February 16, 2024
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Vertical, MCODS, Mangalore organized a Guest lecture on “JOURNEY FROM INNOVATION TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP” on 16th Feb 2023 in the Medical education hall, LHH, Mangalore. The resource person for the program was Dr Shruti Acharya, Associate Professor, Dept Of Oral Medicine and Radiology, MCODS, 沙巴体育. ?A total of 55 participants including faculty members, postgraduates and interns participated in the program. The event was presided by Dr Ashitha Uppoor, MCODS, Mangalore. Dr Deepa Kamath, Chairperson of the The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Vertical, MCODS, Mangalore welcomed the gathering. Dr Ashwin Rao Associate Professor, Dept of Pedodontics introduced the Resource person Dr Shruti Acharya. She shared her experience and enlightened the audience about govt. grants, types of IPR, steps in innovation etc. The presentation was followed by a live demonstration of the product TARSIER X , with emphasis on special features like bite riser to facilitate endodontic treatment, use of high quality medical grade polymer, anglemeter to standardize the radiographic procedure, thus reducing radiation exposure to patient and dentist.Dr. Shruthi Acharya and Dr Shruti Singh, Co-founders of Eikona X Innovative Solutions Pvt. Ltd. have recently launched Tarsier X- a novel sensor/PSP/Film stabilizing system for taking IOPARs.. The program ended with vote of thanks by Dr Ashith M V, Professor, Dept of Orthodontics????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????