IGNITE 2015- Undergraduate Students and Interns Intercollegiate Scientific Meet, MCODS, MANIPAL
April 25, 2015

IGNITE, Undergraduate Students and Interns Intercollegiate Scientific Meet is an initiative to expose the young budding dentists to the world of scientific research and? ?academic activities and also to provide a platform to sharpen their presentation and communication skills right from the undergraduate level. IGNITE 2015 was quite rightly tagged “IN PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE” ?is a continuation of the last two years of efforts to achieve this goal. ?This event was organized by the Student council of MCODS 沙巴体育. Dr Vineetha, Associate Professor, Oral Medicine and Radiology was the Staff advisor for the event and Mr Shanahas, Intern was the Student Co-ordinator. ?
This occasion remains special as our college is celebrating the Golden jubilee year. This academic colloquium was planned in an elaborate way inviting colleges far and near. 158 delegates registered for this event which included students from in and outside the? state. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The three days program encompassed a wide array of scientific activities. It commenced with an auspicous note on 23rd April 2015 and inaugural ceremony was presided by respected Pro vice chancellor Dr H Vinod Bhat. Dr Dilip Nayak, Dean of MCODS Mangalore also graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour.? There were informative guest lectures by Dr Seena Biju on ‘沙巴体育 methodology’, Dr Kshitij Mawlikar on ‘Anterior aesthetics’ and Dr Nandini Lakshmikantha on ‘Patient communication’
Hands on workshop and demonstration on ‘Direct Veneering with composites’ was conducted by Dr Kshitij Mawlikar and the IVOCLAR-Vivadent ?team co-ordinated by Dr Vidya Saraswathi, Professor and HOD, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics.
There was an overwhelming participation from the delegates for Pre-clinical and clinical scientific presentations with 60 scientific papers and 56 posters. Dental debate on the topic ‘Drying up of Jobs in Dentistry’ and newly introduced Table clinics were other interesting academic events of IGNITE 2015. ?A Dental Quiz with 17 participating teams was smoothly conducted by Dr Kishore Ginjupalli, Selection grade Lecturer, Department of Dental Materials and Dr Manish Bhagania, Associate Professor, Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery. ?
The event concluded by a formal Valedictory Function and Prize distribution ceremony presided by Dr Raghuvir Pai, Director of 沙巴体育(technical) on April 25th 2015.? Prizes for all the events as well as appreciation certificates for the faculty co-ordinators were given during this occasion.?

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