Roentgen week celebrations-2017
November 18, 2017
Roentgen week celebrations
8th November is a Red Letter day for all radiologists as it is the day when Sir Willhelm Conrad Roentgen made the serendipitous discovery of X-rays. Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology conducted a series of exciting competitions to mark this marvellous discovery that heralded an era of improved diagnosis and patient care and aptly called it Roentgen week celebrations.
This week-long ?celebrations commenced with Dean Dr. Keerthilatha M Pai, Associate deans Dr. Subraya Bhat and Dr. Aparna IN and Dr. Vineetha R Head of the Department, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology lighting the lamp and paying floral tributes to the great scientist Dr. W C Roentgen.?
An Essay competition was conducted on 13th November on the topic ‘Radiology-Past to Present’. Our budding dentists turned into eloquent writers covering the childhood of Roentgen to the latest advancements in radiology. This was followed by e Poster competition on 13th November. Our talented students confidently presented their e posters on a myriad of Topics like Fusion Imaging, Thermography, Forensic Radiology, RVG etc ??before our eminent judges-Dr. Prakashini K, Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, KMC 沙巴体育 and Dr. Keerthilatha M Pai, Dean MCODS.? ? Due to the overwhelming response to quiz competition, a preliminary round was conducted on 14th November and top five teams were selected for the final Quiz held on 15th November.? The Dean awarded the deserving winners with certificates of appreciation during the Valedictory function.??
Prize winners
Essay competition
1st place- Ms. Neharika Kapur
2nd place- Ms. Lochan Khullar
3rd place- Ms. Shareen Asif
1st place- Ms. Neharika Kapur and Ms.Vibha Thakral
2nd place- Mr. Shreyans Dhanuka
Quiz competition
1st place- Ms.Lee Hawee Shan, Ms.Cheong Li Chen and Ms. Ng Hui Hui
2nd place- Ms. Shreya Manocha, Mr. Ridyumna Garain and Mr. Prabhjeet Singh
3rd place- Ms. Neharika Kapur and Ms.Vibha Thakral and Ms. Arpita Singh

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