was conducted on 20th December 2014. 55 teams participated in the competition, out of which 3 teams were awarded. The Triple tool includes three oral devices, Spastic Jaw Reviver, Occlusal plane evaluator and Luminiser to enhance both patient and dentist compliance.
December 30, 2014

Spectrum 2024

Pulpal and Periapical Conditions and Diseases – An Update on Diagnostic Descriptors (CDE Progaramme)

Guest lecture on Naso-alveolar moulding and Orthodontic management of Adolescent and adult cleft palate cases
Conquering Membership in Periodontics Exam
Soft tissue augmentation