Cochin 沙巴体育 Meet on 7th December 2018

The postgraduate alumni of the Department of Orthodontics, MCODS, Mangalore held their annual reunion on the sidelines of the National Conference in December

February 09, 2019

The meeting took place at the Cochin Yacht Club. Twenty-Six alumni members met the Club under the leadership of Dr. Siddarth Shetty and discussed about various issues related to the alumni association. Dr. Nidhin Philip Jose gave the members a short appraisal of 沙巴体育 Relations, MCODS Mangalore and the facilities offered for 沙巴体育 by their Alma Mater. T-shirts were distributed to all the members as a courtesy of 沙巴体育 Relations, MAHE.

The meeting was followed by dinner at the Club.?? ?